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[Winner cRiStaL][B-Zone Battle]rOOkEt vs. cRiStaL


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1. In primul rand vreau sa subliniez faptul ca amandoua lucrarile sunt bune.

2. Prima lucrare are un flow bun, aroape perfect, text la fel dar strica c4d-ul acela de pe bckg. Trebuia opacity mai mic si ceva blur.

3. A doua lucrare. Hmm dificil stock ti-ai ales. Flowul ala e foarte greu de scos in evidenta si tie ti-a iesit binisor. Texul cam slabut si prea departe de focal, prea sare in ochi.



Vote #1!

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Guest ddaanniieellss

Vote 1 imi plac + 'urile si efectele folosite

Edited by ddaanniieellss
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