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- Nume: Mike
- Rank:  Captain(5)
- Candidat: Dani_Negoi
- Data si ora: 32.01.2021 21:30
- Rezultat proba teoretica: 0.5/3
- Rezultat proba practica: 6/10
- Admins/Respins: Respins

Edited by TheTom
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- Nume:xJz
- Rank:  Captain(5)
- Candidat: Lunetistul[S4F]
- Data si ora: 24.01.2021 01:05
- Rezultat proba teoretica: 0/3
- Rezultat proba practica: 10/10
- Admis/Respins: Admis

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- Nume: Mike
- Rank: Captain(5)
- Candidat: kalph
- Data si ora: 17:00
- Rezultat proba teoretica:1/3
- Rezultat proba practica: 10/10
- Admins/Respins: 

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- Nume:xJz
- Rank:  Captain(5)
- Candidat: Taz.DraciPeMine
- Data si ora: 24.01.2021 19:00
- Rezultat proba teoretica: 0/3
- Rezultat proba practica: 10/10
- Admis/Respins: 

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- Nume:[]XyHard[]
- Rank: 5
- Candidat: Mariano
- Data si ora: 25/01/2021 13:00
- Rezultat proba teoretica: 2.5/3
- Rezultat proba practica: 9.5/10
- Admins/Respins: 


- Nume:[]XyHard[]
- Rank: 5
- Candidat: Volkano
- Data si ora: 25/01/2021 23:10
- Rezultat proba teoretica:0/3
- Rezultat proba practica:10/10
- Admins/Respins: 

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- Nume: RelaXx
- Rank: Captain (5)
- Candidat: Soren

- Data si ora: 09/02/2021 ~ 20:00
- Rezultat proba teoretica: 0/3
- Rezultat proba practica: 10/10
- Admis/Respins: Admis

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- Nume: Cristian[ToV]

- Rank: Captain (5)
- Candidat:HUGE[S4F]

- Rezultat proba teoretica: 0/3
- Data si ora: 09.02.2021 20:40

- Rezultat proba practica: 10/10
- Admis/Respins:ADMIS.



- Nume: Cristian[ToV]

- Rank: Captain (5)
- Candidat: .iceman.

- Rezultat proba teoretica: 0/3
- Data si ora: 09.02.2021 20:40

- Rezultat proba practica: 9/10
- Admis/Respins:

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- Nume: Mike
- Rank: 5
- Candidat: DarK.ARMAGHEDONU
- Data si ora: 19:30
- Rezultat proba teoretica: 3/3
- Rezultat proba practica
- Admins/Respins: RESPINS

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- Nume: [uS]xJz
- Rank: 5
- Candidat: [LDV]Medievh
- Data si ora: 10/02/2021 17:48
- Rezultat proba teoretica: 3/3
- Rezultat proba practica: -
- Admins/Respins: RESPINS

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- Nume: Ionut.

- Rank: 5
- Candidat: LightBullDog

- Rezultat proba teoretica: 2/3
- Data si ora: 10.02.2021 18:00

- Rezultat proba practica: 10/10
- Admis/Respins: ADMIS.

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- Nume: RelaXx
- Rank: Assistan Chief (6)
- Candidat: baoke.

- Data si ora: 18/02/2021 ~ 22:30
- Rezultat proba teoretica: 0/3
- Rezultat proba practica: 10/10
- Admis/Respins: Admis

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- Nume: Mike
- Rank: 5
- Candidat: FireBoy
- Data si ora: 21:30
- Rezultat proba teoretica: 3/3
- Rezultat proba practica: -
- Admins/Respins: RESPINS

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- Nume: TheTom
- Rank: Lider
- Candidat: LightBuldog

- Data si ora: 20.02.2021 / 22:00
- Rezultat proba teoretica: 3/3
- Rezultat proba practica: 0/10

Nesustinere test in 48h

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- Nume: RelaXx
- Rank: Assistan Chief (6)
- Candidat: Afrojack.YRN

- Data si ora: 19/02/2021 ~ 20:30
- Rezultat proba teoretica: 0.5/3
- Rezultat proba practica: 9/10
- Admis/Respins: Admis

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- Nume: ShubhaM
- Rank: Lieutenant (4)

- Data si ora: 10/03/2021 - 12:32
- Candidat: Groot
- Rezultat proba teoretica: 0.5/3
- Rezultat proba practica: 10/10
- Admins/Respins: Admis

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- Nume: Bailly
- Rank: Lieutenant (4)

- Data si ora: 09.03.2021 23:39
- Candidat: hirak0.rtv
- Rezultat proba teoretica: 3/3
- Rezultat proba practica: -
- Admins/Respins: 

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- Nume:Cristian[ToV]
- Rank: Captain(5)

- Candidat: [BTK]KiIIa
- Data si ora:10.03.2021 19:35
- Rezultat proba teoretica: 3/3
- Rezultat proba practica: -
- Admins/Respins: RESPINS



- NumeCristian[ToV]
- Rank: Captain(5)

- Candidat: [OG]ShaReeWay
- Data si ora: 10.03.2021 19:25
- Rezultat proba teoretica: 3,5/3
- Rezultat proba practica: -
- Admins/Respins: RESPINS



- NumeCristian[ToV]
- Rank: Captain(5)

- Candidat: ShawN.NANALiEN

- Data si ora: 10.03.2021 23:25
- Rezultat proba teoretica: 3,5/3
- Rezultat proba practica: -
- Admins/Respins: RESPINS


- NumeCristian[ToV]
- Rank: Captain(5)

- Candidat: Olteanu[Legend]

- Data si ora: 10.03.2021 23:45
- Rezultat proba teoretica: 3/3
- Rezultat proba practica: -
- Admins/Respins: RESPINS



Edited by Cristian ToV
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