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69 Pier Mobs - Invoiri - Pass requests


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Numele / Nickname: Silviu.
Rang / Rank: 1
Motiv / Reason: Am ceva treaba si nu pot ajunge la war..
Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 08.12.2015
Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass request : 1

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Numele / Nickname: PauLyNNho[VIP]
Rang / Rank: 1
Motiv / Reason: mi-o venit noua achizitie, adica pcu si tre' sa-l ansamblez, configurez...etc
Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 08.12.2015
Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass request : ultima pe saptamana asta.

PS: nu ajung, ne auzim maine, spor la waruri.

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Numele / Nickname:The[]Wise
Rang / Rank:1
Motiv / Reason:Nu pot sta la waruri
Data warurilor / Date of the wars:12/8/2015

Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests:1

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Numele / Nickname: Silviu.
Rang / Rank: 1
Motiv / Reason: Am ceva probleme cu netu, cred ca o sa le rezolv pana la war dar vreau sa fiu sigur.
Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 09.12.2015
Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass request : 1

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Numele / Nickname:Prototype_hameras
Rang / Rank:1
Motiv / Reason: Maine teza la romana, si as vrea sa invat.
Data warurilor / Date of the wars:09.12.2015

Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 2

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Numele / Nickname:justpainn

Rang / Rank:1

Motiv / Reason: Sunt plecat de acasa si doar maine pot reveni.

Data warurilor / Date of the wars:11.12.2015

Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1

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Numele / Nickname:The[]Wise
Rang / Rank:1
Motiv / Reason:Am niste probleme cu GTA si nu stiu daca pot sa le rezolv pana la war!
Data warurilor / Date of the wars:12/14/2015

Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests:Asta este prima pe saptamana asta.

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Numele / Nickname: Prototype_hameras
Rang / Rank: 2
Motiv / Reason: Trebuie sa merg sa aduc pom din padure.
Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 14.12.2015
Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1

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Numele / Nickname: Madalin.BELEAUA
Rang / Rank: 1
Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 14.12.2015
Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1

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