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[Tutorial] How to avoid Dice[ /dice ] game scam

Alright The Arrogant

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Hello guys, Nice to meet you again.

I am newbie in this server. Let me share what i know.

So, i want to write for newbie like me or newcomer or somebody who don't know what is /dice or barbut trick.

Some of you might know this trick but you don't want to share it.


So... Let me explain simply

How to distinguish /dice system and fake /dice system ?

Look carefully this picture !!!

  • This picture below is fake /dice system !



  • This picture below is true /dice system !



Can you make the conclusions ?

  • Yeah, The First picture, you can look clearly. Row3R says: arunca un zar care aterizeaza pe 6. It means Rowers type manually in the chatbox. He did not type " /dice " !
  • The Second picture, They show " throws " word. It means, they type in chatbox by using " /dice "


Be Careful ! This case don't have the rules. So, the scammer will not be punished. And your report or post is useless.

This is my experience when i was a newbie. I will add your name here. So, All newbies will know what is Barbut or Dice and the your bad deal.


NB: I want this post is unlocked. But, if Admins want this post to be locked, Please ! But, One day, I will request to open this thread and i will added new scammer on the top !

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It ain't bad,and yes, it is a way to get scammed. But dude,you are really lowering the English Forum quality with this. What do I mean? Many mistakes and the appearance of your tutorial is bad too...I won't mention your mistakes at the title or the tutorial,but please,give some more time,this will lead to a nicely made tutorial.

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It ain't bad,and yes, it is a way to get scammed. But dude,you are really lowering the English Forum quality with this. What do I mean? Many mistakes and the appearance of your tutorial is bad too...I won't mention your mistakes at the title or the tutorial,but please,give some more time,this will lead to a nicely made tutorial.




And Cillo, It's lovely you want to post a tutorial but really, the fonts and structure of your post isn't very good and it would look more professional with a consistent font etc.


It's a good effort though, but again, these things are only really distinguishing if someone said the message or actually did [/dice], and it doesn't require a whole topic for it.

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Since you think this is a post with quality,have a look below:


I was more than sure about the quality,seeing the title. ''[Tutorial] How to advoid from Dice or Barbut scam [/dice]''


Correction: [Tutorial] How to avoid being scammed from barbut (Dice) .

(you wrote dice or barbut,like it is 2 different things,also placed scam in the end.)



I believe in here, you have known this method but you don't want share it.


Correction: Some of you might know this trick/method of scam,but you do not want to share it.



The Second picture, They show " throws " statement.


In the second picture you can see the word ''throws''. (I will not comment on ''statement'' which does not fit there)


Also,have a look at this: http://prntscr.com/63a3xu


Above should be replaced with below.


CiLLO, on 09 Feb 2015 - 7:39 PM, said:snapback.png

I am newbie in this server. I always make chaos in CNN LS and I am Post Hunter

and last but not least... you are a post hunter? Do you even know what this is? When someone Insults you or does DM at you etc,you just go post him,even if you didn't feel insulted or if he didn't kill you,for example. Posting without a good reason,that's a post hunter.


Anyway,I could even make a whole new post to show you all of your mistakes. Your reply in my personal opinion (and friendly advice) didn't cover me,so that's why I am showing you your mistakes. I'm out,good luck.

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Correction: [Tutorial] How to avoid being scammed from barbut (Dice) .

(you wrote dice or barbut,like it is 2 different things,also placed scam in the end.)

I use conjunction "or". It means Dice and Barbut is same but different in language.



Correction: Some of you might know this trick/method of scam,but you do not want to share it.

Updated !


In the second picture you can see the word ''throws''. (I will not comment on ''statement'' which does not fit there)


Also,have a look at this: http://prntscr.com/63a3xu


Above should be replaced with below.

Updated !

I showed the picture directly to ease reader.



and last but not least... you are a post hunter? Do you even know what this is? When someone Insults you or does DM at you etc,you just go post him,even if you didn't feel insulted or if he didn't kill you,for example. Posting without a good reason,that's a post hunter.

Updated. Players always said me as a post hunter. I report him with strong reason even they can't reverse my reason.


Anyway,I could even make a whole new post to show you all of your mistakes. Your reply in my personal opinion (and friendly advice) didn't cover me,so that's why I am showing you your mistakes. I'm out,good luck.

I am waiting....


And last but not least...

xZeref and .Smile[Y]. You're lucky guys. I don't have screenshot when you scammed my friends. But, i will make investigation for you. :)


Thank you very much and having time to fix my post, Rallye. And i am waiting your post about my mistakes as you said.

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