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SF School Instructors - News and Announcements


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In this topic the leader / sub-leader can post important announcements regarding anything to do with the faction that is important. You should follow this topic as the leadership will be posting the most important information that you must keep up to date on, otherwise you could be doing things that are wrong (i.e. rules changing and you not realizing).


Edited by AdeM nWo
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Activity Report Updates - 03.12.2014


There is now an extra screenshot you need for all players before you take someone's test for a license If any of your activity report links do not include this screenshot for each person that particular set of license(s) will not be counted.


Rule added: - Screenshot of the /requestlicenses command where the licenses box pops up


I will be making some mock up videos with cows soon of how tests should be done, we will do simulations with each new member in a few days when they are online too.


IMPORTANT NOTE: For this week (01.12.2014 - 06.12.2014) - The activity report must be posted but you do not have to reach the minimum amount of licenses sold as the majority of the people were invited late and will not have at least one Sunday (best day to sell licenses) to sell licenses.

Edited by DH01
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We would like to remind all of the members and applicants (or soon to be applicants) that School Instructor's SF is an ENGLISH SPEAKING faction and will not accept Romanian speakers. We allow anyone (including Romanians) in the faction under the condition that they speak fluent English or a near enough level which you can read + understand.


Anyone who applies in Romanian will be automatically rejected and continuous failures by the same person will not look good and makes it even harder for you to be accepted.


Thank you,


- SF S.I

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Licenses that need to be given (for Rank 1's) by a Rank 2+ Member topic update - 04.12.2014

I have updated this topic (http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/246306-sf-school-instructors-licenses-that-need-to-be-issued-for-rank-1s-by-a-rank-2-member/) at the bottom of the first post. The first post will now show all outstanding licenses that need to be given still, and will have a link to their original posts. When a rank 1 member posts on that topic, I will try my quickest to update the first post and add it there. This is more of an efficient way for Rank 2+ members to see who still needs a license. Once the Rank 2 member has given the license they must reply in that topic saying the license has been given and I will remove the client's line from the first link.

For rank 1 members - please make sure you upload the correct RPG bar and make sure you are posting updates if the same client did more tests etc.
For rank 2 members - make sure you are following the topic and make sure you check to see if the license has already been given before giving the license again.

Once the license is given do not forget to post in the topic saying you have given the license (and include a screenshot showing that you have done (the leader / sub-leader doesn't have to include a screenshot)). Edited by DH01
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Update for the Flying License - 05.12.2014


Instead of the Abandoned Airport in Las Venturas we will now use the mavericks at our HQ to do tests for the licenses (the client can enter the vehicle if you use /startlesson). If you have any questions about this ask me.


Rank 5+ members: Please avoid using the faction mavericks now, you can use them, but please, not too much as they will be used for flying tests.

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Important Announcement

Hello everyone.

I want to make this announcement to emphasize that whenever you're taking a client from /needlicense, you must check that you accept them in 3 seconds or more. This is becoming a problem and some members have been sanctioned from this error already. It's also vital that you do not accept a level 50+ player if you're Rank 1. You risk FW in both of these mistakes.

If you do accept a level 50+ player at rank 1, make sure you have some good evidence about how you decline their reqeust either on the phone or in person after you see they're level 50+. If you don't, your story will be clased as a lie and you will be sanctioned.

** There should be nobody getting a FW for the 3 second rule, simply because we're not a Taxi faction and there isn't as much demand for the requests as there is here. If anything, just count to 3 before you make the accept.

Have a good day.

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08/12/2014 - Internal rule update

- Tests may now be taken in Romanian, you may now accept Romanian clients IF YOU KNOW ROMANIAN. Accepting a Romanian client and then asking them if they speak English will result in consequences. Good luck!

- All applications for the faction will be done in ENGLISH still, the rest of the rules remain (/f in English etc).

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Information notices

Hello everybody,


First of all I hope you're all going to have a great Christmas with your families! I wanted to make some notes here because it's becoming either a bit of a problem or a concern for me, or I just feel like the SF Leadership should inform you about these things:


1. Parking your personal vehicles at Headquarters:


We do not objectify on this, we allow you to actually use your own vehicles for license tests also. But if you're going to park your car, I've prepared a new rule now because we're having too many problems. You must park your personal vehicle on the 2nd line of parking (The line where the Maverick in-front of the 'i' is). This is because that row is free from any actual faction cars and there won't be any collisions. Currently, we're having members parking their vehicles in the first line and they may be parking it when a faction vehicle in that spot is occupied. So when I do [/fvr], the faction vehicles always bug out and clash into each other and then the whole line looks terrible because the cars have been moved again. So basically, park your vehicles in the 2nd line or somewhere away from the first line of faction cars. Anyone who parks in that line from today risk punishment for ignoring this warning.


2. Rank ups:


This should not be spoken about on /f at all. Yes, sometimes I might say "Some people may be getting ranked up tomorrow/soon", but that's just a little point for you all to keep in mind. I've seen the annoying outcomes from these because all the time now people are just straight up asking me for rank almost. Let me remind you, you risk uninvite with full FP for this crime because it's asking for rank. You must not speak about it from now on or we'll FW/uninvite you if we need to.


3. 20th December activity.


I want to see all the Rank 2's present at this. This is my only main concern, but also I want as many Rank 1's there to offer mechanical services like repairs and refills.


Thanks for reading, have a nice holiday from me and DH.

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Job vacations

From 22nd (Monday) to 29th of December (next Monday) - All members are excused from the mechanic job and are allowed any job they want (this does not include illegal).

Merry Christmas!

*The last activity did not go to plan, I am sorry, I had to go out un-unexpectedly and I am truly sorry for people waiting. It's what provoked the gift we just gave out in this post.

Edited by DH01
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Christmas bonus

For the week of 13.12.2014 - 20.12.2014 everyone who meets the criteria of receiving salary receive a Christmas bonus of $2,000. Check the Salary & Bonuses topic. Merry Christmas guys. Remember also that for the week of 22.12.2014 - 29.12.2014 you are allowed to have any legal job on the /jobs command, which is also a Christmas bonus from us.



Love from DH01 and cows.

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Important Announcement


Me and cows have decided to finally resign from the faction after 1 month 1 week and 5 days. I know it's not much, but it's enough for us. Our sole purpose was to bring the faction a dim of light and to engage the foreigner community. As I'm sure you've noticed, the amount of foreign sanctions have reduced dramatically as they are all willing to apply for this faction because they know they have a decent chance here. I wish the new leader the best of luck. This does mean that you will also have a new sub-leader, the new sub-leader will probably be a member who is not in this faction. I will leave the dismissals topic open so you can resign if you want to.


For the people who are not resigning, please note the following:


• The new leader will most likely not be a current member of this faction.

• You must still post your activity report, the topic will close on Saturday at 23:59, but the new leader will reply with the statistics, not me.

• If you want to resign you can do, anyone who has less than 2 weeks in the faction will receive faction punish.

• Continue doing your job, selling licenses etc. as you will still have to post your report in 7 days when there will be a new leader.

• Please try not to break any rules, as I have controlled you well.

• If you have any further questions for me please feel free to contact me. I will remain as the acting leader until the new leader is chosen.

Edited by DH01 uNk
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Internal rules update: rank 6 can have only legal job.



Who didn't got salary from week 21.12.2014 - 27.12.2014 and 29.12.2014 - 04.01.2015 please tell me.


fadDy_Gemini = $2000, UmanO. = $22000, divyanshu = $2000, BlackEagle13 = $1000, El_Toro = $1000, Jon_Snow = $1000, Divin3.K1ll3r = $21000

Edited by William
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From now on you can use only imgur.com to upload your activity reports , who don't follow this rule will get faction warn.

Also i hope that you check my post in the discussions topic ( http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/245545-sf-school-instructors-discussions/page-15), i spoke about the mistakes that most of you made in their activity reports , i recommand you all to read what i wrote.Have a nice day.

Edited by Termi
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***Some changes in the activity report:




*from this week ( 14.02.2015-21.02.2015 ) you must follow this new rules :


*Rank 2 = At least 16 licenses between GIVEN and SOLD

*Rank 3 = At least 12 licenses between GIVEN and SOLD
*Rank 4 = At least 8 licenses between GIVEN and SOLD
*For rank 2+ , you need at least 1 license at each categorie , i mean you can't put in your activity reports only licenses given or only licenses sold

*For rank 2+ , the last screen for each license sold must contain the announce on /f and the /givelicense

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*Important Announcements

* This is an important thing that you must know before posting someone at the blacklist or reporting him to the staff : one proof with /call 112 it's not enough to prove a murder. Because of some bugs or some abusers we want more proofs, we want to understand the situation before crime.


*About /startlesson : as you know that josemunoz got a faction warn because of /startlesson and as william told me , you need to keep an evidence of when you did /stoplesson every time you start a lesson for a player . Who don't make a screen showing that he stopped the lesson for his client and he got reported he will get a faction warn .


*Some rules added to the internal regulation :




  • The meetings will be just when the leader has to say something.
  • At the meeting only the Boss / Under Boss will speak. If you have something to say or ask just /wave and wait for the boss to give you the word.
  • Do not talk if the leader didn’t give you the word. Punishment: Faction Warn
  • Do not stay AFK in the middle of a meeting. Punishment: Faction Warn
  • If you can’t come to the meeting make a Pass Request. Who’s going to miss unannounced will get Faction Warn.


  • You can only go to violent events with a rank 4+ permission. Who breaks the rule gets Faction Warn.
  • For Paintball events you have to ask a rank 4+ for permission.
  • You can organize only non-violent events. Punishment: Faction Warn
  • Rank 4+ members can organize violent events with Boss or Under Boss’s permission.
  • You can go to non-violent events without asking for permission. Non-violent events are: Simon says , First to x race , etc…​


  • It’s forbidden to have illegal jobs. Punishment: Faction Warn.
  • Rank 1 , 2 must have only Mechanic job . If you want to change it you have to make a request in job requests topic. Who breaks this rule gets Faction Warn.
  • For rank 3+ is recomanded to have detective job. If you don’t want that job you can get any other legal jobs.
  • If you have lawyer job, is forbidden to promote your services in jail. You can use /ad , /news. Who breaks the rule gets Faction Warn.

*About the activity report , it will be like this till we start working with the system of website :

Rank 1 = At least 12 licenses SOLD.

Rank 2 = At least 10 licenses SOLD.
Rank 3 = At least 10 licenses SOLD.
Rank 4 = At least 8 licenses SOLD.
* Also i want from rank 2+ to be serious and to give the materials/weapon license for rank 1 if they need , if i find that someone try to ignore rank 1 when he ask for help , he will get a faction warn .
* For rank 1 , and only for weapon/materials license , the last screen that you need to make is not this one ( Screenshot of when you announce on /f if that person passed / failed ) , it will be a screen for when the rank 2+ announced on /f and give the license to your client .

Edited by Termi
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**Rules About The Command [/sx] :



This rules were added to the internal rules , read them carefully :


**It's forbidden to curse / swear on [/sx] - Faction Warn

**It's forbidden to spam or use CAPS LOCK. [/sx] - AV

**It's fobidden to make businesses on [/sx] - Verbar reproof, if repeted you get AV

**It's forbidden to use more emoticons on [/sx] - Verbal reproof, AV, FW (or kick)

**It's forbidden to dispute on [/sx] - Faction Warn or /uninvite, depend by case.

**It's forbidden to talk about licenses on [/sx] - Faction Warn

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About the Activities Topic


The activities topic have been updates:

in this topict he leader or subleader will announce activities.

Rank 3+ members can announce activities as well.

Follow the posting model to make announce an activity.

Activities Announced by rank 3 can't be violent.

Activities Announced by rank 3 members is Optional to attend ( Not obligatory ).

Activities Announced by rank 4+ is mandatory to attend ( Obligatory ).

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New Activity Report System

New rules of activity report:

  • The activity report system was updated its now automatic on rpg site, we start using it from 30.03.2015.
  • New time You need to start the activity report from monday 00:00 and it ends sunday 23:59.
  • Rank 1, you are not allowed to test players for weapon/materials license only rank 2 can do that, you can only sell fishing/flying/sailling licenses.
  • Well You still have to the same steps /requestlicenses - announce for the license - take proofs of test - announce again and givelicense
  • Now you are not obliged to post screenshots anymore, you always need to have proofs of test when i ask you for it if you don't provide proofs when i ask you will be punished.
  • Licenses that test is failed by clients doesn't count anymore in the activity report.
  • Rank 1 can only test clients for flying/fishing/sailing license, and rank 2 for all licenses.
  • Topic of licenses that need to be issued will be removed because its useless now.

Edited by Aymen
Added test licenses failed by clients
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New Alliance with 69 Pier Mobs

Alliance rules and informations:

  • Free licenses to 69 Pier Mobs members
  • The licenses sold to 69 Pier Mobs members doesn't count in the activity report, they will be invalidated in the rpg site
  • The gang 69 Pier Mobs offers us full protection and take cares of our blacklist in exchange of free licenses
  • To make a complaint about a member of 69 Pier Mobs contact me via pm, don't report the player on rpg site - Punish Faction Warn
  • The annoucing model for 69 Pier Mobs is, -> /f "X, 69 Pier Mobs, X License "
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The rule about using jobs has been edited. You can now have any kind of job, doesn't matter if it's legal or illegal, without any approval, for any rank.

Anyway, try to make time for doing you activity report, or else, according to the new rule from Peaceful Faction Rules, I am allowed to force you to take a certain job for a predetermined amount of time.

Also, The Job Request Topic has been closed permanently, As you can have any type of job from now.

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1. Because we celebrate 7 years since the opening of B-zone community, during the week 31/08/2015 - 06/09/2015 the activity report is optional.

2. Every Member are allowed to have any type of legal job from 01/09/2015 - 07/09/2015

For more information about the activities that will be held during this week, click here.

Edited by Khalsa Ji
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The points for Activity Report has been modified.


Minimum Licenses sold per week according to the ranks given below:

  • Rank 1 - 15 sold licenses
  • Rank 2 - 20 sold licenses
  • Rank 3 - 25 sold licenses
  • Rank 4 - 15 sold licenses + Test Log
  • Rank 5, 6 - report is optional

Modification to activity report will come in force on 14/09/2015.

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New Alliance with Avispa Rifa

Alliance rules and informations:

· Free licenses to Avispa Rifa members.

· The licenses sold to Avispa Rifa members doesn't count in the activity report, they will be invalidated in the rpg site

· The gang Avispa Rifa offers us full protection and take cares of our blacklist in exchange of free licenses

· To make a complaint about a member of Avispa Rifa contact me via pm, don't report the player on rpg site - Punish Faction Warn.

· The announcing model for Avispa Rifa is, -> /f "X, Avispa Rifa, Y License "


NOTE : 69 Pier mobs are no more alliance with us. So, we will not provide them free licenses anymore.

Edited by R I P
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  • Tobe Petes unlocked and locked this topic
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