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Problema Genuine Microsoft


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Nume: Heineken

Varsta: 15

Ce problema ai?: Genuie Microsoft Software

O scurta descriere a situatiei:

Screenshot: http://www.img.b-zone.ro/images/28098067575030670196.bmp

Alte precizari: Caut ceva cu care sa dispara acest text din dreapta ecranului , nu reinstalez WINDOWS

Edited by HeinekeN
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Modifici numele fisierelor WgaTray.dll si WgaLogon.dll (din C/Windows/System32) in WgaTray.old si WgaLogon.old, si dai restart.

Pentru mine a functionat.

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Modifici numele fisierelor WgaTray.dll si WgaLogon.dll (din C/Windows/System32) in WgaTray.old si WgaLogon.old, si dai restart.

Pentru mine a functionat.

Si dupa te duci in My Computer->C:\->Documents and Settings->All Users->Application Data si stergi de acolo folderu` cu geniune advantage sau ceva de genu`.



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