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[Portofoliu] Spices


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Am revenit cu ceva avatare, dupa cum stiti am avut o problema cu photoshop-ul, l-am rezolvat de mai mult timp, dar apoi a intervenit lenea si o problema cu tastatura, ca sa nu ne mai lungim, acestea sunt creatiile:



cO1tWHF.png ; 0UuLLbx.png ; Pme72CW.png ; ; 4qBFtNV.png ; 6hUkB18.png ; InJGW7S.png ; cUhaViw.png ; vtt7PrL.png ; 5bju2Nl.png ; fhvGlkF.png ; 75cKqoa.png ; yYSftZO.png

Edited by Radu Finantatoru
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Yes,Perfect one,Can you make to me good pict for me :HasseN ,if you have free time of course ?!!! :* :* :*:P:):P


i need a stock to make you a avatar. i try to make something that i like, but i'm not sure that you will like the avatar, sorry for bad english too

Edited by Radu Finantatoru
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