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B-Olympics - Anunturi | Announcements

RelaXx S4F

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In acest topic vor fi anuntate toate modificarile aduse olimpiadelor, atat pe forum cat si pe server.

In this topic will be announced all the changes brought on the forum or on the server.

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Update 05.12.2016


Majoritatea topicuri-lor permanente au fost modificate

Au fost adaugate logo-uri noi.



Most of the permanent topics was modified.

There was added new logos.

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Best Carol

O noua proba dedicata civililor a fost creata cu ocazia sarbatorilor! Premiul este in valoare de 100k. Mai multe detalii aici.

A new task dedicated for civilians was created with the ocassion of christmas! The prize is 100k. More details here.

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Editia B-Olympics Winter 2017 (Clans) s-a incheiat. Felicitari Ultras South pentru castigarea olimpiadei, va puteti ridica trofeul de aici. Ne auzim in februarie pentru olimpiada factiunilor.

Restul participantilor isi pot ridica medaliile din topicele cu probele la care au participat si au castigat o medalie in zilele ce urmeaza.

The Winter B-Olympics 2017 (Clans) edition it's over. Congratulations Ultras South for winning the olympics, you can take your trophy from here. See you in february for factions olympics.

The remaining participants can take the medals from tasks topics where they won a medal in next days.

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B-Olympics Winter 2017 (Factions) va incepe pe 06.02.2017 si se va termina pe 10.02.2017.

B-Olympics Winter 2017 (Factions) will start on 06.02.2017 and it will be finished on 10.02.2017.

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O prezentare a olimpiadelor creata de Sebi_Jr. Felicitari pentru munca depusa si pentru castigarea COTM! Mai multe detalii pot fi gasite aici.

A presentation of olympics made by Sebi_Jr. Congratulations for your work and for winning the COTM! More details you can see here.


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Editia B-Olympics Winter 2017 (Factions) s-a incheiat. Felicitari Hitmen Agency pentru castigarea olimpiadei, dar si FBI si LVPD pentru locurile 2 si 3. De asemenea felicitari @BiGziLa, @Teylo si @Voda Alex9alex pentru organizarea factiunilor, dar si tie @BattleLord pentru strangerea celor mai multe puncte! Va puteti ridica trofeul de aici. @BiGziLa, te rog ca in saptamana 13.02.2017 - 19.02.2017 sa iti invoiesti toti membrii de la rapoartele lor de activitate. Va asteptam si editia viitoare sa va inscrieti. Ne auzim la toamna.

Restul participantilor isi pot ridica medaliile din topicele cu probele la care au participat si au castigat o medalie.

The Winter B-Olympics 2017 (Factions) edition it's over. Congratulations Hitmen Agency for winning the olympics, but FBI and LVPD for places 2 and 3 too. Also congratulations @BiGziLa, @Teylo and @Voda Alex9alex for how you organized your factions, also congratulations @BattleLord for all the points! You can take your trophy from here. @BiGziLa, i ask you to pass your members from raport in 13.02.2017 - 19.02.2017 week. We are waiting you to enroll next edition too. See you at autumn.

The remaining participants can take the medals from tasks topics where they won a medal.

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Civilians B-Olympics 2017 va avea loc intre zilele 14.04.2017 si 23.04.2017. In acest interval vor fi mai multe evenimente speciale organizate cu ajutorul staff-ului B-Zone pentru jucatorii comunitatii ce nu se afla in clanuri sau factiuni, deci pentru a putea participa la acestea trebuie sa fiti civili in adevaratul sens al cuvantului, pentru membrii factiunilor sau ai clanurilor exista olimpiade speciale. Asta nu inseamna ca nu vor exista evenimente si pentru ceilalti, voi incerca sa creez un eveniment unde toti se vor putea distra.


Planuiesc ca aceasta olimpiada sa aiba un format diferit fata de cele normale, astfel ca vor exista, pe langa evenimentele pe server, si giveaway-uri sau bonusuri, in functie de suportul primit de la staff/jucatori.


Informatii cu legatura la evenimente vor aparea in viitor.



Civilans B-Olympics 2017 will be between 14.04.2017 and 23.04.2017. In this interval will be a large number of special events organized by B-Zone staff for that players which are not neither in a clan or faction, so if you want to participate at this events you need to be civilians, for the members of factions or clans there are special olympics. That don't mean that there will not be some events for all of the players, I will try to create an event where you all can have fun.


I hope that this olympics will have a different format compared to the others, so beside the events on the server there will be some giveaways or bonuses, depending on the support I get from the staff/players.


Informations about events will appear in the future.

Edited by GF RelaXx
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Pentru a evita crearea de conturi secundare pe moment, am decis ca jucatorii cu nivel sub 5 sa nu poata participa la evenimentele ce vor avea loc cu ocazia Civilians B-Olympics 2017.


To avoid creating secondary accounts on time we decided that players with level under 5 will can not join to the events that will take place at the Civilians B-Olympics 2017.

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Pentru a evita imbogatirea peste noapte a unor jucatori, am decis ca fiecare dintre voi sa poata castiga doar cate 1 eveniment, astfel ca daca ai castigat locul 1/2/3 la unul dintre evenimentele precedente nu vei mai avea voie sa participi la alt eveniment, deci alegeti foarte bine evenimentul unde vreti sa dati 120% din voi.


To avoid players who will become rich over the night, I decided that every one of you can win only 1 event, that mean if you won place 1/2/3 at an event you can't participate to another one, so be careful what event you will choose to give 120% of you.

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Editia de primavara a B-Olympics s-a incheiat. Sper ca v-au placut evenimentele si ca v-ati distrat la acestea. Urmeaza olimpiada factiunilor in toamna, deci aruncati o privire din cand in cand asupra acestei sectiuni.

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Autumn B-Olympics 2017 va avea loc intre zilele 09.10.2017 si 15.10.2017. In acest interval vor fi facute 5 probe la care doar membrii factiunilor vor putea participa. De asemenea, pentru a putea participa o factiune trebuie sa fie inscrisa de un rank 5+ aici. Succes!


Planuiesc ca aceasta olimpiada sa cuprinda si un premiu special acordat membrilor comunitatii talentati la desen sau in photoshop. Mai multe detalii urmeaza sa apara.


Informatii cu legatura la evenimente vor aparea in viitor.





Autumn B-Olympics 2017 will be between 09.10.2017 and 15.10.2017. In this interval will be a made 5 tasks where will participate just the factions members. Also, to participate, a faction need to be registred by a rank 5+ here. Good luck!


I have in plan for this edition to give a prize to a member who is talented at the drawing or in photoshop. More details will appear.


Informations about events will appear in the future.

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Din cauza unor probleme, olimpiada este prelungita pana pe data de 16.10.2017. Va multumesc pentru intelegere.


Thanks to some issues, the olympics is extended until 16.10.2017. Thanks for understanding.

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Din cauza problemelor cu lag-ul de pe server, ultima proba este amanata pana duminica, 22 decembrie.


Thanks to the lag issues from the server, the last task is postponed until Sunday, 22 december.

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Editia B-Olympics Autumn 2017 (Factions) s-a incheiat. Felicitari Federal Bureau of Investigation pentru castigarea olimpiadei, dar si HA si LVPD pentru locurile 2 si 3. De asemenea felicitari @South MaxyMusS, @Ecs7azy si @Alexander S pentru organizarea factiunilor! Trofeele vor fi postate in maxim 1 saptamana si voi anunta intr-un post cand o voi face. @South MaxyMusS, te rog ca in saptamana 23.10.2017 - 29.10.2017 sa iti invoiesti toti membrii de la rapoartele lor de activitate. Va asteptam si editia viitoare sa va inscrieti. Ne auzim la iarna.


Medaliile si castigatorul probei de creatii vor fi postate in viitorul apropiat.




The Autumn B-Olympics 2017 (Factions) edition it's over. Congratulations Federal Bureau of Investiagation for winning the olympics, but HA and LVPD for places 2 and 3 too. Also congratulations @South MaxyMusS, @Ecs7azy and @Alexander S for how you organized your factions! The trophies will be posted in maximum 1 week. I will announce in a post when them will be posted. @South MaxyMusS, i ask you to pass your members from raport in 23.10.2017 - 29.10.2017 week. We are waiting you to enroll next edition too. See you at winter.


The medals and the winner of the creation task will be announced in the nearly future.

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B-Olympics revine în forță în această iarnă. Aștept sugestii pentru ediția următoare în topicul de propuneri.





B-Olympics returns this winter. I'm waiting for your suggestions in the suggestions topic.

Edited by GF RelaXx
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Editia B-Olympics Winter 2019 s-a incheiat. Felicitari Tow Truck Company pentru castigarea olimpiadei, dar si National Guard si San Fierro Police Department pentru locurile 2 si 3. De asemenea felicitari @South Paul, @Standar si @Plutonium ToV pentru organizarea factiunilor! Trofeul va fi postat in maxim 1 saptamana si voi anunta intr-un post cand o voi face. O sa va rog ca in urmatoarele 30 de zile dupa ce primiti premiul in bani sa imi dati un pm cu dovezile de /transfer catre membrii vostri sau cu activitatile facute in interiorul factiunii pentru a folosi banii primiti in urma olimpiadei. In cateva ore o sa creez un pm cu voi 3 pentru a va face o lista cu toti participantii factiunilor voastre. Craciun Fericit!

Medaliile vor fi postate in viitorul apropiat.



The Winter B-Olympics 2019 edition it's over. Congratulations Tow Truck Company for winning the olympics, but National Guard and San Fierro Police Department for places 2 and 3 too. Also congratulations @South Paul, @Standar and @Plutonium ToV for how you organized your factions! The trophie will be posted in maximum 1 week and I will announce in a post when them will be posted. I will ask you that in the next 30 days after you receive the prize to give me a pm with the proofs of /transfer to your members or with the faction activities to ensure that you used the money your faction won in your faction interest. In a few hours i will create a pm with the 3 of you to show you a list with all the participants that helped your factions to win. Merry Christmas!

The medals will be posted in the nearly future.

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Editia B-Olympics Summer 2020 s-a incheiat. Felicitari Paramedics pentru castigarea olimpaidei, cu cel mai mare punctaj pe care l-am vazut de cand fac olimpiada, dar si San Fierro Taxi si San Fierro Police Department pentru locurile 2 si 3. De asemenea felicitari @MAff96, @aky9 si @Plutonium ToV pentru organizarea factiunilor, sa le multumiti si subliderilor pentru interesul aratat! O sa va rog ca in urmatoarele 30 de zile dupa ce primiti premiul in bani sa imi dati un pm cu dovezile de /transfer catre membrii vostri sau cu activitatile facute in interiorul factiunii pentru a folosi banii primit in urma olimpiadei. Mai precis vreau sa vad ca folositi banii in folosul membrilor si al factiunii, si ca nu ii pastrati.


The Summer B-Olympics 2020 edition is over. Congratulations Paramedics for winning the olympics, and San Fierro Taxi and San Fierro Police Department for second and third places. Also congratulations @MAff96, @aky9 and @Plutonium ToV for the way you organized your factions, you have to thank your subleaders for the hard work! I will ask you that in the next 30 days after you receive the prize to give me a pm with the proofs of /transfer to your members or with the faction activities to ensure that you used the money your faction won in your faction interest. Basically I want to see that you use the money for your members and faction, and that you don't keep them.



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Editia B-Olympics Winter 2020 s-a incheiat! Felicitari Tow Truck Company pentru castigarea acestei editii, dar si factiunilor Las Venturas Taxi si San Fierro Taxi pentru locurile 2, si respectiv 3. De asemenea felicitari liderilor @Paul ToV, @HEROINA si @aky9 pentru organizarea factiunilor pe care le conduc cat si subliderilor pentru interesul aratat. O sa va rog ca in urmatoarele 30 de zile sa impartiti premiile primite cu membrii factiunii (cu toti sau doar cu cei care au participat la olimpiada) sau sa organizati activitati in cadrul factiunii cu acestia, iar dupa ce terminati de acordat toti banii sa reveniti cu PM catre mine si @Rami cu dovezile transferurilor. Craciun Fericit si Un an nou plin de noroc! 

De asemenea felicitari @KyubyZEM RPG pentru strangerea celor mai multe puncte pentru factiunea ta in timpul olimpiadei, ai fost premiat cu 1000 gold.


Atat medaliile cat si trofeul vor fi postate in cel mai scurt timp.


The Winter B-Olympics 2020 has ended! Congratulations Tow Truck Company for winning this edition, and congratulations Las Venturas Taxi and San Fierro Taxi for your placement in the rankings, takeing the second and third place. Also I would like to congratulate the leaders @Paul ToV, @HEROINA and @aky9 for how they managed to organise their factions that they lead and the subleaders that shown a lot of interest for this eveniment. I would ask you that in the next 30 days to share the prizes to your faction members (to the ones that participated in this olympics or to all of your members) or to organise some activities inside your faction with these money, and after you finish to give them the money to come back with a PM with me and @Rami with some proofs about the transfers. Merry Christmas and a Happy and Lucky New Year!

Also congratulations @KyubyZEM RPG for the most points gotten through the tasks of this olympics, you were awarded with 1000 gold.


The medals and the trofee will be posted as fast as possible.

Edited by RelaXx S4F
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Felicitari din nou Tow Truck Company si @Paul ToV


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Din cauza problemelor aparute pe server in ultimele zile, impreuna cu staff-ul superior al RPG1 am decis sa amanam olimpiada pana pe data de 17.05.2021. Ne cerem scuze pentru eventualele probleme.


Because of the server problems that appeard in the last couple of days, me and the upper RPG1 staff decided to postpone the olympics until 17.05.2021. We are apologizing for any problems that may create.

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Editia B-Olympics Spring 2021 s-a incheiat! Felicitari El Loco Cartel pentru castigarea acestei editii si pentru ca sunteti prima factiune tip gang care reuseste sa castige olimpiada, dar si factiunilor National Guard si News Reporters pentru locurile 2, si respectiv 3. De asemenea felicitari liderilor @AIM Adelante, @bbomber83 si @Ailime pentru organizarea factiunilor pe care le conduc cat si subliderilor pentru interesul aratat. O sa va rog ca in urmatoarele 30 de zile sa impartiti premiile primite cu membrii factiunii (cu toti sau doar cu cei care au participat la olimpiada) sau sa organizati activitati in cadrul factiunii cu acestia, iar dupa ce terminati de acordat toti banii sa reveniti cu un mesaj pe discord catre mine si @Rami cu dovezile transferurilor.

De asemenea felicitari @GaBBlue pentru strangerea celor mai multe puncte pentru factiunea ta in timpul olimpiadei, ai fost premiat cu 800 gold cat si alte premii.


Atat medaliile cat si trofeul vor fi postate in cel mai scurt timp.


The Spring B-Olympics 2021 has ended! Congratulations El Loco Cartel for winning this edition and for being the first gang faction that won the olympics, and congratulations National Guard and News Reporters for your placement in the rankings, takeing the second and third place. Also I would like to congratulate the leaders @AIM Adelante, @bbomber83 and @Ailime for how they managed to organise their factions that they lead and the subleaders that shown a lot of interest for this eveniment. I would ask you that in the next 30 days to share the prizes to your faction members (to the ones that participated in this olympics or to all of your members) or to organise some activities inside your faction with these money, and after you finish to give them the money to come back with a discord message to me and @Rami with some proofs about the transfers.

Also congratulations @GaBBlue for the most points gotten through the tasks of this olympics, you were awarded with 800 gold and other prizes.


The medals and the trofee will be posted as fast as possible.

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Felicitari din nou @AIM Adelante si El Loco Cartel.



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  • Rami locked this topic


Incepand cu editia B-Olympics Winter 2022, toate factiunile vor fi inscrise automat la olimpiada, ca sa nu mai existe vorbe in viitor, ca liderul n-a avut timp sa inscrie factiunea la olimpiada sau nu a dorit sa participe din pur si simplul motiv ca nu a dorit el, chiar daca membrii si-au dorit acest lucru, asa ca incepand cu editia aceasta incolo, toate factiunile vor fi inscrise automat la olimpiada. Enjoy tuturor si succes celei mai bune factiuni care va castiga in aceasta editie.

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