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69 Pier Mobs - Anunturi importante - Important announcements


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Warurile din saptamana 21.04.2013 - 24.04.2014 au fost suspendate cu ocazia Sarbatorilor Pascale.

Conducerea 69 Pier Mobs va ureaza sarbatori fericite!

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Duminica, 27.04.2014, ora 20:00 va avea loc o sedinta. Vreau ca toata lumea sa fie activa. Cine nu va fi prezent va primi FactionWarn.

Exceptie fac cei cu cerere de invoire.

Sunday, 27th of April 2014, 20:00 we'll organize a meeting. I want you all to be present. Who will be offline will get a FactionWarn.

If you can't arrive, post a pass request..

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RO: Astazi la 19:30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: Today, at 19:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives factionwarn. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

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RO: Astazi la 19:30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: Today, at 19:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives factionwarn. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

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RO: Astazi la 19:30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: Today, at 19:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives factionwarn. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

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RO: Astazi la 19:30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: Today, at 19:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives factionwarn. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

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Duminica, 04.05.2014, ora 20:00 va avea loc o sedinta. Vreau ca toata lumea sa fie activa. Cine nu va fi prezent va primi FactionWarn.

Exceptie fac cei cu cerere de invoire.

Sunday, 5th of May 2014, 20:00 we'll organize a meeting. I want you all to be present. Who will be offline will get a FactionWarn.

If you can't arrive, post a pass request..

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RO: Astazi la 19:30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: Today, at 19:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives factionwarn. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

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RO: Astazi la 19:30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: Today, at 19:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives factionwarn. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

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RO: Astazi la 19:30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: Today, at 19:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives factionwarn. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

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RO: Astazi la 19:30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: Today, at 19:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives factionwarn. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

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Duminica, 11.05.2014, ora 20:00 va avea loc o sedinta. Vreau ca toata lumea sa fie activa. Cine nu va fi prezent va primi FactionWarn.

Exceptie fac cei cu cerere de invoire.

Sunday, 11th of May 2014, 20:00 we'll organize a meeting. I want you all to be present. Who will be offline will get a FactionWarn.

If you can't arrive, post a pass request..

La aceasta sedinta vom alege si noul lider arms.

We'll announce the new arms leader.

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RO: Astazi la 19:30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: Today, at 19:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives factionwarn. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

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RO: Astazi la 19:30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.


* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN. Aveti dreptul o singura invoire de la waruri, pe saptamana.



ENG: Today, at 19:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.


* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives factionwarn. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT. You can do only 1 pass request / week.

Edited by MyAir
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Astazi, la ora 19:00 vom organiza o sedinta la care va rog sa fiti prezenti in numar cat mai mare!

Today, at 19:00, we'll organize a meeting and i want you all to be online!

Edited by MyAir
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RO: Astazi la 19:30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.


* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN. Aveti voie la o singura invoire pe saptamana.



ENG: Today, at 19:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.


* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives factionwarn. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT. Only 1 pass request/week.

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Regulamentul a fost putin modificat privind sedintele / antrenamentele, dupa cum urmeaza:

- Sedinta ( Are loc in fiecare saptamana, Duminica la ora 20:00 )

-Antrenament ( Are loc in fiecare saptamana, Duminica la ora 19:00 )


Absenta la sedinta se va sanctiona in felul urmator: 1 absenta = FW.

Absenta la antrenament se va sanctiona in felul urmator: 1 absenta = 1 AV.


The rules regarding the weekly meeting and training session have been updated:

-The weekly meeting ( Is held each Sunday, at 20:00 ) 1 absence without posting a pass request = 1 FW

-The weekly training session ( Is held every Sunday, at 19:00 ) 1 absence without posting a pass request = 1 AV




Duminica, 18.05.2014, ora 19:00 va avea loc antrenamentul saptamanal iar la ora 20:00, sedinta saptamanala. Vreau ca toata lumea sa fie activa. Cine nu va fi prezent va primi FactionWarn.

Exceptie fac cei cu cerere de invoire.

Sunday, 18th of May 2014, 19:00 we'll organize the weekly training session and at 20:00, the weekly meeting. I want you all to be present. Who will be offline will get a FactionWarn.

If you can't arrive, post a pass request..




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RO: Astazi la 19:30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.


ENG: Today, at 19:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives factionwarn. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.


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RO: Astazi la 19:30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.


ENG: Today, at 19:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives factionwarn. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.


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RO: Astazi la 20:30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.


ENG: Today, at 20:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives factionwarn. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.


Edited by MyAir
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RO: Astazi la 19:30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.


ENG: Today, at 19:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives factionwarn. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.


Edited by MyAir
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Duminica, 25.05.2014, ora 19:00 va avea loc antrenamentul saptamanal iar la ora 20:00, sedinta saptamanala. Vreau ca toata lumea sa fie activa. Cine nu va fi prezent va primi FactionWarn.

Exceptie fac cei cu cerere de invoire.

Sunday, 25th of May 2014, 19:00 we'll organize the weekly training session and at 20:00, the weekly meeting. I want you all to be present. Who will be offline will get a FactionWarn.

If you can't arrive, post a pass request..

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RO: Astazi la 20:00 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: Today, at 20:00 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives factionwarn. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

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RO: Astazi la 19:30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: Today, at 19:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives factionwarn. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

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RO: Astazi la 21:00 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: Today, at 21:00 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives factionwarn. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

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  • Scooby69 changed the title to 69 Pier Mobs - Anunturi Importante - Important Announcements
  • St Koppen changed the title to 69 Pier Mobs - Anunturi importante - Important announcements

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