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F.B.I. - Rapoarte de activitate namecover | Namecover activity reports


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Nick: dontito0

Rank: 3

Actiuni namecover: http://imgur.com/a/FM7A5

Numarul de actiuni namecover: 1x Posesie/Folosire Droguri

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Nick: EllaFox17

Rank: 3

Actiuni namecover: http://imgur.com/a/vq4R8

Numarul de actiuni namecover: 1x Posesie/Folosire Droguri

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Raport de activitate namecover. Saptamana 08.02.2016 - 15.02.2016.








*Observatii: -Asigurati-va mereu ca aveti poza la [/namecover on],[/frisk],[/su],[/namecover off]!

-Cand cereti namecover,respectiv dati undercover off,asigurati-va ca sunteti intr-un loc sigur,unde nu puteti fi vazut de nimeni(de preferat in hq sau in casa)

-NU confiscati niciodata drogurile!Le confiscati abea ce sunteti undercover off.

-Incercati sa nu folositi mereu acelasi nume,schimbati-l de fiecare data cu unul nou!

-Cine nu are raport namecover,primeste fara nici o discutie FW,nu mai accept toate scuzele banale,doar cele cu un motiv bine intemeiat.

*Sanctiuni: -

xTm. mi-a dat raportul namecover prin PM,a intampinat niste probleme cu bandicamul.

Rapoartele au fost bune.

Felicitari HyperOwn pentru cea mai mare cantitate de droguri confiscate!(1094g)

Statistica intocmita de Assistant Director Simii.

Edited by Simii S4F
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M-am gandit,pentru cei cu rank 2,respectiv 3,sa organizez un mic concurs si sa pun la bataie un premiu,deoarece stiu ca raportul namecover ati inceput sa il faceti din sila si totul a devenit o monotomie pura.

In ce consta acest concurs?

Pai,simplu,agentul care confisca cele mai multe grame de droguri,va beneficia de premiul cel "mare".

Regulile sunt simple: *Aveti voie sa postati doar un singur raport,cu o singura actiune.

*Raportul sa NU fie fraudat!(aceasta se poate pedepsii cu demitere)

*Pot participa doar rank 2,respectiv 3.

*Dupa ce ati postat raportul namecover,nu aveti voie sa dati edit!(daca observ ca postul este editat,sunteti eliminati din concurs)

Participarea nu este obligatorie,dar sper ca macar acum sa va fac sa faceti raportul namecover cu putin mai multa placere,ci nu din sila.

Acest concurs este organizat de catre mine,si am pus la bataie suma de 500.000 pentru cele mai multe grame de droguri confiscate!

Concursul tine pana duminica,21.02.2016 ora 17:00,ca la sedinta,sa pot preciza castigatorul.

Cer seriozitate,suma nu este una mare si sper sa nu va bateti joc de munca care o depun in acest concurs,iar cei de rank mai mare sper sa nu se supere ca nu pot participa.

Daca nu sunt mai multi de 3 participanti,concursul este anulat automat.

Bafta la gasit drogati!^,^

Concursul este oficializat,rog ca cei care participa,sa scrie in josul paginii #particip.




I tought , for the members with rank 2 and 3 , i will organize a small competition. I will offer you a prise, because i know the "namecover" report began to be boring, and you started to do it in disgust.

What are the rules?

Well , it's simple, that agent who confiscate the most grams of drugs will get the big prize !

So , you have to be carefull at this: * You are allowed to post only one report with a single action.

* Youre report don't be deceived! (This can be punished with dismissal)

* Can participate only members with rank 2 and 3.

* After you have posted namecover report, you may not give edit!

(if i will see youre post it's edited, you will be eliminated from the competition)

Participation is not obligatory, but I hope you will make the namecover report with more pleasure.

This competition is organized by me, and I will offer you $500,000 for the most drugs confiscated.

This competition will finish Sunday, 02/21/2016 at 17: 00, because i will tell you who is the winner , on the meeting.

I'm asking you to be serious, the amount is not a big one and I hope I will not necessary to beat the work in this competition, and the members with rank 1, or rank 4+, i hope not upset that they can not participate.

If there aren't more than 3 participants, the competition will cancel automatically.

Good luck to found drugged !

If you want to participate , write in the bottom of the page #particip , when you will post the "namecover" action.


Edited by Simii S4F
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