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Problema Iphone 4 - Butonul de lock


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Nume forum: BTD Looney

Gadgetul cu problema: iPhone 4

Ce nu functioneaza?(explicit si detaliat ): Butonul de sus cu care blochez telefonul.. Am auzit ca exista o rezolvare

Alte precizari: Urgent!


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Nume forum: BTD Looney

Gadgetul cu problema: iPhone 4

Ce nu functioneaza?(explicit si detaliat ): Butonul de sus cu care blochez telefonul.. Am auzit ca exista o rezolvare

Alte precizari: Urgent!

Ei bine nu prea cred ca aici te poate ajuta cineva, totusi daca dispui de uneltele necesare click -> Google

Daca nu, trebuie sa te duci la un service. Bafta!

Edited by Christian UGD
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Altceva inafara sa il schimb nu am ce face? [ Nu am acele unelte ]

Daca n-ai acele unelte nu cred ca poti rezolva problema acasa, du-te la un service cred ca e gratis, sau maxim 20 de lei. Edited by Christian UGD
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If your phone isn't under warranty and you don't want to pay for a service replacement you can turn on the AssistiveTouch feature (Settings | General | Accessibility) which will give you a virtual on-screen home/sleep button (among other things).


Once you've activated AssistiveTouch, tap on the floating button, tap Device, tap Lock to put your phone to sleep. If you need to turn your phone off, press and hold the Lock icon until you see the red "Slide to Power Off" slider.

Edited by Jakab
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