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69 Pier Mobs - Invoiri - Pass requests


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Rank:1 Primitive

Reason: i'm out of town i can not go  to the war  today or tomorrow i go  another city and have to put on new glasses i hope you can do without me

Date of the wars:31.05.2018
Total number of pass requests:1/2

Edited by DriNNker
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Reason : net are closed


Date of the wars:31.05.2018


Total number of pass requests:


Edited by RaYeNROYAL
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Rank:1 primitive

Reason:i'm out of town i can not go  to the war  today or tomorrow i go  another city and have to put on new glasses i hope you can do without me

Date of the wars:01.06.2018
Total number of pass requests:2/2

Edited by DriNNker
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Nickname: FireHawk
Rank: 1

Reason: nu girlfriend come back from Belgia and i can t arrive to wars because i need get her from airport
Date of the wars: 29.06.2018

Total number of pass requests:2/2

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Nick : DriNNker

Rank: 3 Inca

Motivul absentei : Motive personale

Data war-urilor: 03.07.2018

Alte precizari?: Cred ca o sa ajung pe la ora 21

Numarul total de invoiri: 1

este preventiv


Edited by DriNNker
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