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[SOLVED] People Disrespecting Countries ( In-Game )


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  • it happened to me too! but idc about it once I received a phone call and it was awesome I made fun of it! :D XD

you can turn these situations by laughing! well not always but sometimes it's funny!

raciest is in human blood they raise it they do impossible with it it's the mind control tool for politicians so don't expect any country with low racism!

racism is a large element everywhere noticeable and ignorable and useable !!! they use it to argue or make fun or have fun or even make friends and also use it to get popularity or control over a crowed in speech specially when a country's president gives their speech you can notice it very clearly in Donald-trump!

XD have fun enjoy every moment of your life


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Hello, I Made This Topic Because People Are Saying 'Terrorist' To People Belonging From ' Pakistan-India ' i Just wanted To say, Stop This. I never Disrespected Romania Or Abused Them.

I want That Kelton To Stop It. 



DragonSoul say right . Some romania peoples saying me Terrorist and also say Taliban.  






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1 hour ago, FaziBoy said:

Hello, I Made This Topic Because People Are Saying 'Terrorist' To People Belonging From ' Pakistan-India ' i Just wanted To say, Stop This. I never Disrespected Romania Or Abused Them.

I want That Kelton To Stop It. 



DragonSoul say right . Some romania peoples saying me Terrorist and also say Taliban.  

Hey bro, Listen.

What if we made one player to stop saying that ?..
There will be more players those who rise up and say "Terrorist" or bla bla to you.. 


Okaaay, Lets guess, What if @Kelton start punishing those players. 

Will this be a logic to ban a player for saying "terrorist" to you ?..  [Server will be empty with this rule =)) ]


Grow UP dude, Don't compare this game with your real life. 

As, No one gonna remember who you was. At the end its just a GAME.

Bro, Think on the concept that "ITS JUST A FKING GAME" STOP BEING SERIOUS.


Anyways, That's your choice, I can only show you the way.

If you want to cri, keep crying. [I suggest you to be strong, because after some time, no one will be here to wipe your tears for this same situation. OR maybe someone will come to wipe, If you are a GIRL =)) ] 


31 minutes ago, PoojaPanchal said:

I am totally agree with @Khalsa Ji , We do not have any solution for them... Just let them say whatever they wants and try to ignore them as much as you can.

#Selfie #Mene #Leli #Aaj ? =))

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15 minutes ago, xSLiM said:

Racism is punishable in many big games such as League of legends, World of warcraft or  Overwatch, why is it allowed in b-zone? doesn't make sens.. 

"Slim you are terrorist"

I am calling ya terrorist, Means you become terrorist ?

This is just the thinking of the people.

In my first post here, I did already mentioned that... If they are bullying you in RO (or any other language), Simply ignore them or Bully him/her in your language.


Concept of Racism is much bigger then our expectations, Then why to grab it in the game... Games are just to Enjoy .. Not being serious.

I repeat, This is the thinking of the people, Once you ignore a player then, he/she realize his/her mistake. (If he/she don't, Keep ignoring.. someday he will.)


I do want to share my experience.

I used to do [/ad] about "Looking for a Girl friend." to have some fun with players (I did 1000s of that ads.). and what they used to message me

"Why you are looking for a GF in game, are you serious ?"

"Are you serious with your ad ?"

"Man, Get a life.. don't be serious in game"

"Don't be serious in game, Mr Virgin."


I used to laugh a lot on those SMS.. But then things got changed.. A naba took my ads serious :V

The word "SERIOUS", Don't be sooo serious if someone is calling ya "Terrorist" ...

Its a different thing in real, But Games are to Enjoy.. Not to make Issues.

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Just now, Khalsa Ji said:

I repeat, This is the thinking of the people, Once you ignore a player then, he/she realize his/her mistake. (If he/she don't, Keep ignoring.. someday he will.)

Well Said !!

Its A Truth 

I Am Agree With You Khalsa Nunu :* 

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2 hours ago, Khalsa Ji said:



#Selfie #Mene #Leli #Aaj ? =))

Lol, I am not dhinchak pooja and even i don't watch her videos but i know she is trending :18:

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10 hours ago, PoojaPanchal said:

Lol, I am not dhinchak pooja and even i don't watch her videos but i know she is trending :18:

Calm my friend, I am just kidding with that.

Even I am not fan of fking Dhinchak.


Take care, Stay safe.

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On 7/21/2017 at 5:23 PM, Cristian B said:

                                   Hi DragonSoul! You're right, and this is the mistake that many people are doing. You can't fix them, but the only solution is that Kelton said, ''don't get offended by anything others say about you''.

                  So, enjoy your game; we are all different, and the ''terrorists'', aren't very different in comparation with us. The religion, culture, these make the differents. Don't give up! 

My english is gone, i'll hope u understand :) So, let's play togheter.

Thanks Thanks thanks for Giving Me happy day and i really did not knew that people are so Nice ! I was expecting mean comments (Insulting , Abusing ) thanks alot once again

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@Khalsa Ji


Bro This Topic Has been made to Show Admins.. Behind there back what is happenings and i don't Need Support For Wiping My Tears Because I am Not Really Crying ! We are Just Talking About These Things. there Are Romanian IN this Topic Which Said This is Right ! Mr We don't need your help Wiping Our Tears And We Never Asked ! Do you think Talking Likw That Make people Respect You ? But you are WRONG ! Giving Advises or Saying 

(#Selfie #Mene #Leli #Aj ) What do you really mean By that Posting On this Topic ? Really ?

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Noowww Fromm Noowww !  I won't fking care about that , some of your comments @Khalsa Ji  Were Lovely And Some .. Never Mind . Now I am Really Knowing the Command in the Game [/h] & [/ignore] or talk Politely IDK . Btw Love you All For not Giving Mean Comments. Thanks Alot!

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36 minutes ago, DraGonSoul Rpg2 said:

@Khalsa Ji


Bro This Topic Has been made to Show Admins.. Behind there back what is happenings and i don't Need Support For Wiping My Tears Because I am Not Really Crying ! We are Just Talking About These Things. there Are Romanian IN this Topic Which Said This is Right ! Mr We don't need your help Wiping Our Tears And We Never Asked ! Do you think Talking Likw That Make people Respect You ? But you are WRONG ! Giving Advises or Saying 

(#Selfie #Mene #Leli #Aj ) What do you really mean By that Posting On this Topic ? Really ?

I don't fking care what people think about me.

I don't want respect from those who get jealous from everyone and spread false news.


About "Selfie mene leli aj" its just for my friend, Pooja. not for you or anyone else.


And About what's going on behind admins, No one cares.

Please, Don't rise that issues. I may start calling you "Terrorist" too, Stop crying like kids.


30 minutes ago, DraGonSoul Rpg2 said:

Noowww Fromm Noowww !  I won't fking care about that , some of your comments @Khalsa Ji  Were Lovely And Some .. Never Mind . Now I am Really Knowing the Command in the Game [/h] & [/ignore] or talk Politely IDK . Btw Love you All For not Giving Mean Comments. Thanks Alot!

My words are lovely or harsh.. idc.

As, I am a straight forward guy, I don't talk sweetly to be someone's friend.

I do say my words on the face, and that's the tru words, either you like or don't. But, Truth is truth.


In the end, I just wanna say. Stop crying if someone calls you "Terrorist" .. Because, the one who is saying.. he/she is enjoying a lot and you are crying for nothing.


Take care friend, Stay safe.

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13 minutes ago, S E T H said:

I Know It But From Your Words His Words People's Think That You are fighting =)) Be Calm And Drink Cold Coca Cola :) And Enjoy Life :D 

Do you know one, its annoying by writing "Word Word Word" .. it looks ugly.

Try to type like "Word word word"

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@Khalsa Ji you may start calling me 'terrorist' you know why cause of minor things you get to say some one something HARSH! By posting this Topic i got Noble Comments Which made my Career More Easier People Who Say me Terrorist Please Go On saying that because i won't Give A S|H|•|T . And stop bringing those words ' Crying - Tears ' etc . caise we are not here to WIPE your Tears Mr.Punjabi  a.k.a @Khalsa Ji


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it's all fun and shit until someone pulls out a bomb. don't take racism shit seriously, most racist people are ignorant and can't make an opinion of their own. it's not your job to listen to them, just kick them in their junk and go on..

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19 hours ago, DraGonSoul Rpg2 said:

@Khalsa Ji you may start calling me 'terrorist' you know why cause of minor things you get to say some one something HARSH! By posting this Topic i got Noble Comments Which made my Career More Easier People Who Say me Terrorist Please Go On saying that because i won't Give A S|H|•|T . And stop bringing those words ' Crying - Tears ' etc . caise we are not here to WIPE your Tears Mr.Punjabi  a.k.a @Khalsa Ji




Friend, I don't know what kind of kid you are.

I don't have more words.

Take care, Stay safe.

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You shouldn't be playing GTA if you're not 18 anyway. Anyone over 18 really would not care that much if someone said a "mean" word to them. Just ignore it and move on. This thread will resolve nothing. It's like trying to get a utopian society. It won't happen. 

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