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Windows 7 - Problema la instalare.


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Ce problema ai (detalii clare, nu "uitati in screenshot/video)?: Atunci cand vreau sa-mi instalez windows-ul, trebuie sa selectez partitia-n care trebuie instalat. Ei bine, eu nu pot sa-mi selectez partitia, deoarece imi scrie in felul urmator: "Windows cannot be installed on this disk. The selected disk has an MBR partition table. On EFI systems, Windows can only installed on GPT disks."

De cat timp aveti problema respectiva?: Nu e un anume timp.

Sistem de operare ?: Windows 7 ofc.

Screenshot/Video: http://i.imgur.com/UTb1bct.jpg
Link catre posibilele rezolvari pe care le-ai incercat pe Google si nu au mers dintr-un motiv sau altul: http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/answers/id-1723461/windows-installed-disk-selected-disk-mbr-partition-table-efi-systems-windows.html

-nu vreau sa-mi formatez hard-u', decat partitia c, daca se poate.

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