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SF Police Department - Raport de activitate / Activity Report


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Raport de activitate cu numarul : 20

Numele membrului: HofyMan
Rank-ul membrului: 3
Data raportului: 16/12/2013 - 22
Numar de suspecti prinsi ( fara drept + arestati ): (fara drept 37) ~> https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/114782526878990069923/albums/5960219763842976897

(arestati 21)~> https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/114782526878990069923/albums/5960220557041027377

Numar de licente suspendate: 7 ~> https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/114782526878990069923/albums/5960221528826167649
Numar de amenzi date: 7 ~> https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/114782526878990069923/albums/5960221140178272081
Numar de wanted-uri ''neconformare ordin'' date: 0
Numarul de jucatori incepatori ajutati: 0
Punctaj total: 72
Alte mentionari: HofyBesT !

Edited by HofyMan
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Rezultate / Results:
Silver - 103 p
Sasa_sale - 91 p
[DC]Liewo - 144 p
Xtazy - 161 p
RazvyBest - 104 p
Hero - 112 p ("diobeying"=disobeying)
Adolfe - 157 p
[pH]K1ndaMajor - 51 p
Dajicu - 72 p
Hofyman - 72 p

Best Reports:
Silver (Urmatorul raport: 5)
Liewo (Urmatorul raport: 10)
Xtazy (Urmatorul raport: 15)

RazvyBest(Urmatorul raport: 4)
Hero (Next report: 5)
Adolfe (Next report: 36)

Rapoarte anulate / Canceled Reports:

Rapoarte Neprezentate:

Ronaldo.xd - nou venit
Nikola_Jokic- nou venit
Kadircenk- nou venit
[Hc]Marius. - concediu

Edited by D a n y
rezultate (by dany)
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Topicul ramane deschis pana pe 1 ianuarie.

In acest interval puteti sa va postati rapoartele din perioada sarbatorilor oricand.

Vor fi corectate in 2-3 ianuarie.


This topic will remain open untill 1st of january.

In this time you can post your reports from the christmas period at anytime.

Will be checked after 2-3 of january.

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Raport de activitate Rutieră:

Raportul de activitate cu numărul: 4
Numele membrului: RazvyBest
Rank-ul membrului: 1 -
Data raportului: 21/12/2013 - 26/12/2013
Număr de licențe suspendate: 5 = 10 puncte
Număr de amenzi date: 74
Număr de obiecte confiscate ( arme, droguri, materiale + /frisk): 13
Număr de wanted-uri ''neconformare ordin'' date: 6
Număr de suspecți prinși ( fără drept + arestați ): 0
Numărul de jucatori incepatori ajutati: 0
Punctaj total: 10+74+13+6=103
Alte menționări: Sarbatori Fericite !!

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Raport de activitate cu numarul : 5

Numele membrului: [sQ]siLvEr
Rank-ul membrului: 2
Data raportului: 27/12/2013
Numar de suspecti prinsi ( fara drept + arestati ): 130 http://s1299.photobucket.com/user/Cazacu_Timotei/library/Arrest

Numar de licente suspendate: 3 http://s1299.photobucket.com/user/Cazacu_Timotei/library/SQ%20Silver%20Wanted/SQ%20Silver%20Licente
Numar de amenzi date: 7 http://s1299.photobucket.com/user/Cazacu_Timotei/library/SQ%20Silver%20Ticket
Numar de wanted-uri ''neconformare ordin'' date: 2 http://s1299.photobucket.com/user/Cazacu_Timotei/library/SQ%20Silver%20Wanted

Număr de obiecte confiscate ( arme, droguri, materiale + /frisk): 3 http://s1299.photobucket.com/user/Cazacu_Timotei/library/Obiecte
Numarul de jucatori incepatori ajutati: 0
Punctaj total: 145
Alte mentionari: Paste Fericit !

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Activity report number: 5
Member name: [sp3]her0..
Member rank: 1 [Officer]
Date of the report: 27.12.2013.
Number of suspects caught ( without right + arrested): -
Number of confiscated objects ( weapons, drugs, materials + /frisk): -
Number of suspended licenses: 2x : 7
Number of tickets given ( materials without license, headlights off, hidraulics, selling weapons, violation of the speed limit, fishes without license,Walking on the road side): 92
Number of wanteds ''disobeying order'' given: 9
Number of beginners players helped: -
Total points: 115
Other specifications: Have a nice Day :*
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Raport de activitate SWAT:

Raportul de activitate cu numărul: 15
Numele membrului: XtaZy
Rank-ul membrului: 3
Data raportului: 22.12 - 27.12
Număr de suspecți prinși ( fără drept + arestați ): 53 + 92
Număr de obiecte confiscate ( arme, droguri, materiale + /frisk): 0
Număr de licențe suspendate: 0
Număr de amenzi date: 0
Număr de wanted-uri ''neconformare ordin'' date: 0
Numărul de jucatori incepatori ajutati: 0
Punctaj total: 145
Alte menționări:

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Activity report number: 33
Member name: Sasa_Sale
Member rank: 4 [Lieutenant]
Date of the report: 21.12.2013. - 28.12.2013.
Number of suspects caught ( without right + arrested): Without right 66: http://s1334.photobucket.com/user/sasa275/library/SFPD%20Activity%20Report%2024/Without%20right%20to%20surrender?sort=3&page=1 , Arrested -
Number of confiscated objects ( weapons, drugs, materials + /frisk): 6: http://s1334.photobucket.com/user/sasa275/library/SFPD%20Activity%20Report%2024/Confiscated%20Objects?sort=3&page=1
Number of suspended licenses: -
Number of tickets given ( materials without license, headlights off, hidraulics, selling weapons, violation of the speed limit, fishes without license,Walking on the road side): -
Number of wanteds ''disobeying order'' given: -
Number of beginners players helped: -
Total points: 72
Other specifications: Good luck.
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Activity report S.W.A.T:

Activity report number: 36.

Member name: [MwP]Adolfe.
Member rank: 4 {Lieutenant}.
Date of the report: 22/12/2013 to 27/12/2013.
Number of suspects caught ( without right + arrested): 181 Suspects Killed / 0 Suspects Arrested
Number of confiscated objects ( weapons, drugs, materials + /frisk): 0 Object Confiscated.
Number of suspended licenses: 0 Licenses Confiscated.
Number of tickets given: 0 Tickets Given
Number of wanteds ''disobeying order'' given: 0 Wanteds Given.
Number of beginners players helped: 0.
Total points: 181.
Other specifications: $@L.

Edited by nWo MwP AdoLfe
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Raport de activitate Rutieră:

Raportul de activitate cu numărul: 23
Numele membrului: Dajicu
Rank-ul membrului: 3 - Sergent
Data raportului: 21/12/2013 - 29/12/2013
Număr de licențe suspendate:
22 - 44p
Număr de amenzi date: 50
Număr de obiecte confiscate ( arme, droguri, materiale + /frisk): 0
Număr de wanted-uri ''neconformare ordin'' date:
Număr de suspecți prinși ( fără drept + arestați ): 0
Numărul de jucatori incepatori ajutati: 0
Punctaj total: 103
Alte menționări: Sarbatori Fericite !!

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- Road Team -


Activity report number: 1
Member name: kadircenk
Member rank: 1 - Officer
Date of the report: 29.12.2013
Number of suspended licenses: 7 x 2 = 14 points
Number of tickets given: 94 x 1 = 94 points
Number of confiscated objects ( weapons, drugs, materials + /frisk): -
Number of wanteds ''disobeying orders'' given: 6 x 1 = 6 points
Number of suspects caught ( without right + arrested): 2 (/arrest)
Number of beginner players helped: -
Total points: 114
Other specifications: Thank you !
Edited by kadircenk
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Rezultate / Results:
RazvyBest - 103 p
[sQ]Silver - 144 (-1, ai o poza pusa aiurea)
[sp3]her0.. - 115 p
Xtazy - 145 p
Sasa_Sale - 72 p
[MwP]Adolfe - 181 p
Dajicu - 103 p
Kadircenk - 114 p
Mnq - 105 p (PM)


Best Reports:
RazvyBest(Urmatorul raport: 7)
[sQ]Silver (Urmatorul raport: 8)
[sp3]her0.. (Next report: 8)
Xtazy (Urmatorul raport: 18)
[MwP]Adolfe (Next report: 39)
Dajicu (Urmatorul report: 26)
kadircenk (Next report: 4)
MnQ (Urmatorul report: 4)


Rapoarte anulate / Canceled Reports:

Rapoarte Neprezentate:




Puteti posta rapoartele intre 04.01.2014-05.01.2014. Cine posteaza inainte primeste FW.

You can post reports between 04.01.2014-05.01.2014. Who posted before receiving FW.

Edited by D a n y
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- Road Team -

Activity report number: 4

Member name: kadircenk

Member rank: 1 - Officer

Date of the report: 04.12.2013

Number of suspended licenses: 0

Number of tickets given: 36 x 1 = 36 points

Number of confiscated objects ( weapons, drugs, materials + /frisk): 13 x 1 = 13 points

Number of wanteds ''disobeying orders'' given: 3 x 1 = 3 points

Number of suspects caught ( without right + arrested): 5 (/arrest)

Number of beginner players helped: -

Total points: 52

Other specifications: Thank you !

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Activity report number: 34
Member name: Sasa_Sale
Member rank: 5[Captain]
Date of the report: 28.12.2013. - 04.12.2013.
Number of suspects caught ( without right + arrested): Without right 128: http://s1334.photobucket.com/user/sasa275/library/SFPD%20Activity%20Report%2025/Without%20right%20to%20surrender , Arrested 8: http://s1334.photobucket.com/user/sasa275/library/SFPD%20Activity%20Report%2025/Arrested?sort=3&page=1
Number of confiscated objects ( weapons, drugs, materials + /frisk): 4: http://s1334.photobucket.com/user/sasa275/library/SFPD%20Activity%20Report%2025/Confiscated%20Objects?sort=3&page=1
Number of suspended licenses: -
Number of tickets given ( materials without license, headlights off, hidraulics, selling weapons, violation of the speed limit, fishes without license,Walking on the road side): -
Number of wanteds ''disobeying order'' given: -
Number of beginners players helped: -
Total points: 128 + 8 + 4 = 140
Other specifications: Last report. Good luck guys!
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Raport de activitate cu numarul : 8

Numele membrului: [sQ]siLvEr
Rank-ul membrului: 2
Data raportului: 04/12/2013
Numar de suspecti prinsi ( fara drept + arestati ):

121 Arrested : http://s1299.photobucket.com/user/Cazacu_Timotei/library/Arrest

191 Killed : http://s1299.photobucket.com/user/Cazacu_Timotei/library/Arrest/Killed

Numar de licente suspendate: 4 http://s1299.photobucket.com/user/Cazacu_Timotei/library/SQ%20Silver%20Wanted/SQ%20Silver%20Licente
Numar de amenzi date: 6 http://s1299.photobucket.com/user/Cazacu_Timotei/library/SQ%20Silver%20Ticket
Numar de wanted-uri ''neconformare ordin'' date: 3 http://s1299.photobucket.com/user/Cazacu_Timotei/library/SQ%20Silver%20Wanted

Număr de obiecte confiscate ( arme, droguri, materiale + /frisk): 32 http://s1299.photobucket.com/user/Cazacu_Timotei/library/Obiecte
Numarul de jucatori incepatori ajutati: 0
Punctaj total: 357
Alte mentionari: Paste Fericit !

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Raport de activitate Rutieră

Raportul de activitate cu numărul: 7
Numele membrului: RazvyBest
Rank-ul membrului: 1 -
Data raportului: 29.12.2013 - 04.01.2014
Număr de licențe suspendate: 3=6 puncte
Număr de amenzi date: 40
Număr de obiecte confiscate ( arme, droguri, materiale + /frisk): 3
Număr de wanted-uri ''neconformare ordin'' date: 4
Număr de suspecți prinși ( fără drept + arestați ): 0
Numărul de jucatori incepatori ajutati: 0
Punctaj total: 40+6+4+3 = 53
Alte menționări: Am avut o saptamana grea...

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Raport de activitate SWAT:

Raportul de activitate cu numărul: 18
Numele membrului: XtaZy
Rank-ul membrului: 3
Data raportului: 29.12.2013 - 01.01.2014
Număr de suspecți prinși ( fără drept + arestați ): 82 + 63
Număr de obiecte confiscate ( arme, droguri, materiale + /frisk): 0
Număr de licențe suspendate: 0
Număr de amenzi date: 0
Număr de wanted-uri ''neconformare ordin'' date: 0
Numărul de jucatori incepatori ajutati: 0
Punctaj total: 145
Alte menționări:

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Raport de activitate Rutieră:

Raportul de activitate cu numărul: 4
Numele membrului: MnQ
Rank-ul membrului: 1
Data raportului: 31.12.2013-04.01.2014
Număr de licențe suspendate: 8 http://imgur.com/a/EsN2j
Număr de amenzi date: 94 http://imgur.com/a/iJrFA
Număr de obiecte confiscate ( arme, droguri, materiale + /frisk): 0
Număr de wanted-uri ''neconformare ordin'' date: 1 http://imgur.com/R8MWcqf
Număr de suspecți prinși ( fără drept + arestați ): 0
Numărul de jucatori incepatori ajutati: 0
Punctaj total: 111
Alte menționări: No pain NO gain!

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Activity report S.W.A.T:

Activity report number: 39.

Member name: [MwP]Adolfe.
Member rank: 4 {Lieutenant}.
Date of the report: 28/12/2013 to 02/01/2013.
Number of suspects caught ( without right + arrested): 127 Suspects Killed / 0 Suspects Arrested
Number of confiscated objects ( weapons, drugs, materials + /frisk): 0 Object Confiscated.
Number of suspended licenses: 0 Licenses Confiscated.
Number of tickets given: 0 Tickets Given
Number of wanteds ''disobeying order'' given: 0 Wanteds Given.
Number of beginners players helped: 0.
Total points: 127.
Other specifications: $@L.

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Activity report number: 1
Member name: Nikola_Jokic
Member rank: 1
Date of the report: 05.01.2014
Number of suspended licenses: /
Number of tickets given: 96
Number of confiscated objects ( weapons, drugs, materials + /frisk): /
Number of wanteds ''disobeying order'' given: 6
Number of suspects caught ( without right + arrested): /
Number of beginners players helped: /
Total points: 102
Other specifications: Thanks..

Edited by DS Nikola Jokic
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Activity report Roads:

Activity report number: #1
Member name: zKe.mONKS
Member rank: SFPD Officer (1)
Date of the report: 05/01/14
Number of suspended licenses:
http://imgur.com/a/efr4c ; 16p
Number of tickets given: http://imgur.com/a/xXg1I ; 83p
Number of confiscated objects ( weapons, drugs, materials + /frisk): -
Number of wanteds ''disobeying order'' given:
http://imgur.com/a/8ryFi ; 4p
Number of suspects caught ( without right + arrested): -
Number of beginners players helped: -
Total points: 103p
Other specifications: Hope it's good!

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Rezultate / Results:
kadircenk - 52 p
Sasa_Sale - 140 p
[sQ]Silver - 0 [Greseli: fara drept(o poza fara bonus si una care nu contine nimic), la arrest(o poza care nu contine nimic), la /frisk(o poza cu o licenta suspendata), la amenzi(te rog sa recitesti Ticket list- ai dat pentru folosire NOS amenda de 250$).
Razvybest - 53 p
Xtazy - 145 p
Mnq - 111 p
[MwP]Adolfe - 127 p

Nikola_Jokic - 102 p
zKe.mONKS - 103 p

Liewo - 70 p (PM)


Best Reports:

Sasa_Sale(Next report: 36)
Xtazy (Urmatorul raport: 20)
Mnq (Urmatorul raport: 6)
Nikola_Jokic (Next report: 3)

zKe.mONKS (Next report: 3)


Rapoarte anulate / Canceled Reports:

Rapoarte Neprezentate:
Weller (Concediu)

Bly. (FW)

Hofyman (Invoit-PM)

Dajicu (Concediu)

Edited by Seba97
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Raportul de activitate cu numărul: 1
Numele membrului: [OC]Damian07
Rank-ul membrului: 1(Officer)
Data raportului: 9.01.2014 - 11.01.2014
Număr de licențe suspendate: 0
Număr de amenzi date: http://imgur.com/a/3tWNg#0 ; 54
Număr de obiecte confiscate ( arme, droguri, materiale + /frisk): 0
Număr de wanted-uri ''neconformare ordin'' date: http://imgur.com/a/PRcTT#0 ; 2
Număr de suspecți prinși ( fără drept + arestați ): 0
Numărul de jucatori incepatori ajutati: 0
Punctaj total: 54+2=56
Alte menționări: Pe viitor am sa fac mai multe puncte.

Edited by Damian SFPD
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