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English Gang

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English GanG  

296 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you agree with making an english gang in b-zone servers ?

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@@PhaxSILENT,S Am înţeles ideea, dar cum să modifice un gang? Am dat exemplu bun, dacă nu le convine, asta e Sunt de acord că peste tot se vorbeşte în engleză, dar până la urmă, hai să le dăm tot ce doresc pe serverul ăsta, să se lase dominată B-Zone de străini. Să vină şi refugiaţii!


Oricum, nu-mi pasă, să vă spălaţi cu facţiunile pe cap, eu am dat o idee.


PS: Nu mă cunoşti, dar vorbeşti aiurea! Cică nu ştiu engleză, idiotule.

PS2: Nu sunt obligat să le scriu în engleză, pupincurist prost ce eşti.

PS3: Termi a spus că vrea un gang de englezi, eu le-am spus că pot avea, dar în P.C / Bay Side sau Angel Pine (să nu se strice actualele ganguri).

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@@South Max, max if there is someone who is posting "prostii" here then it will be you , you are not an owner to decide if foreign players must get such demand , you keep saying that if you join an english server you will not get such demands , so i want to ask you, did you tried to join an english server ?

if bobo accepted this suggestion i'm sure that there is no other way except transforming an actual gang into an english one .

p.s: maxtreme , we respect your opinion , this is a public poll and not a topic of discussions , so please stop posting here.

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@@PhaxSILENT,S Am înţeles ideea, dar cum să modifice un gang? Am dat exemplu bun, dacă nu le convine, asta e Sunt de acord că peste tot se vorbeşte în engleză, dar până la urmă, hai să le dăm tot ce doresc pe serverul ăsta, să se lase dominată B-Zone de străini. Să vină şi refugiaţii!


Oricum, nu-mi pasă, să vă spălaţi cu facţiunile pe cap, eu am dat o idee.


PS: Nu mă cunoşti, dar vorbeşti aiurea! Cică nu ştiu engleză, idiotule.

PS2: Nu sunt obligat să le scriu în engleză, pupincurist prost ce eşti.

PS3: Termi a spus că vrea un gang de englezi, eu le-am spus că pot avea, dar în P.C / Bay Side sau Angel Pine (să nu se strice actualele ganguri).

Tot nu intelegi ce vrei sa zic si nu are rost sa ma agit, nu ma intereseaza ce mafie isi aleg ei sau ce mafie e aleasa, eu doar mi-am exprimat parerea, am 8 sub-lidere in mafii deci punctul de vedere al celor din Gang e deasupra punctului de vedere al celor pasnici ca tine, daca le scriu in engleza inteleg mai repede decat daca le scriu in romana, asta nu inseamna ca sunt pupincurist. Nu stiu cum poti sa ma faci pe mine idiot cand tie iti mai trebuiesc cateva milioane de neuroni sa gandesti corect asa ceva.
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Guys :))) gangs is for evryone SP is for romanian and english, if you don't know to speak Romanian you can apply with an english app in any gang in SP kais don't know romanian but he is in Southern pimps XD MY ENGLISH :))


Mi-se pare o prostie asta cu un gang doar pentru eng players deoarece ei deja pot intra in orice factiune pe server de ce sar face un gang doar pentru eng players ei pot intra in orice factiune pe server nu exista vreo regula sau cel putin nu am auzit de asa ceva sa te respinga daca nu sti romana:)) mai ales in gang-uri cat timp esti bun la arme nu ne intereseaza ca nu stii tu romana iti dau /backup vi la backup si ala e. Nu ca as avea ceva cu playeri straini sunt prieten cu multi playeri straini de pe sv rpg2 si sunt in factiune diferite de exemplu xslim e in verdant rank 5, kais e in SP la mine nu i-a respins nimeni pe motiv ca nu stiu romana sau ceva de genu daca merita intra daca nu BAFTA exista test-loguri si in engleza nu numai in romana.... testeri majoritatea stiu si eng. Nu am nimic cu playeri straini sa nu interpretati.

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Good idea I agree!

But why you don't Suggest to make all factions "Mixt" ; Any player [ENG - Ro ] can get leader of any factions they want , because The english player are not many in b-zone's servers

and Leaders Can give 2 Subleaders in their factions , that's why admins can make New rule in Faction to give 1 Ro Subleader and The other one Eng to help the leader ...

Good Luck

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1. It's quite glitchy if you think of it due to Timezone diffrence. Other players Maybe have to stay awake too late at night and some may have to wake up so early in the morning to attend wars. Alot of changes could happen though if this so happens.

2. Sure that many dreams of aspiring leaders trying to dream of joining and leading a gang could be fulfilled, But b-zone is not that crowded with lure english players Assuming that a English player is at a gang and all the gang members are romanians it would be hard for them to socialize and understand war strategies.


well our decisions maybe varied but still it will need a whole lot of work establishing an english gang



Good idea I agree!

But why you don't Suggest to make all factions "Mixt" ; Any player [ENG - Ro ] can get leader of any factions they want , because The english player are not many in b-zone's servers

and Leaders Can give 2 Subleaders in their factions , that's why admins can make New rule in Faction to give 1 Ro Subleader and The other one Eng to help the leader ...


Good Luck

Bruh I think your Idea is Rad But alas As people said Translating another language you don't know to a form you know is hard. What if you were pure english and the member can't understand english There would be a Big misunderstanding between 2 parties. Also if this so happens the factions could be overthrown by English players but if its just 1 or 2 factions that allows eng leaders Then the balance is correct.

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No. Why? You can apply, you can be accepted in any gang. You just need to know to shot with guns. If u don't understand romanian, tell to leaders to use /backup and go there. It's not very hard. In that gang will be romanians like in SFSI and you won't like.

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U can`t make just one gang of Foreign people. 1 that is discriminatory. 2 Dosen`t make any sense , 3 This is a romanian/english comunity. U can`t just propose to make a english faction just cuz u can`t speak romanian.

Learn the language, or put more leaders to take notice in using english as a primary language in the gang/factions, and thats that.



P.S. im not mean, im just realistic

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