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Southern Pimps - Imagini şi suveniruri/Images and souvenirs


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@ Scz de double post,nu mergea edit :-W.

Si eu cu cateva poze ;)) :



2.31157897802092588850_thumb.png-Ca baieti B-).


Aste sunt de la eventu organizatu de Bobo:













Edited by cRiStaL
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Some pictures ;))



09435531564739851571_thumb.png -> WAR


20787966530464625447_thumb.png -> Foc de tabara


27675322178290470064_thumb.png -> Bro :)) Respect


45935403154348489178_thumb.png -> Cam putini nu ?


39974112064878060946_thumb.png -> Fuga fuga Vinewood -LSPD


49705498524909110076_thumb.png -> Tot asa ...


16041557266503433932_thumb.png -> Bobo`s Event


25266016064750174505_thumb.png -> Mai ne spalam si noi ca nu ne-am mai spalat de la botez :))


36286994298683808286_thumb.png -> Shake that ass for me :X


62515788483950442722_thumb.png -> Holm si dragostea :))


18362858840786372944_thumb.png -> Aici a intervenit RazR


16186446276332599827_thumb.png -> Artificii


01317389309175979519_thumb.png -> S-a jucat putin RazR de "Constantin Si Elena" :))


66511937957429748211_thumb.png -> ca 2 betzivani :)) . Defapt le urmaream pe pepsy si creepygirl. :))


61733918975705010072_thumb.png -> Eh , si noi ca intre fete :))


08755360027602315582_thumb.png -> Si acum ca intre baietzi :))




67181319236222141012_thumb.png -> Inca am sange de HITMAN prin vene :))


62471881405683871480_thumb.png -> Hey bebe , aici jos suntem , ne veeeeeeeeezi ???


93635559068308129816_thumb.png -> Ready for War


37851571386042219379_thumb.png -> Kip , avea si el un deagle in mana :))


49378600078245281100_thumb.png -> N-avea nicio treaba kip , era gata de war :))


19326532833275237466_thumb.png -> Eram numai mafioti in Jizzy


46743845130974984934_thumb.png -> Nice.


62868823588260836572_thumb.png -> Ce tzinta ...


09020972522670419004_thumb.png -> fara nicio sansa


10741449413760079600_thumb.png -> Opa , i-a sarit un glontz in cap lu` ciupa :))


45092792320401305829_thumb.png -> Down !


94760740859492704650_thumb.png -> Bineinteles ca n-am luptat degeaba , am jucat pentru ceva , acel ceva fiind : JAIL 6 k


31658145077473952792_thumb.png -> Toti mafiotii eram (asta era doar 1 celula , mai erau 2 celule pline de mafioti )

Edited by Shlomy
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