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[Portofoliu] mR.FarouK

South Farouk

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@, Who told you this is a bad Work?, if you don't like it Don't replay here againe, keep your Advices for your Selfe.

@, Realy this is a great work bro, felicitarii +1 De la mine.

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@, Who told you this is a bad Work?, if you don't like it Don't replay here againe, keep your Advices for your Selfe.

@, Realy this is a great work bro, felicitarii +1 De la mine.

You are dumb, if he expect only good words from the start, he will never learn and progress.

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About Text

1. Make text Without Corner better

2. if You do it with White Color better

About effet

All of your Picture are on his original Effect, You should Change it, Pm me if you wan't to help you on anything about ( texts - effect -etc..)

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@, for sure, maybe i don't know how to creat a perfect work That dosen't matter i'll learn by time and tutorials, first of all you must learn how to remove Cheats from your PC then how to play in B-zone community, after that try to take a place near those players because i don't see you anymore try to won respect from each other, because realy you are nothing, when you do all of those we will speak how to take free time for you to learn how to work with PS.

@@Kurz, Thank you for the +1.

@, it's Ok.

@, Thank you.

@, all that will be by Time, i'll watch and learn tutorials 1par1.

Anyway thank you all for those posts.

@, don't use Such posts please.

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@, for sure, maybe i don't know how to creat a perfect work That dosen't matter i'll learn by time and tutorials, first of all you must learn how to remove Cheats from your PC then how to play in B-zone community, after that try to take a place near those players because i don't see you anymore try to won respect from each other, because realy you are nothing, when you do all of those we will speak how to take free time for you to learn how to work with PS.

@@Kurz, Thank you for the +1.

@, it's Ok.

@, Thank you.

@, all that will be by Time, i'll watch and learn tutorials 1par1.

Anyway thank you all for those posts.

@, don't use Such posts please.




It means you don't have eyes, i posted the video and i didn't had nothing. You think i am here to play man? I am here to show my creations in Photoshop more than everything else and i am nervous when i see Begginers like you that don't know to resize a photo and don't know even the Basic in Photoshop, if you are so good as you think you are, i wait for you in a Battle.

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Good Job

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I'm not gonna lie here, you have a long way to go compared to other designers. But you don't give up and that's a good attitude to have. Don't just use default fonts like Calibri, Arial, etc. There are tonnes of pretty fonts out there that you can download for free.


With time and practice, I'm sure you can be one of the best. Good luck!

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