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@Khalsa Ji, Pf, you will be isolated from B-Zone for 2 weeks... No Khalsa = No fun = B-Zone is boring. Anyways, studies are the first, not love, right?

I wish you a lot of luck at exams, get only big grades! Because! Big grades = knowledge = exams passed = get at a faculty = get a cool job = get a ticket to Romania = go to a naba ! So, good luck again

There are lot other things to do without Khalsa, So B-zone is not boring without khalsa

Well, Ticket to Romania.. Srly ? :V Before ticket I need to have passport and visa too :V




Paynne at power finally!!! *joke*
Don't fly so high... Maybe Karan or Rikos gonna lead you .. So, Be careful.




Khalsa Ji Good Luck on Exams :3 , We will all miss you.
Thanks a lot. will miss all of you boys and Girls too Ofc.


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@Khalsa Ji, who knows, maybe in 3-4 years the Earth will be destroyed or teleportation will be invented xD
Or maybe, I make an armour like Iron man and come to you by flying :V

Thinking never gonna end.. Keep thinking, Who knows maybe it get possible :D




@Khalsa Ji, Awesome i Haven't see you for 14 Days and there are 14 days more....i will miss ya (for not seeing you for 1month )
It happen dude, Conditions :D
Well, On 30.06.2k16 We will meet for sure :D


PS: Hello SF Instructors.

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Khalsa Ji I,m also iron man if you need any help me tell me i give you my suit
Meh, A plane will be better and safe :P
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plane better then iron man > ? neah impossible
Remember, Nothing is Impossible



@Khalsa Ji, Good luck at exams!
Thanks a lot dude.
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Hello everyone! How are the nabs? :D


I think that I may join the activity only if the guests will leave earlier :D

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Hello everyone! How are the nabs? :D


I think that I may join the activity only if the guests will leave earlier :D

Hello oRoxii , Fine & you ? :)

Well i Hope that your Guests will Go on time and you will Come :)

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@@rikos, What if a player have urgency or any other strong reason, do he/she can get more Inactivity ? or Resignation is only the way ?

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@, I am not sure if it is about urgency. According to rules, the inactivity would be refused, so I think he has to post resignation. By the way, how to prove that "strong reason"? Everyone can lie in that reason, so it wouldn't be fair...

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@@rikos, Ok bro. Thank you so much


@, you are rank 3 member and rules says

Activities Announced by rank 3 can't be violent.

fights with Katana is violent activity.

Activities Announced by rank 3 members is Optional ( Not obligatory ).

In your activity, You said its optional.


so, be sure before about it :)))

Edited by MrJatt
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@@VoicuRobert, as you saw your inactivity has been rejected. If you can't log in or make the activity report for this week, then I will have to kick or give you FW.

@@Aphmau, I just want to remind you that you are obligated to make points for the week 23-29, as I exempted you from the week 16-22.

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