S4F Luna Posted April 2, 2015 Share Posted April 2, 2015 (edited) Raportul de activitate se va intocmi in fiecare luni de la ora 00:00 pana duminica la ora 23:59. Pentru a vedea punctele pe care le acumulati, accesati site-ul RPG sectiunea Faction Activity sau in game prin comanda [/raport] In fiecare luni, ora 00:00, sistemul va face totalizarea rapoartelor, asta insemnand ca se aduna toate punctele care sunt valide. Puteti sa vedeti activitatea personala doar din saptamana curenta. ATENTIE !!! Verificati-va in permanenta activitatea ! Verificati daca aveti minimul de puncte necesar! Un membru de factiune care are de finalizat un raport de activitate cu X puncte, nu reuseste sa acumuleze toate punctele necesare: -->Jucatorul va intra la raportul de saptamana viitoare in modul de recuperare. Acest lucru inseamna ca nu va fi sanctionat momentan, insa pentru a scapa de sanctiune, la raportul de activitate de pe saptamana viitoare va trebui sa recupereze mai intai punctele neacumulate pentru raportul vechi(cele ramase), iar abia apoi va putea sa acumuleze puncte in vederea finalizarii raportului de activitate curent. * Rank 1 - Pentru nefinalizarea raportului curent, va primi kick cu 60/60 FP. * Rank 2 - Pentru nefinalizarea raportului, va intra la raportul urmator in modul de recuperare al raportului neterminat. Daca nici de aceasta data nu se recupereaza acel raport, atunci va primi kick din factiune cu 10/60 FP. * Rank 3 sau mai mare - Pentru nefinalizarea raportului, va intra la urmatorul raport in modul de recuperare al raportului neterminat. Daca nici de aceasta data nu se recupereaza acel raport, atunci va primi rank down. Dacă nici urmatorul raport nu este finalizat, avand deja în trecut 1 raport nefinalizat, 1 raport in curs de recuperare pe care nu l-a finalizat si cel curent nefinalizat, atunci jucatorul va primi kick din factiune cu 10/60 FP. Membrii care intra in factiune in zilele de miercuri/joi/vineri/sambata/duminica vor avea raport optional pe saptamana curenta. Pentru helperi raportul NU este optional, raportul lor este injumatatit pentru rank-ul pe care-l au + namecover(Rang 2 / Rang 3) Pentru admini raportul NU este optional, raportul lor este injumatatit pentru rank-ul pe care-l au + namecover(Rang 2 / Rang 3) Modul de acordare a punctelor pe site-ul RPG : Orice wanted acordat = 1 punct. Un criminal de wanted 1-6 fara drept de predare omorat = 1 punct. Un criminal arestat = 1 punct. Un item confiscat ( arma / drugs ) = 1 punct Un test sustinut ([/ft]) = 5 puncte Orice namecover acordat = 1 punct. Punctajul minim pentru raport în funcţie de rank : Rank 1 - minim 20 puncte. Rank 2 - minim 25 puncte + raport namecover. Rank 3 - minim 30 puncte + raport namecover. Rank 4 - minim 25 puncte + optiunea de a fi tester. Rank 5 - minim 15 puncte. Subliderii & Liderul - Nu necesita raport de activitate. EN: Activity Report will start Monday at 00:00 and ends Sunday at 23:59. To verify your points on your raport, you can visit RPG site section Faction Activity or in game using command [/raport]. Every Monday at 00:00 the system will count the total of your points from your activity report, which means that all the points will gather. You can see your activity just for the current week. ATTENTION !!! Check your work! Make sure you have the minimum required points. A faction member who has failed to complete an activity report with X points: -->The member will enter next week in recovery mode. This means that it will not be sanctioned at the moment, but to get rid of the penalty, the next week`s activity report will have to recover non-acumulated points for the old report(the remaining ones) first, and then will be able to accumulate points to complete the current one activity report. * Rank 1 - For non-completion of the current report, you will be kicked from the faction with 60/60 FP. * Rank 2 - For non-completion of the current report, it will enter the next report in the recovery mode of the unfinished report. If this unfinished report is not recovered this time, the player will be kicked from the faction with 10/60 FP. * Rank 3 or higher - For non-completion of the current report, it will enter the next report in the recovery mode of the unfinished report. If that unfinished report is not recovered this time, then the player will receive rank down. If the following report is not finalized neither, already having in the past 1 unfinished report, 1 recovery report that has not been finalized and the current one not completed, then the player will be kicked from the faction with 10/60 FP. Members entering the faction on Wednesdays/Thursdays/Fridays/Saturdays/Sundays will have an optional report for the current week. For helpers minumum of will be halved for their rank they have+ namecover(Rank 2 / Rank 3) For admins minumum of points will be halved for their rank they have+ namecover(Rank 2 / Rank 3) On RPG the points are given for: Any wanted given = 1 point A player with wanted level 1-6 with no right to surrender killed = 1 point A player arrested = 1 point An item confiscated ( drugs / weapons ) = 1 point A sustained test ([/ft]) = 5 points Namecover given = 1 point The minimum points required for report: Rank 1 - minim 10 points. Rank 2 - minim 20 points + raport namecover. Rank 3 - minim 30 points + raport namecover. Rank 4 - minim 25 points Rank 5 - minim 20 points Subleaders & Leader -Without activity report. Edited June 5, 2024 by Beebita ToV Numar puncte 8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
S4F Luna Posted April 17, 2015 Author Share Posted April 17, 2015 (edited) Rapoarte de activitate 30.03.2015 - 05.04.2015 1 Micky - Puncte: 508 2 Tosti - Puncte: 264 3 Shanker - Puncte: 218 4 Dovahkiin - Puncte: 176 5 Ansife - Puncte: 174 6 [TL]radualex95 - Puncte: 146 7 [uS]Sickk - Puncte: 138 8 aNNa - Puncte: 130 9 drunKer - Puncte: 102 10 Gregoire - Puncte: 98 11 N.Catalin[ToV] - Puncte: 91 12 StarTrack - Puncte: 90 13 Rekill - Puncte: 88 14 [LF]Alccs - Puncte: 87 15 [RW]MaxDefected21 - Puncte: 85 16 [iSiS]Buleyyy. - Puncte: 75 17 Zayn[ToV] - Puncte: 74 18 [cH]Saxobeattt - Puncte: 72 19 Cypher - Puncte: 72 20 .BiTe. - Puncte: 71 21 [uS]Kaine - Puncte: 70 22 [AIM]zEk0 - Puncte: 66 23 [AT]CreS - Puncte: 65 24 Ducky[ZEW] - Puncte: 63 25 KingTM[VIP] - Puncte: 55 26 Goosty[VIP] - Puncte: 50 27 [uS]RolexXx - Puncte: 39 28 Moc - Puncte: 35 29 looney - Puncte: 31 30 AsSasiNn[ZEW] - Puncte: 25 31 JohNNy.B - Puncte: 21 32 DooKid - Puncte: 4 33 fpsMANN[Zuz] - Puncte: 2 -------------------------------------------------- Total: 3285 Puncte ! Edited April 17, 2015 by S4F Luna Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zEk0 Posted April 25, 2015 Share Posted April 25, 2015 Raportul de activitate de pe data de: 6.04.2015 - 12.04.2015Micky - 386Tosti - 171Dovahkiin - 141Sickk - 137Ansife - 118Anna - 103IonuVRS - 97N.catalin - 85Saxobeatt - 78Kaine - 75Buleyyy. - 55MaxDefected21 - 53Goosty - 59Radualex95 - 47KingTM - 43.bite. - 35Shanker - 32Cypher - 24zEk0 - 24Assasin - 21StarTrack - 19Drunker - 18Gregoire - 17Ducky - 16Alccs - 15...Relax... - 13Cres - 4Zayn - 2Dookid - 1 In aceasta saptamana raportul nu a fost obligatoriu, deci nu sunt sanctiuni. Daca sunt probleme, va rog sa imi trimiteti PM. O zi buna ! by #zek0 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zEk0 Posted April 28, 2015 Share Posted April 28, 2015 Raportul de activitate de pe data de: 13/04/2015 - 19/04/2015 Crytek. - 402Turbo - 270Gregoire - 222ONI01 - 193Luci.. - 181Presupusu - 179RazvanSzatmari14 - 161Saxobeattt - 147MaxDefected21 - 146Drunker - 136Skater30 - 129Ansife - 129AssasiNn - 88$bobjounior$$ - 85Alccs - 83.bite. - 80Tosti - 80Dovahkiin - 77N.Catalin - 76Cres - 72Rekill - 67KingTM - 66Radualex95 - 64Zayn - 64StarTrack - 62Shanker - 62Sickk - 59DamonulXXL - 57IonuVRS - 49Kaine - 47zEk0. - 39Goosty - 30Looney - 22Ducky - 14 Daca sunt probleme va rog sa imi trimiteti un pm, sa aveti o zi buna si spor la puncte ! #by zek0 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zEk0 Posted May 4, 2015 Share Posted May 4, 2015 Raport de activitate de pe data de: 20.04.2015 - 26.04.2015Gregoire - 163$$bobjunior$$ - 145Crytek. - 133Turbo. - 122ONI01 - 116Luci.. - 115RazvanSzatmari14 - 103Ansife - 94Saxobeattt - 94Alccs - 88SkaterT30 - 87TAZ - 86Radualex95 - 85N.Catalin - 72Shanker - 68MaxDefected21 - 67Zayn - 66Sickk - 66Tosti - 52KingTM - 52IonuVRS - 51Cres - 51.bite. - 50rekill - 44assasinn - 41zEk0. - 33goosty - 33STARTRACK - 30ducky- 21looney - 18moc - 4presupusu - 2 Daca sunt probleme va rog sa imi trimiteti un pm. Daca am uitat ceva pm. Spor la puncte ! #by zEk0. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zEk0 Posted May 12, 2015 Share Posted May 12, 2015 Raport de activitate de pe data de: 27.04.2015 - 3.05.2015Luci.. - 227Exibo.. - 179Dovahkiin - 155Sickk - 152Gregoire - 145sTARJKEE2K - 122Spoomy58 - 122Maxdefected21 - 116RazvanSzatmari14 - 115Ansife - 107ONI01 - 106Crytek. - 100radualex95 - 95$$bobjounior$$ - 95High. - 92Turbo - 90Kaine - 90SkaterT30 - 76Tosti - 72Taz - 71N.catalin - 66Shanker - 62KingTM - 57Saxobeattt - 54Zayn - 52IonuVRS - 47Furuncul - 43StarTrack - 37Azeez - 36Rekill - 36AssasiNn - 33Cres - 32.Bite. - 30Goosty - 30Bebstar666 - 21[]Bu_rn[] = 18Moc - 14Ducky - 12looney - 9Alccs - 2 Daca sunt probleme va rog sa imi trimiteti PM. Daca am gresit / incurcat ceva, va rog sa imi trimiteti PM. O zi buna va urez! Ce e cu rosu, sunt ce-i care au sub 30 de puncte la raport. #by zEk0. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zEk0 Posted May 20, 2015 Share Posted May 20, 2015 Raport de activitate de pe data de: 4.05.2015 - 10.5.2015Azeez - 214.Bite. - 180Spoomy58 - 163Furuncul - 140Saxobeattt - 136Exibo.. - 133Radualex95 - 120Tosti - 116Ansife - 113Crytek. - 111Luci.. - 102sTARJKEE2K - 101Turbo. - 97Gregoire - 90Rabitu - 83RazvanSzatmar14 - 82ONI01 - 81Dovahkiin - 80$bobjounior$$ - 76SkaterT30 - 76Assasin - 75High. - 72Alccs - 69N.catalin - 69Shanker - 67IonuVRS - 63Zayn - 58Kaine - 55KingTM - 53Rekill - 45zEk0 - 41Startrack - 37Goosty - 30Sickk - 21Taz- 14MaxDefected 21 - 6 Daca sunt probleme si am gresit ceva, va rog sa imi trimiteti un PM si o sa editez. Spor la puncte saptaman care urmeaza ! by #zek0 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zEk0 Posted May 29, 2015 Share Posted May 29, 2015 (edited) Raport de activitate de pe data de: 11.05.2015 - 17.5.2015.Bite. - 151Furuncul - 145Crytek. - 133radualex95 - 128Luci.. - 122 Turbo - 120Sickk - 106Spoomy - 101Exibo.. - 97Saxobeattt - 82ONl01 - 82$$bobjounior$$ - 81Taz - 80Azeez - 78Starjkee2k - 75KingTm - 72Dovahkiin - 70SkaterT30 - 70Alccs - 69N.Catalin - 68Gregoire - 63High. - 56Zayn - 53MaxDefected21 - 51Tosti - 50Kaine - 37AssasinN - 37Rekill - 33Startrack - 30Goosty - 30IonuVRS - 24Rabitu - 22zEk0 - 20Ansife - 19RazvanSzatmari14 - 2Shanker - 1 Daca am gresit ceva, PM va rog. by #zek0 Edited May 31, 2015 by AsSasiNn ZEW Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
N Catalin ToV Posted June 10, 2015 Share Posted June 10, 2015 Rapoarte de activitate de pe data de: 18.05.2015 - 24.05.2015 Lucenzo - 449 [AT]RaduAlex95 - 177 BlooD - 161 Furuncul - 138 Cosmin[VIP] - 121 Turbo. - 107 MaxDefecTed21[VIP] - 90 Luci..[CN] - 81 SkaterT30 - 79 Azeez - 75 Dovahkiin - 75 SaxoBeattt[CN] - 74 ONI0N - 71 TAZ - 71 $$BobJounior$$[nWo] - 67 Shanker - 62 CryTek.[ToV] - 62 [AT]sTARjkEE2k - 61 N.Catalin[ToV] - 59 Zayn[ToV] - 54 Rekill - 39 KingTM[VIP] - 38 [uS]Kaine - 35 StarTracK[VIP] - 35 IonuVRS[VIP] - 35 Kendrick - 32 Assasinn[ZEW] - 31 [GF]Goosty - 30 .BiTe. - 30 Tosti[nWo] - 18 Gregoire - 15 zEk0.[s4F] - 15 Rabitu.[ADM] - 12 Exibo.. - 5 RazvanSzmari14[CN] - 3 Daca sesizati probleme, PM me va rog. By #N.Catalin[ToV] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
N Catalin ToV Posted June 15, 2015 Share Posted June 15, 2015 Rapoarte de activitate de pe data de: 25.05.2015 - 31.05.2015 1. [AT]radualex95 - 200 2. Furuncul - 146 3. Lucenzo - 146 4. Saxobeattt[CN] - 130 5. Turbo. - 127 6. RazvanSzatmari14[CN] - 110 7. Dovahkiin - 102 8. Luci..[CN] - 94 9. SkaterT30 - 91 10. BlooD - 86 11. ONIO1 - 84 12. N.Catalin[ToV] - 78 13. MaxDefecTed21[VIP] - 76 14. Cosmin[VIP] - 76 15. TAZ - 71 16. [AT]sTARJkEE2k - 64 17. IonuVRS[VIP] - 58 18. Zayn[ToV] - 58 19. [AT]CreS - 52 20. StarTrack[VIP] - 39 21. .BiTe. - 39 22. Rekill - 30 23. [GF]Goosty - 30 24. zEk0.[s4F] - 23 25. [LF]Alccs - 15 26. Gregoire - 14 27. Shanker - 6 28. CryTeK.[ToV] - 5 29. Assasinn[ZEW] - 4 30. Rabitu.[ADM] - 2 31. Tosti - 2 Daca sunt probleme astept PM. By. #N.Catalin[ToV] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
N Catalin ToV Posted June 15, 2015 Share Posted June 15, 2015 Rapoarte de activitate de pe data de: 01.06.2015 - 07.06.2015 1. zJay - 300 2. Lorenzo69 - 242 3. Andrei89 - 221 4. [F4L]ShuKaruL. - 217 5. BlooD - 181 6. .BiTe. - 145 7. Luci..[CN] - 143 8. Dovahkiin -112 9. Turbo. - 111 10. Exibo.. - 101 11. Tosti - 89 12. sTARjKEE2k - 85 13. Saxobeattt[CN] - 83 14. MaxDefecTed21[VIP] - 80 15. Furuncul - 77 16. Kelemen - 70 17. Zayn[ToV] - 64 18. SkaterT30 - 64 19. ONIO1 - 63 20. Cosmin[VIP] - 61 21. TAZ - 60 22. Gregoire - 54 23. N.Catalin[ToV] - 49 24. StarTracK[VIP] - 42 25. [uS]Kaine - 35 26. IonuVRS[VIP] - 30 27. zEk0.[s4F] - 9 28. CryTek.[ToV] - 9 29. Assasinn[ZEW] - 6 30. RazvanSzmari14[CN] - 6 31. Kendrick - 4 32. [AT]radualex95 - 4 Daca sunt probleme astept PM. By. #N.Catalin[ToV] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
N Catalin ToV Posted June 30, 2015 Share Posted June 30, 2015 Rapoarte de activitate de pe data de: 08.06.2015 - 14.06.2015 Rapoarte efectuate corect (26): 1.[AIM]Saxobeattt - 199 2.[F4L]ShuKaRuL. - 168 3.[DM]Furuncul - 150 4.BOB.JR - 141 5.Turbo. - 122 6.Lorenzo69 - 111 7.Dovahkiin - 106 8.[AT]sTARJkEE2k - 105 9.[uE]Exibo.. - 101 10.zJay - 99 11.Andrei89 - 90 12.BlooD - 79 13.MaxDefected21[VIP] - 76 14.Gregoire - 72 15.[AIM]Luci.. - 64 16. Cosmin[VIP] - 63 17.TAZ - 59 18.RazvanSzatmari14 - 51 19..BiTe. - 40 20.Kendrick - 39 21.SkaterT30 - 36 22.StarTrack[VIP] - 34 23.[uS]Kaine - 34 24.N.Catalin - 32 25.Zayn[ToV] - 32 26.Tosti - 30 Membri invoiti (2): zEk0.[VIP] - rang 6 Rekill - inactivitate Membri care nu au prezentat raportul de activitate - FW (0) By. #N.Catalin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
N Catalin ToV Posted June 30, 2015 Share Posted June 30, 2015 Rapoarte de activitate de pe data de: 15.06.2015 - 21.06.2015 Rapoarte efectuate corect (29): 1.$amine_saidi$ - 472 2.WhYskY - 343 3.[DM]Furuncul - 188 4.zJay - 159 5.Andrei89 - 143 6.Teylo - 133 7.[uE]CokoShAl - 128 8.[uE]Exibo.. - 116 9.[TL]PuFuLeT21 - 112 10.Turbo. - 104 11.BOB.JR - 104 12.safari - 96 13.[F4L]ShuKaRuL. - 91 14.BlooD - 89 15.Cosmin[VIP] - 86 16.MaxDefected21[VIP] - 82 17.[AIM]Luci.. - 80 18.Lorenzo69 - 77 19.SkaterT30 - 65 20.Dovahkiin - 62 21.TAZ - 60 22. N.Catalin - 58 23.[AIM]Saxobeattt - 55 24.Kendrick - 38 25.Gregoire - 36 26.Tosti - 35 27. Zayn[ToV] - 32 28..BiTe. - 31 29.[uS]Kaine - 31 Membri invoiti (5): 1.zEk0.[VIP] - rang 6 2.StarTrack[VIP] - rang 5 3.IonuVRS - rang 5 4.RazvanSzatmari14 - inactivitate 5.ONI01 - inactivitate Membri care nu au prezentat raportul de activitate - FW (0): Daca sesizati greseli, PM me va rog! By. #N.Catalin 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
N Catalin ToV Posted July 8, 2015 Share Posted July 8, 2015 (edited) Rapoarte de activitate de pe data de: 22.06.2015 - 28.06.2015 Rapoarte efectuate corect (29): 1.[GMB]$amine_saidi$ - 197 2.[AT]DragosF. - 168 3.PaRaDiSE - 167 4.WhYskY - 156 5.[uE]CokoShAl - 148 6.[DM]Furuncul - 141 7.Mihaella_RaLuKa[b0T] - 141 8.[GF]Teylo - 122 9.[KING]Lorenzo69 - 110 10.[uN]Exibo.. - 108 11.[TL]PuFuLeT21 - 100 12.MaxDefected21 - 100 13.Sickk - 99 14.Dovahkiin - 95 15.Cosmin[VIP] - 94 16.Andrei89 - 83 17.[AIM]Luci.. - 77 18.TAZ - 73 19.[KING]Turbo. - 73 20.ShuKaRuL. - 70 21.BOB.JR - 70 22.safari - 70 23.ONI01 - 61 24.[uE]Gregoire - 56 25.[AT]CreS - 51 26.[GF]N.Catalin - 46 27.[AIM]Saxobeattt - 44 28.Tosti[ZEW] - 39 29.Zayn[ToV] - 32 Membri invoiti (5): 1.zEk0.[VIP] - rang 6 2.IonuVRS[VIP] - rang 5 3.Rekill - rang 5 4.StarTrack[ZEW] - rang 5 5.RazvanSzatmari14[PLM] - inactivitate Membri care nu au prezentat/nu au indeplinit raportul de activitate - FW (1): 1.SkaterT30 - 34 (FW) Daca sesizati greseli, PM me va rog! By. #[GF]N.Catalin Edited July 8, 2015 by Tovarasu N Catalin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
N Catalin ToV Posted July 25, 2015 Share Posted July 25, 2015 Federal Bureau of Investigations's reports - 29.06.2015 - 05.07.2015 Rapoarte efectuate corect (27): 1.Mihaella_RaLuKa - 493 2.WhYskY - 192 3.[GF]Teylo - 161 4.[A]PaRaDiSE - 112 5.Tosti - 110 6.CokoShAl - 105 7.[AIM]Luci..- 102 8.[uSa]$amine_saidi$ - 94 9.Turbo. - 89 10.[TL]PuFuLeT21 - 83 11.Cosmin - 82 12.RazvanSzatmari14 - 76 13.MaxDefected21[VIP] - 76 14.Andrei89 - 72 15.safari - 71 16.ONI01 - 64 17.Exibo.. - 64 18.Lorenzo69 - 63 19.[GF]TAZ - 56 20.[AT]CreS - 51 21.Dovahkiin - 48 22.[GF]N.Catalin - 42 23.Gregoire - 42 24.Zayn[ToV] - 41 25.[AIM]Saxobeattt - 36 26.Rekill - 31 27.[uS]Kaine - 30 Membri invoiti (4): 1.zEk0.[VIP] - Rang 6 2.StarTrack[ZEW] - Rang 5 3.IonuVRS[VIP] - Rang 5 4.ShuKaRuL. - inactivitate Membri care nu au prezentat/nu au indeplinit raportul de activitate - FW (0): Daca sesizati greseli, PM me va rog! By. #[GF]N.Catalin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
N Catalin ToV Posted July 25, 2015 Share Posted July 25, 2015 Federal Bureau of Investigations's reports - 06.07.2015 - 12.07.2015 Rapoarte efectuate corect (30): 1.show. - 471 2.DH01[ZEW] - 281 3.sNrobert[ZEW] - 186 4.[TL]PuFuLeT21 - 162 5.Biz.[ZEW] - 139 6.Furuncul - 128 7.Dovahkiin - 106 8.[uSa]$amine_saidi$ - 102 9.[GF]N.Catalin - 101 10.Lorenzo69 - 99 11.Andrei89 - 96 12.CokoShAl - 95 13.[A]PaRaDiSE - 89 14.Cosmin - 86 15.AsSasiNn[ZEW] - 83 16.[AIM]Luci.. - 75 17.Mihaella_RaLuKa - 71 18.RazvanSzatmari14 - 69 19.Turbo. - 67 20.[GF]TAZ - 64 21.Exibo.. - 61 22.safari - 60 23.ONI01 - 51 24.MaxDefected21[VIP] - 49 25.Tosti - 46 26.Zayn[ToV] - 44 27.Gregoire - 36 28.[AT]CreS - 33 29.[AIM]Saxobeattt - 32 30.[uS]Kaine - 30 Membri invoiti (7): 1.zEk0.[VIP] - Rang 6 2.[GF]Teylo - Rang 6/Inactivitate 3.IonuVRS[VIP] - Rang 5 4.Rekill - Rang 5 5.StarTrack[ZEW] - Rang 5 6.Sickk - Admin 7.BOB.JR - Inactivitate Membri care nu au prezentat/nu au indeplinit raportul de activitate - FW (0): Daca sesizati greseli, PM me va rog! By. #[GF]N.Catalin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
N Catalin ToV Posted July 27, 2015 Share Posted July 27, 2015 Federal Bureau of Investigations's reports - 13.07.2015 - 19.07.2015 Rapoarte efectuate corect (23): 1.sNrobert[ZEW] - 95 2.Turbo. - 94 3.CokoShAl - 87 4.[TL]PuFuLeT21 - 83 5.DH01[ZEW] - 82 6.Biz.[ZEW] - 81 7.PaRaDiSE - 72 8.BOB.JR - 70 9.Furuncul - 69 10.[uSa]$amine_saidi$ - 68 11.[AIM]Luci.. - 66 12.Lorenzo69 - 64 13.[GF]N.Catalin - 64 14.safari - 60 15.[GF]TAZ - 58 16.RazvanSzatmari14 - 56 17.MaxDefected21[VIP] - 53 18.ONI01 - 52 19.Cosmin - 51 20.Tosti - 50 21.Dovahkiin - 43 22.Gregoire - 40 23.[AIM]Saxobeattt - 31 Membri invoiti (13): 1.zEk0.[VIP] - Rang 6 2.[GF]Teylo - Rang 6 3.Rekill - Rang 5 4.IonuVRS[VIP] - Rang 5 5.StarTrack[ZEW] - Rang 5 6.[uS]Kaine - Rang 5 7.Sickk - Admin 8.ShuKaRuL. - Inactivitate 9.Andrei89 - Inactivitate 10.Exibo...- Inactivitate 11.Zayn[ToV] - Inactivitate 12.Cres - inactivitate 13.Mihaella_Raluka - inactivitate Membri care nu au prezentat/nu au indeplinit raportul de activitate - FW (0): Daca sesizati greseli, PM me va rog! By. #[GF]N.Catalin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
N Catalin ToV Posted August 4, 2015 Share Posted August 4, 2015 (edited) Federal Bureau of Investigations's reports - 20.07.2015 - 26.07.2015 Rapoarte efectuate corect (23): 1.PaRaDiSE - 163 2.[GF]Teylo - 142 3.DH01[ZEW] - 105 4.Dovahkiin - 101 5.Furuncul - 98 6.[GF]N.Catalin - 94 7.$amine_saidi$ - 89 8.Biz.[ZEW] - 78 9.[uN]CokoShAl - 76 10.sNrobert[ZEW] - 75 11.[GF]TAZ - 68 12.Andrei89 - 66 13.[AIM]Luci.. - 63 14.[TL]PuFuLeT21 - 61 15.safari - 61 16.Lorenzo69 - 53 17.Cosmin - 51 18.BOB.JR - 50 19.MaxDefected21[VIP] - 44 20.Tosti - 41 21.Gregoire - 38 22.IonuVRS[VIP] - 35 23.RazvanSzatmari14 - 32 Membri invoiti (8): 1.zEk0.[VIP] - Rang 6 2.Rekill - Rang 5 3.StarTrack[ZEW] - Rang 5 4.[uS]Kaine - Rang 5 5.Zayn - inactivitate 6.Turbo. - inactivitate 7.Exibo... - inactivitate 8.Mihaella_Raluka - invoita 9.Sickk - admin Membri care nu au prezentat/nu au indeplinit raportul de activitate - FW (0): Daca sesizati greseli, PM me va rog! By. #[GF]N.Catalin Edited August 4, 2015 by GF N Catalin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
N Catalin ToV Posted August 18, 2015 Share Posted August 18, 2015 (edited) Federal Bureau of Investigations's reports - 27.07.2015 - 02.08.2015 Rapoarte efectuate corect (22): 1.[GF]Teylo - 198 2.Andrei89 - 178 3.StarTrack[ZEW] - 172 4.[DM]Furuncul - 126 5.[uS]DH01 - 116 6.Zayn[ToV] - 91 7.$amine_saidi$ - 83 8.Exibo.. - 81 9.[GF]N.Catalin - 80 10.Biz.[ZEW] - 78 11.Turbo. - 75 12.CokoShAl - 74 13.[TL]PuFuLeT21 - 73 14.Lorenzo69 - 70 15.Dovahkiin - 68 16.Mihaella_RaLuKa - 63 17.sNrobert[ZEW] - 62 18.Cosmin - 55 19.BOB.JR - 51 20.[GF]TAZ - 51 21.Rekill - 43 22.RazvanSzatmari14 - 41 Membri invoiti (7): 1.zEk0.[VIP] - Rang 6 2.Tosti - Rang 5 3.[uS]Kaine - Rang 5 4.Sickk - Inactivitate/admin 5.Luci... - inactivitate 6.MaxDefecTed21[VIP] - inactivitate 7.[uE]Gregoire - inactivitate Membri care nu au prezentat/nu au indeplinit raportul de activitate - FW (0): Daca sesizati greseli, PM me va rog! By. #[GF]N.Catalin Edited August 19, 2015 by GF N Catalin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
N Catalin ToV Posted August 19, 2015 Share Posted August 19, 2015 Federal Bureau of Investigations's reports - 03.08.2015 - 09.08.2015 Rapoarte efectuate corect (29): 1.[DM]Mach - 600 2.[DM]Fritz - 342 3.[uE]xV3nomx - 265 4.[DM]Furuncul - 202 5.[GF]Teylo - 179 6.Tosti - 176 7.AsSasiNn[ZEW] - 128 8.Liq - 115 9.Andrei89 - 107 10.[TL]PuFuLeT21 - 105 11.Fireburn - 96 12.[uE]Rad0ne - 83 13.Lorenzo69 - 74 14.TriGG3R.. - 73 15.StarTrack[ZEW] - 73 16.[uS]DH01 - 72 17.[uE]Gregoire - 72 18.Dovahkiin - 72 19.Biz.[ZEW] - 67 20.$amine_saidi$ - 66 21.Mihaella_RaLuKa - 64 22.Zayn[ToV] - 62 23.CokoShAl - 61 24.sNrobert[ZEW] - 60 25.[GF]N.Catalin - 60 26.[AIM]Luci.. - 57 27.Turbo. - 53 28.BOB.JR - 51 29.MaxDefected21[VIP] - 47 30.[GF]TAZ - 38 Membri invoiti (6): 1.zEk0.[VIP] - Rang 6 2.Rekill - Rang 5 3.[uS]Kaine - Rang 5 4.Sickk - Admin 5.RazvanSzatmari14 - Inactivitate 6.Cosmin - inactivitate Membri care nu au prezentat/nu au indeplinit raportul de activitate - FW (0): Daca sesizati greseli, PM me va rog! By. #[GF]N.Catalin 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GF MaxDefecTed21 RETRAS Posted September 7, 2015 Share Posted September 7, 2015 (edited) Federal Bureau of Investigations's reports - 10.08.2015 - 16.08.2015 Rapoarte efectuate corect (31): 1.[DM]Fritz-212 2.[DM]Mach-203 3.$amine_saidi$-183 4.[DM]Furuncul - 163 5.[TL]PuFuleT21 - 151 6.Xv3nomx - 144 7.Liq - 143 8.StarTrack [ZEW]- 101 9.Andrei89 - 92 10.AsSasinN[ZEW] - 83 11.Zayn[ToV] - 82 12.Rad0ne - 77 13.TriGG3r.. - 74 14.DH01 - 73 15.N.Catalin- 73 16.Fireburn - 73 17.Teylo - 72 18.Gregoire - 63 19.Cosmin- 55 20.Lorenzo69- 54 21.BOB.JR - 52 22.TAZ - 38 23.RazvanSzatmari14- 37 24.Dovahkin - 36 25.MaxDefecTed21 - 32 26.[AIM]Luci.. - 31 27.Tosti - 31 28.CokoShAl - 10 29.Turbo. - 10 Membri invoiti (6): 1.zEk0.[VIP] - Rang 6 2.Rekill - Rang 5 3.[uS]Kaine - Rang 5 4.Sickk - Admin Membri care nu au prezentat/nu au indeplinit raportul de activitate - FW (0): Daca sesizati greseli, PM me va rog! By. #MaxDefecTed21[VIP] Edited September 7, 2015 by AsSasiNn ZEW 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GF MaxDefecTed21 RETRAS Posted September 7, 2015 Share Posted September 7, 2015 (edited) Federal Bureau of Investigations's reports - 17.08.2015 - 23.08.2015 Rapoarte efectuate corect (26): 1.[DM]Mach-600 2.[DM]Teylo-213 3.[DM]Furuncul-179 4.xV3nomx - 151 5.[uS]DH01 - 148 6.BOB.JR- 147 7.Fritz - 143 8.Tosti- 92 9.CokoShAl - 86 10.$amine_saidi$ - 84 11.Rad0ne - 76 12.Fireburn - 75 13.TriGG3R.. - 70 14.PuFuLeT21- 65 15.Lorenzo69- 52 16.MaxDefecTed21[VIP] - 51 17.Zayn[ToV] - 48 18.AsSasinN[ZEW] - 48 19.TAZ- 37 20.Gregoire- 32 21.Luci.. - 31 22.[uS]Rekill - 30 23.StarTRack[ZEW]- 28 24.N.Catalin - 25 25.Liq - 21 26.Qued_ - 5 Membri invoiti (5): 1.zEk0.[VIP] - Rang 6 2.[uS]Kaine - inactivitate 3.sNrobert[ZEW]-ianctivitate 4.alexBz-inactivitate 5.RazvanSzatmari17-ianctivitate Membri care nu au prezentat/nu au indeplinit raportul de activitate - FW (0): Daca sesizati greseli, PM me va rog! By. #MaxDefecTed21[VIP] Edited September 7, 2015 by MaxDefecTed21 VIP 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StarTrack ZEW Posted October 13, 2015 Share Posted October 13, 2015 Federal Bureau of Investigations's reports - 24.08.2015 - 30.08.2015 Rapoarte efectuate corect (19): Mach: 382 puncte Harddy:359 puncte Simii.: 252 puncte Alexbz:243 puncte Fritz:233 puncte Capaldi:227 puncte Teylo:213 puncte Admin:162 puncte Furuncul:154 puncte Cokoshal:82 puncte Gregoire:60 puncte Dh01:50 puncte Maxdefect:40 puncte Taz:39 puncte itani98:36 puncte Zayn:31 puncte AssaSinn:72 puncte Membri invoiti (2): 1.zEk0.[VIP] - Rang 6 StarTrack-Rang 5 Jax- nou venit. Itani-nou venit. Membri care nu au prezentat/nu au indeplinit raportul de activitate - FW (0): Daca sesizati greseli, PM me va rog! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StarTrack ZEW Posted October 13, 2015 Share Posted October 13, 2015 (edited) Federal Bureau of Investigations's reports - 31.08.2015-06.09.2015 Rapoarte efectuate corect (11): Capaldi:362 puncte. Simii.:261 puncte Itani98:182 puncte Alexbz:166 puncte Fritz:134 puncte Harddy:124 puncte Jax:106 puncte Admin:83 puncte Furuncul:78 puncte Cokoshal:58 puncte Maxdefect:30 puncte Membri invoiti (11): 1.zEk0.[VIP]- Rang 6 StarTrack-Rang 5 Assasasinn-Leader Teylo-Rang 6 Typhon-nou venit Florin91-nou venit R.a.m.y-nou venit Dh01.Invoit Zayn-invoit Gregoire-invoit Taz-invoit Membri care nu au prezentat/nu au indeplinit raportul de activitate - FW (0): Daca sesizati greseli, PM me va rog! Edited October 13, 2015 by StaRtraCk ZeW AiM HaMERaS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StarTrack ZEW Posted October 13, 2015 Share Posted October 13, 2015 (edited) Federal Bureau of Investigations's reports - 07.09.2015-13.09.2015 Rapoarte efectuate corect (18): Alexbz:332 puncte R.A.m.y:293 puncte Harddy:286 puncte Itani98:220 puncte Simii.:185 puncte Frtizt :162 puncte Typhon:162 puncte Capaldi:144 puncte Florin91:141 puncte Maxdefected21:123 puncte Furuncul:108 puncte Zayn:104 puncte Jax:91 puncte Cokoshal:82 puncte Admin:76 puncte Dh01:51 puncte Gregoire:41 puncte Membri invoiti (3): 1.zEk0.[VIP] - Rang 6 StarTrack-Rang 5 Teylo-Rang 6 Membri care nu au prezentat/nu au indeplinit raportul de activitate - FW (0): Daca sesizati greseli, PM me va rog! Federal Bureau of Investigations's reports - 14.09.2015 - 20.09.2015 Rapoarte efectuate corect (19): Capaldi: 161 puncte Fritz: 155 puncte Itani98: 142 puncte Typhon: 138 puncte Simii. : 115 puncte R.a.m.y : 114 puncte Alexbz : 111 puncte Harddy : 104 puncte Florin91 : 103 puncte Furuncul : 88 puncte Cokoshal : 74 puncte Jax : 72 puncte Dh01 : 50 puncte Maxdefected21 : 33 puncte Gregoire : 32 puncte Zayn : 31 puncte Membri invoiti (2): 1.zEk0.[VIP] - Rang 6 StarTrack-Rang 5 Teylo-rang 6 Admin- invoit Membri care nu au prezentat/nu au indeplinit raportul de activitate - FW (0): Daca sesizati greseli, PM me va rog! Federal Bureau of Investigations's reports - 21.09.2015 - 27.09.2015 Rapoarte efectuate corect (25): [M]onter : 373 puncte Typhon : 161 puncte Itani98 : 153 puncte Simii. : 145 puncte R.a.m.y : 130 puncte Capaldi : 129 puncte Alexbz : 118 puncte Fritz : 106 puncte Fady_gemini : 99 puncte Mario_Jovic : 97 puncte Nikola_jokic : 96 puncte Florin91 : 81 puncte Szk : 77 puncte Jax : 67 puncte Harddy : 67 puncte Furuncul : 61 puncte Admin : 60 puncte Cokoshal : 52 puncte Zayn : 39 puncte Taz : 35 puncte Gregoire : 34 puncte Maxdefected : 32 puncte Membri invoiti (2): 1.zEk0.[VIP] - Rang 6 StarTrack-Rang 5 Teylo - Rang 6 Dh01-invoit Membri care nu au prezentat/nu au indeplinit raportul de activitate - FW (0): Daca sesizati greseli, PM me va rog! Edited October 13, 2015 by StaRtraCk ZeW AiM HaMERaS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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