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About New Rule - #Change_20_Hours?


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(Before i post this discussion i just made a paper with every word i will say here)
(If you see that im telling the truth or there is something wrong feel free to comment , +1 and thank's)
Hello all i hope you are fine it's KaLai. from rpg1 and i pass the hello to all of u.
I saw a new rule that can make problems for most of us , Admins. This rule is bad (in my opinion, im not speaking about all opinions):
1- First: This rule musn't be posted directly ? Why u didn't ask about what players wants? I Think this rules must be posted in Polls first before getting here.
2- Second: This rule must be controlled by every leader of his own faction and choose his own requirement of hours played per mounth example: Pier Mobs Leader can put minim 19 hours per mounth Avispa's one choose 16 and Paramedics 15 . ( this is just an example).
3- Third: We have a life guys, it's true we can play but with the new system of hours played its hard to gain hours played.
4- Fourth: Members sometimes cant do 20hrs because leader is not active at activitites so player get bored even to do some hours played
5- Fiveth: Why not counting minutes stayed connected in the server? that will be better.
6- Sixth: Also Admins can fix this with a simple way: every Payday one counted hour played per mounth .
End Message: Thank's for reading i hope this gonna fixed as fast as admins can see this message i don't have any problem from one of u but this rule is breaking too many Players! PLEASE think about those who have high school , preparatory and college (age +18).
#Clean 4. Activitate

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Well, i don't think it's a bad idea to put 20 hours played that should be played by faction members , it's not hard to play 1 hour per day or i don't know from my side this rules is in the right position.




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I think that this rule is not good, because sometimes pepole have hard situations and cant open game, they just do that to make the activity report and leave. Gang members who have 0 turfs will have minimul 10 hours at one month because they dont have activities (wars).

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