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69 Pier Mobs - Anunturi importante - Important announcements


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RO: Azi la 12:30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste FACTIONWARN. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: today, at 12:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives FACTIONWARN. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

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RO: Azi la 12:30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.


* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste FACTIONWARN. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.


ENG: Today, at 12:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.


* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives FACTIONWARN. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.


Edited by S k Y V i P
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RO: Azi la 13:30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste FACTIONWARN. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: Today, at 13:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives FACTIONWARN. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

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RO: Azi 12/08/2014 la 13:30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste FACTIONWARN. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: Today 12/08/2014 at 13:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives FACTIONWARN. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

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RO: Azi 13/08/2014 la 13:30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste FACTIONWARN. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: Today 13/08/2014 at 13:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives FACTIONWARN. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

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Duminica, 15.08.2014, ora 14:00 va avea loc un antrenament. Vreau ca toata lumea sa fie activa. Cine nu va fi prezent va primi FactionWarn.

Exceptie fac cei cu cerere de invoire.

Sunday, 15.08.2014, 14:00 we'll organize a training. I want you all to be present. Who will be offline will get a FactionWarn.

If you can't arrive, post a pass request.

Edited by S k Y V i P
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RO: Azi la 12 :30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste FACTIONWARN. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: Today, at 12:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives FACTIONWARN. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

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RO: Azi la 12 :30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste FACTIONWARN. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: Today, at 12:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives FACTIONWARN. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

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RO: Maine la 12 :30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste FACTIONWARN. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: Today, at 12:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives FACTIONWARN. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

Vreau sa vad cat mai multi.


Edited by i7 DauMagie
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De acum, pentru prezenta la waruri, posteaza aici doar cine are de gand sa se trezeasca sa dea attack. Deci, maine la 12:30, cum a zis si i7., in HQ pt. waruri.

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RO: Maine la 12 :30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste FACTIONWARN. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: Today, at 12:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives FACTIONWARN. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

Vreau sa vad cat mai multi.

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RO: Maine la 12 :45 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste FACTIONWARN. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: Today, at 12:45 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives FACTIONWARN. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

Vreau sa vad cat mai multi.

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Vineri, 29.AUG.2014, la ora 20:00, va avea loc sedinta saptamanala. Vreau ca toata lumea sa fie activa. Cine nu va fi prezent va primi FactionWarn.

Exceptie fac cei cu cerere de invoire.

Friday, 29th of August 2014, at 20:00, we'll organize the weekly meeting. I want you all to be present. Who will be offline will get a FactionWarn.

If you can't arrive, post a pass request..

Edited by MyAir
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RO: Azi la 12 :30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste FACTIONWARN. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: Today, at 12:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives FACTIONWARN. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

N-am pris in sf dar am prins in ls . Si am zis sa incerc pentru a nu va tine pe uscat si a va motiva totusi. Vreau sa vad cat mai multi online.

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Miercuri 03/09/2014 la ora 21:00 va avea loc o SEDINTA . Cine nu va fi prezent va primi FactionWarn , exceptand pe cei cu cerere de invoire.


Wednesday 03/09/2014 at 21:00 we'll have a MEETING . Who will not be present will receive a FactionWarn , except those with a pass request.

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RO: Azi la 13 :45 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste FACTIONWARN. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: Today, at 13:45 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives FACTIONWARN. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

Edited by CrazyStunT
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RO: Azi la 20:00sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste FACTIONWARN. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: Today, at 20:00 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives FACTIONWARN. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

Edited by SABzeRo SEF
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RO: Azi la 20:00sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste FACTIONWARN. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: Today, at 20:00 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives FACTIONWARN. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

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RO: Azi la 19:45sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste FACTIONWARN. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: Today, at 19:45 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives FACTIONWARN. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

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RO: Azi la 19:45sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste FACTIONWARN. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: Today, at 19:45 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives FACTIONWARN. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

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RO: Azi la 20:15sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste FACTIONWARN. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: Today, at 20:15 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives FACTIONWARN. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

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Duminica, 14.septembrie.2014, la ora 20:00, va avea loc sedinta saptamanala. Vreau ca toata lumea sa fie activa. Cine nu va fi prezent va primi FactionWarn.

Exceptie fac cei cu cerere de invoire.

Sunday, 14th of september 2014, at 20:00, we'll organize the weekly meeting. I want you all to be present. Who will be offline will get a FactionWarn.

If you can't arrive, post a pass request..

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RO: 15/09/2014, La 19:45sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste FACTIONWARN. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: 15/09/2014, at 19:45 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives FACTIONWARN. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

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  • Scooby69 changed the title to 69 Pier Mobs - Anunturi Importante - Important Announcements
  • St Koppen changed the title to 69 Pier Mobs - Anunturi importante - Important announcements

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