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🚓LV Police Department🚓 - ✅ Raport de activitate | Activity Report ✅


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Raportul de activitate intocmit de HeLpErR, Rank 3, echipa SWAT.

Numarul raportului: 12
Numar de suspecti arestati: 48

Numar de suspecti omorati: 33
Numar de obiecte confiscate (arme, droguri, materiale): -
Numar de wanted-uri acordate (neconformare ordin, neprezentare acte): -
Numar de teste date: -

Jucatori ajutati: -

Punctaj TOTAL: 81

Alte mentionari: Multumesc!
Data in care a fost intocmit raportul de activitate: 14.11.2014---20.12.2014

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Raportul de activitate intocmit de LVPD Sergeant AnTiDoT[ZEW], echipa SWAT.

Numarul raportului: 13

Numar de suspecti arestati: 100 - http://imgur.com/a/07EBz#0

Numar de suspecti omorati: 100 - http://imgur.com/a/qcU6Y#0

Numar de obiecte confiscate (arme, droguri, materiale): -

Numar de wanted-uri acordate (neconformare ordin, neprezentare acte): -

Numar de teste date: -

Jucatori ajutati: -

Punctaj TOTAL: 200

Alte mentionari: M-a rugat sa-i postez eu raportul, deoarece el nu are posibilitatea, momentan.

Data in care a fost intocmit raportul de activitate: 14.12.2014 - 20.12.2014.

Edited by RoberT ZEW
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Raportul de activitate întocmit de (LVPD Officer Marian88), echipa ROADS

Numarul raportului: 2
Numar de licente suspendate: 14 http://imgur.com/a/4wTht
Numar de amenzi acordate: 28 http://imgur.com/a/VXUe1
Numar de obiecte confiscate (arme, droguri, materiale): -
Numar de wanted-uri acordate (neconformare ordin, neprezentare acte, disconnect in pursuit): 10 http://imgur.com/a/RzgL3
Numar de teste date: -
Jucatori ajutati: -
Punctaj TOTAL: (14x2)+28+10=66
Alte mentionari: Din păcate nu am putut ajunge la un punctaj mai mare.Am niște probleme cu cooler-ul și mi se închide calculatorul.
Data in care a fost intocmit raportul de activitate: 14.12.2014 - 18.12.2014
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Raport de activitate SWAT:

Raportul de activitate intocmit de (Sergeant Oil09 ), echipa SWAT.

Numarul raportului: 11
Numar de suspecti arestati: 24
Numar de suspecti omorati: 60 https://plus.google.com/photos/117919524967501530366/albums/6094633791065430337?banner=pwa
Numar de obiecte confiscate (arme, droguri, materiale): 10 https://plus.google.com/photos/117919524967501530366/albums/6094639383040790497?banner=pwa
Numar de wanted-uri acordate (neconformare ordin, neprezentare acte, disconnect in pursuit): -
Numar de teste date: -

Jucatori ajutati: -

Punctaj TOTAL: 94

Alte mentionari: Succes
Data in care a fost intocmit raportul de activitate: 14.12.2014 - 19.12.2014

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Raport de activitate Rutiera:

Raportul de activitate intocmit de ( Detective(2) Gaby2208 ), echipa ROADS.

Numarul raportului: 7
Numar de licente suspendate: : 17
Numar de amenzi acordate: : 21 http://imgur.com/a/JV9tN
Numar de obiecte confiscate (arme, droguri, materiale): 0
Numar de wanted-uri acordate (neconformare ordin, neprezentare acte, disconnect in pursuit): 5
Numar de teste date: 0.
Jucatori ajutati: 0.

Punctaj TOTAL: 60 puncte.

Alte mentionari: Sper sa fie bine.
Data in care a fost intocmit raportul de activitate: 14.12.2014 - 19.12.2014

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Raportul de activitate intocmit de (LVPD Officer [WeeZ]), echipa ROADS.

Numarul raportului: 2
Numar de licente suspendate: 10 http://imgur.com/a/S4Nei
Numar de amenzi acordate: 47 http://imgur.com/a/sbGqQ
Numar de obiecte confiscate (arme, droguri, materiale): 0
Numar de wanted-uri acordate (neconformare ordin, neprezentare acte, disconnect in pursuit): 2 http://imgur.com/a/lHwCk
Numar de teste date: 0
Jucatori ajutati: 0

Punctaj TOTAL: (10x2) + 47 + 2 = 69

Alte mentionari: Pe viitor o sa cresc punctele de la raport. Am avut o saptamana grea.
Data in care a fost intocmit raportul de activitate: 14.12.2014 - 20.12.2014

Edited by DuRR
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Raportul de activitate intocmit de (Officer [uSa]FiraTM), echipa ROADS.

Numarul raportului : 2

Numar de licente suspendate : 33
Numar de amenzi acordate : 87
Numar de obiecte confiscate (arme, droguri, materiale) : 0
Numar de wanted-uri acordate (neconformare ordin, neprezentare acte, disconnect in pursuit) : 48
Numar de teste date : 0
Jucatori ajutati : 0

Punctaj TOTAL : 33*2+87+48=201

Alte mentionari : Sper ca totul sa fie la locul lui !
Data in care a fost intocmit raportul de activitate : 14.12.2014 - 19.12.2014

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Activity report prepared by LVPD officer Termi , ROADS Team.

Report number: 3
Number of suspended licenses: 34 (
http://imgur.com/a/rgzfQ )

Number of tickets given: 119 ( http://imgur.com/a/aBJqr )

Number of confiscated objects (weapons, drugs, materials) :-
Number of wanteds given (disobeying orders, not showing licenses, disconnect in pursuit): 34 ( http://imgur.com/a/RzaIf )

Number of tests taken:-
Players helped: 0

TOTAL score: ( 34x2 ) + 34 + 119 = 221

Other specifications: i hope i didn't made any mistake
The activity report was prepared during: 14.12.2014 - 20.12.2014

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Raportul de activitate intocmit de (Detective Supradoza), echipa SWAT.

Numarul raportului: 3
Numar de suspecti arestati: 98 => https://plus.google.com/u/1/photos/114339309887336282671/albums/6094672453823294401
Numar de suspecti omorati: 137 => https://plus.google.com/u/1/photos/114339309887336282671/albums/6094665455258899553
Numar de obiecte confiscate (arme, droguri, materiale): 0
Numar de wanted-uri acordate (neconformare ordin, neprezentare acte, disconnect in pursuit): 0
Numar de teste date: 0

Jucatori ajutati: 0

Punctaj TOTAL: 235

Alte mentionari: Sper sa fie bine ! LVPD 4EvEr
Data in care a fost intocmit raportul de activitate: 14.12.2014 - 19.12.2014

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Raportul de activitate intocmit de LVPD Lieutenant TudorTudy23, echipa SWAT.

Numarul raportului: 23
Numar de suspecti arestati: 116
Numar de suspecti omorati: 85
Numar de obiecte confiscate (arme, droguri, materiale): 7
Numar de wanted-uri acordate (neconformare ordin, neprezentare acte, disconnect in pursuit): :"
Numar de teste date: :"

Jucatori ajutati: :"

Punctaj TOTAL: 208

Alte mentionari: I-am dat lui NaTE de lucru :))
Data in care a fost intocmit raportul de activitate: 14.12.2014 - 20.12.2014

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Raportul de activitate intocmit de Lieutenant Madiii, echipa SWAT.

Numarul raportului: 27
Numar de suspecti arestati: 76
Numar de suspecti omorati: 74
Numar de obiecte confiscate (arme, droguri, materiale): -
Numar de wanted-uri acordate (neconformare ordin, neprezentare acte, disconnect in pursuit) -
Numar de teste date: -

Jucatori ajutati: -

Punctaj TOTAL: 76 + 74 = 150

Alte mentionari: Merry Christmas !!!
Data in care a fost intocmit raportul de activitate: 14.12.2014 - 20.12.2014

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Raport de activitate SWAT:

Raportul de activitate intocmit de ( Rank 2 (Detective) - CleaR. ), echipa SWAT.

Numarul raportului: 4
Numar de suspecti arestati: 145
Numar de suspecti omorati: 91
Numar de obiecte confiscate (arme, droguri, materiale): 2
Numar de wanted-uri acordate (neconformare ordin, neprezentare acte, disconnect in pursuit): -
Numar de teste date: -

Jucatori ajutati: -

Punctaj TOTAL: 238

Alte mentionari: Sper sa fie bine.
Data in care a fost intocmit raportul de activitate: 14.12.2014 - 20.12.2014

Edited by ClLearR
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Raportul de activitate întocmit de (LVPD Officer Donald28), echipa ROADS

Numarul raportului: 2

Numar de licente suspendate:10 http://imgur.com/a/3BXXb

Numar de amenzi acordate: 76 http://imgur.com/a/s0bQU

Numar de obiecte confiscate (arme, droguri, materiale): -

Numar de wanted-uri acordate (neconformare ordin, neprezentare acte, disconnect in pursuit): 3 http://imgur.com/a/Dqes6

Numar de teste date: -

Jucatori ajutati: -

Punctaj TOTAL: 76+3+20(10X2)=99

Alte mentionari: Regret ca nu am facut mai mult, stiu ca am spus ca fac mult mai multe dar ieri eram cu putine permise si m am speriat se pare ca am reusit si cu ele.

Data in care a fost intocmit raportul de activitate: 14.12.2014 - 20.12.2014

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Raport de activitate Rutiera:

Raportul de activitate intocmit de LVPD Officer Deydeyy, echipa ROADS.

Numarul raportului: 2
Numar de licente suspendate: 7x2=14 -
Numar de amenzi acordate: 47 - http://imgur.com/a/zA4VZ
Numar de obiecte confiscate (arme, droguri, materiale):
Numar de wanted-uri acordate (neconformare ordin, neprezentare acte, disconnect in pursuit): 26 -
Numar de teste date:
Jucatori ajutati:

Punctaj TOTAL: 87

Alte mentionari: De data aceasta m-am străduit să-l fac şi am fost foarte atent.
Data in care a fost intocmit raportul de activitate: 14.12.2014 - 20.12.2014

Edited by Deydeyy
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Activity report Roads:


Activity report prepared by ($$BoBJouNioR$$ , LVPD Officer (1) ), ROADS Team.


Report number:1

Number of suspended licenses: 11

Number of tickets given: 72

Number of confiscated objects (weapons, drugs, materials): 0

Number of wanteds given (disobeying orders, not showing licenses, disconnect in pursuit): 5

Number of tests taken: 0

Players helped: 0


TOTAL score:72 + 5 + 11 (2) = 99


Other specifications: Thank you Sir BlackThief,Hope everything is ok!

The activity report was prepared during: 13/20/2014 - 20/12/2014

Activity report Roads:


Activity report prepared by ($$BoBJouNioR$$ , LVPD Officer (1) ), ROADS Team.


Report number:1

Number of suspended licenses: 11

Number of tickets given: 72

Number of confiscated objects (weapons, drugs, materials): 0

Number of wanteds given (disobeying orders, not showing licenses, disconnect in pursuit): 5

Number of tests taken: 0

Players helped: 0


TOTAL score:72 + 5 + 11 (2) = 99


Other specifications: Thank you Sir BlackThief,Hope everything is ok!

The activity report was prepared during: 13/20/2014 - 20/12/2014

Activity report Roads:


Activity report prepared by ($$BoBJouNioR$$ , LVPD Officer (1) ), ROADS Team.


Report number:1

Number of suspended licenses: 11

Number of tickets given: 72

Number of confiscated objects (weapons, drugs, materials): 0

Number of wanteds given (disobeying orders, not showing licenses, disconnect in pursuit): 5

Number of tests taken: 0

Players helped: 0


TOTAL score:72 + 5 + 11 (2) = 99


Other specifications: Thank you Sir BlackThief,Hope everything is ok!

The activity report was prepared during: 13/20/2014 - 20/12/2014

Activity report Roads:


Activity report prepared by ($$BoBJouNioR$$ , LVPD Officer (1) ), ROADS Team.


Report number:1

Number of suspended licenses: 11

Number of tickets given: 72

Number of confiscated objects (weapons, drugs, materials): 0

Number of wanteds given (disobeying orders, not showing licenses, disconnect in pursuit): 5

Number of tests taken: 0

Players helped: 0


TOTAL score:72 + 5 + 11 (2) = 99


Other specifications: Thank you Sir BlackThief,Hope everything is ok!

The activity report was prepared during: 13/20/2014 - 20/12/2014

Activity report Roads:


Activity report prepared by ($$BoBJouNioR$$ , LVPD Officer (1) ), ROADS Team.


Report number:1

Number of suspended licenses: 11

Number of tickets given: 72

Number of confiscated objects (weapons, drugs, materials): 0

Number of wanteds given (disobeying orders, not showing licenses, disconnect in pursuit): 5

Number of tests taken: 0

Players helped: 0


TOTAL score:72 + 5 + 11 (2) = 99


Other specifications: Thank you Sir BlackThief,Hope everything is ok!

The activity report was prepared during: 13/20/2014 - 20/12/2014

Activity report Roads:


Activity report prepared by ($$BoBJouNioR$$ , LVPD Officer (1) ), ROADS Team.


Report number:1

Number of suspended licenses: 11

Number of tickets given: 72

Number of confiscated objects (weapons, drugs, materials): 0

Number of wanteds given (disobeying orders, not showing licenses, disconnect in pursuit): 5

Number of tests taken: 0

Players helped: 0


TOTAL score:72 + 5 + 11 (2) = 99


Other specifications: Thank you Sir BlackThief,Hope everything is ok!

The activity report was prepared during: 13/20/2014 - 20/12/2014

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Statistica rapoarte LVPD - 14.12.2014 - 20.12.2014

Echipa RUTIERA / ROADS Team:


1. Officer Deydeyy - 71/87 points - Raport anulat (FW) - O licenta fara explicatie + 2 licente confiscate celor de level 1-3 + o amenda doar cand e platita + o amenda cu pretul gresit + o poza fara data + 7 wanteduri care nu se puncteaza.

2. Officer $$Bobjounior$$ - 90/99 points - Report cancelled (FW) - 4 pictures doubled + a wrong ticket + late posting.

3. Officer [Weez] - 64/69 points - FW - 5 amenzi cu pretul gresit.

4. Officer PaNNiK - 61/61 points

5. Officer FiraTM - 201/201 points * BEST *

6. Officer Marian88 - 66/66 points

7. Officer Termi - 221/221 points * BEST *

8. Officer Donald28 - 99/99 points

9. Detective Gaby2208 - 60/60 points


Echipa SWAT / SWAT Team:


1. Detective Skipper - 106/106 points

2. Detective Zeliscu - 110/110 points

3. Detective Supradoza - 234/235 points - O poza fara data.

4. Detective Clear. - 238/238 points * BEST *

5. Sergeant OiL09 - 94/94 points

6. Sergeant Helperr - 81/81 points

7. Sergeant Antidot - 200/200 points * BEST *

8. Lieutenant Madiii - 150/150 points

9. Lieutenant TudorTudy23 - 208/208 points * BEST *


Rapoarte neprezentate:


1. Officer Csmn13 - inactivitate

2. Detective sb69pjv - invoit

3. Sergeant Madalin12 - invoit

4. Sergeant Goantza - invoit

5. Sergeant [fx]scorpion - Faction Warn

6. Lieutenant Ace.Vercetty - invoit

7. Lieutenant Ander. - invoit

8. Lieutenant Deeyyuu - invoit

9. Captain Inferno27 - invoit
10. Captain Carlito - invoit

11. Captain Bone - invoit

12. Captain Zack - invoit

13. Captain Raw - invoit


* Officer Termi - 221/221 - ROADS Team =>> +1 Raport de activitate

* Officer FiraTM - 201/201 - ROADS Team =>> +1 Raport de activitate
* Detective Clear. - 238/238 - SWAT Team
=>> +1 Raport de activitate

* Detective AnTiDoT - 200/200 - SWAT Team =>> +1 Raport de activitate

* Lieutenant TudorTudy23 - 208/208 - SWAT Team =>> +1 Raport de activitate

Edited by South Black Thief
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Raportul de activitate întocmit de (Detective Skipper), echipa SWAT.

Numărul raportului: 7
Număr de suspecţi arestaţi: 65 - 65 puncte

Număr de suspecţi omorâţi: 46 - 46 puncte
Număr de obiecte confiscate (arme, droguri, materiale): -
Număr de wanted-uri acordate (neconformare ordin, neprezentare acte): -
Număr de teste date: -
Jucători ajutaţi: -

Punctaj TOTAL: 65 + 46 = 111 puncte

Alte menţionări: -
Data în care a fost întocmit raportul de activitate: 21.12.2014 - 27.12.2014


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Raportul de activitate intocmit de (Mr0ne, LVPD Officer (1), echipa ROADS.

Numarul raportului: 1
Numar de licente suspendate: 13
Numar de amenzi acordate: 148
Numar de obiecte confiscate (arme, droguri, materiale): -
Numar de wanted-uri acordate (neconformare ordin, neprezentare acte, disconnect in pursuit): 26
Numar de teste date: -
Jucatori ajutati: -

Punctaj TOTAL: 26+148+26 = 200

Alte mentionari: Sper sa fie fara greseala.
Data in care a fost intocmit raportul de activitate: 22.12.2014 - 24.12.2014

Edited by Mr0ne Tmt
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Activity report prepared by LVPD Detective Termi , ROADS Team.

Report number: 5
Number of suspended licenses: 8 (
http://imgur.com/a/yMc6b )

Number of tickets given: 44 ( http://imgur.com/a/JGSzR )

Number of confiscated objects (weapons, drugs, materials): 4 ( http://imgur.com/a/ZUtKi )
Number of wanteds given (disobeying orders, not showing licenses, disconnect in pursuit): 4 ( http://imgur.com/a/jSHWx )

Number of tests taken:-
Players helped: 0

TOTAL score: ( 8x2 ) + 4 + 4 + 44 = 68

Other specifications: i hope i didn't made any mistake
The activity report was prepared during: 22.12.2014 - 25.12.2014

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Raportul de activitate intocmit de (Detective [uSa]FiraTM), echipa ROADS.

Numarul raportului : 3

Numar de licente suspendate : 9
Numar de amenzi acordate : 26
Numar de obiecte confiscate (arme, droguri, materiale) : 0
Numar de wanted-uri acordate (neconformare ordin, neprezentare acte, disconnect in pursuit) : 16
Numar de teste date : 0
Jucatori ajutati : 0

Punctaj TOTAL : 9*2+26+16=60

Alte mentionari : Sarbatori fericite !
Data in care a fost intocmit raportul de activitate : 22.12.2014 - 26.12.2014

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Raportul de activitate intocmit de (Officer PaNNiK), echipa ROADS.

Numarul raportului : 3

Numar de licente suspendate : http://imgur.com/a/eElPz 10 (20p)

Numar de amenzi acordate :http://imgur.com/a/JBLU1#0 39 (39p)

Numar de obiecte confiscate (arme, droguri, materiale) : -
Numar de wanted-uri acordate (neconformare ordin, neprezentare acte, disconnect in pursuit) : http://imgur.com/a/EQ7RV 6 (6p)

Numar de teste date : 0
Jucatori ajutati : 0

Punctaj TOTAL : 39+20+6 = 65

Alte mentionari : Bafta
Data in care a fost intocmit raportul de activitate : 22.12.2014 - 26.12.2014

Edited by PaNNiK
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Raportul de activitate intocmit de (Detective Supradoza), echipa SWAT.

Numarul raportului: 4
Numar de suspecti arestati: 24 >> https://plus.google.com/u/1/photos/114339309887336282671/albums/6097180446127947009
Numar de suspecti omorati: 177 >> https://plus.google.com/u/1/photos/114339309887336282671/albums/6097178881575641137
Numar de obiecte confiscate (arme, droguri, materiale): 0
Numar de wanted-uri acordate (neconformare ordin, neprezentare acte, disconnect in pursuit): 0
Numar de teste date: 0

Jucatori ajutati: 0

Punctaj TOTAL: 201

Alte mentionari: Sper sa fie bun.
Data in care a fost intocmit raportul de activitate: 22.12.2014 -- 26.12.2014

Edited by Danny313
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