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Poate azi nu s-au tinut waruri dar maine va astept in HQ la aceias ora (12:50). (PS: Invoirile de azi se considera consumate)

Cei ce nu mai pot sa ajunga la war din cauza programului care ce sa schimbat sunt rugati sa isi puna demisia deoarece nu mai au ce face. Programul actual este pe toata durata verii.

Inchid topicul pentru ca toata lumea sa citeasca + sa mai termine cu posturile inutile ca "Misto atunci:)))))))))" etc. Nu mai scrieti 3 cuvinte si ala e postu.

Maybe today the wars were suspended but tomorrow I will wait you in HQ at the same hour (12:50). (PS: The consents made for today are considered used)

If you cant come anymore to war because of the new war program (13:00 - 15:00 server time) are asked to put the resignations because they cant to anything about it. The current schedule is for all summer long.

I will close this topic to be sure that all members will see this post + stop with useless posts.


Edited by DooKid
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