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Harti serviete complete cu indicatii

South Maximus

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Salutare, stiu ca deja exista multe harti complete, dar m-am gandit sa postez hartile facute de mine cu mai multe indicatii, respectiv nivelul de sol la care se afla servieta, harta impartita in zone, etc. Sper sa va ajute, daca descoperiti greseli postati in continuare si o sa dau edit. Deocamdata pun doar LS, daca vad ca e apreciata, pun si LV si SF.


Daca iti place munca mea, da-mi un "+".




Hello, I know that the complete maps already exist, but I thought to post the maps made by me with more indications and help: the ground level where the briefcase is located, the map divised in different zones, and others. I hope it will help you, if you see some mistakes, post them in this topic and I will edit the map. For now, I post just the map of Los Santos, if I see that it's appreciated, I'll post and the others.


If you like my work, give me a "+".




LOS SANTOS MAP -> 50/50 http://imgur.com/0rbgyRH


LAS VENTURAS MAP -> 50/50 http://imgur.com/FAk4yai

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@ - Thank for the maps. However, I'm really stuck at one last briefcase in LS.


Can anyone tell me where this briefcase is?: http://i.imgur.com/wzW69Xd.jpg Is it on top of Cluckin' Bell? Because it's not there .

No, in the back of the Cluckin' Bell is a wall, and in his back is a little tree. The briefcase is in the tree

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