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SF School Instructors - Weekly Mission


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06.03.2022 - 10.03.2022

(STARTING 07.03.2022 AT 00:01 AM)

The Miracle Of Flight - TMOF

You guys need to take 6 pictures in some specific situations (hopefully you got the guts for them)

1st challenge : A picture of you falling that contains you and a vehicle of choice (it does not matter if its a maverick a dodo whatever it is you must be out of it falling with no parachute opened)

2nd challenge : A picture of yourself on top of a dodo wearing as much pink as u possible can

3rd challenge : A picture of you in a CARGOBOB wearing a B O X costume (as big as possible)

4th challenge : 1 Picture or a short video of you flying on top of the ground with a boat (it does not matter what kind of boat you use, or the height that you reach)

5th challenge : A video of you smashing someone with an flying vehicle (again, the vehicle is chosen by the participant the angle that u crush the player in as well. just make sure it does not post you. It can also be one of your friends AND the victim can also live after the tragic accident)

6th and the LAST challenge : A picture/ a video of your upside down in a plane in the LS-SF tunnel. You need to be A L I V E (The video can contain the last moments of your certain doom)



1st PLACE : The first candidate that posts the 6 pictures (in a link ofc) here in a 24h interval gets the 250k + The ability to wear the leader skin for a week

2nd PLACE : The candidate that posts the 6 pictures in a 48hrs interval OR after the 1st place was taken gets 150k

3th PLACE : The candidate that posts all 6 pictures in an 72hrs interval OR after the 2nd place was taken gets 100k

Edited by Vaathu
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Nickmame : Espada

Rank : SF Instructor (2) 

Proofs :    1st challenge : https://imgur.com/a/4gAM7xQ

               2nd challenge : https://imgur.com/a/0TrOond

               3rd challenge :https://imgur.com/a/D3RCEhs

               4th challenge :https://imgur.com/a/uhZ3kUJ

              5th challenge :

             6th challenge : 


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Winners Of The Week :

1st PLACE FEAR - 250k + The ability to wear the leader skin for a week

2nd PLACE : ESPADA - 150k

3th PLACE : -



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Weekly mission - By SF School Instructors

11/04/2022 > 17/04/2022

Hello instructors. This week we've prepared an easy and different mission for you. The mission is:


''Take the coolest photo with cigarette''


ATTENTION: You have to post your photo untill  15.04.2022 at 23.59 (Friday). After friday, SF School Instructors leadership will consider your photo. The coolest photo selected by voting will get the prize.You can see an example >>here<< You can use any skin, costume, modpack or anims.



First prize : 250.000$ 

Second prize: 175.000$

Thrid prize : 125.000$


PS: We won't take into account the photos which posted after Friday. Any rule violation's sanaction is  disqualify.



Posting model




Good Luck!

Edited by Urkelbama
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Weekly mission - By SF School Instructors

18/04/2022 > 24/04/2022

Hello instructors. This week we've prepared a different type of mission. Complete the missions given below:


TUESDAY (19.04.2022)

1. Complete 2 Bunker Delivery (Supply or Stock it doesn't matter): 1 Delivery brings 20 Points. 40 Points in Total.

2. Make $20.000 amount given in ''Your Goal'' section: 40 Points.


WEDNESDAY (20.04.2022)

1. Complete a rob succesfully (It doesn't matter how much money you earn. Even $0 is acceptable): 80Points.

2. Kill 10 Players in Paintball Arena LS: 1 kill brings 4 Points. 40 Points in Total.

3. Take a photo with a Paraemdics member in front of the HQ SF School Instructors40 Points.




1. Take a photo with 1 Helper, 1 Leader and 1 Admin : 1 Photo brings 20 Points. 60 Points in Total.

2. Catch a ''Dragonet''  as job Fisherman:  80 Points.

3. Get a ''Addictio Kit''  from job Chemist:  80 Points.



ATTENTION: You have to complete the missions on the given date (For example You cannot do Tuesday's mission on Monday or Thursday's mission on Wednesday). If you missed a day, you can recover that day. In Thursday's first mission, if you already took a photo with helper, you should take the another photo with another staff.



The First 3 players prize  is: Special Prize (Like small amount of gold, Extra Vehicle Slot, Level up, Hidden Color, Dealership Stock etc)



PS: First 3 who reaches the high points, gets the prize. You have time untill 23.04.2022 at 23.59. Any rule violation's sanaction is  disqualify.



Posting model




Good Luck!

Edited by Urkelbama
Added a new mission
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Nickname: Drg

Rank: 3



19 Tuesday

1. Complete 2 Bunker Delivery (Supply or Stock it doesn't matter).






2. Make $20.000 amount given in ''Your Goal'' section.




20 Wednesday

1. Complete a rob succesfully (It doesn't matter how much money you earn. Even $0 is acceptable).


2. Kill 10 Players in Paintball Arena LS.



3. Take a photo with a Paraemdics member in front of the HQ SF School Instructors.



20 Thursday

1. Take a photo with 1 Helper, 1 Leader and 1 Admin.




2. Catch a ''Dragonet''  as job Fisherman.


3. Get a ''Addictio Kit''  from job Chemist.



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results-removebg-preview (2).png

1st:  @ DDDrg 460 Points: (he chose 1 Level-UP)

2nd: @ Adem  300 Points: (he chose 1 Free Job SkillIup)

3rd: @ Xanu 80 Points: (he chose 1 Free Job Skillup)

See you again with new missions!

Edited by Urkelbama
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Weekly mission - By SF School Instructors

16/05/2022 > 22/05/2022

Hello instructors. This week we've prepared an easy weekly mission for you. The mission is:

You Have to take Screenshots with the following players Using anim "/dealstance" for both of you:


- ''Take One ScreenShot With Any Admin 3+''

- ''Take One ScreenShot With Any Helper 2''

- ''Take One ScreenShot With a Faction Leader'' (you are not allowed to take ss with your Faction Leader)

- ''Take One ScreenShot With a Clan Leader'' ('if you are in clan', you are not allowed to take ss with your Clan Leader)


ATTENTION: When you Post your proofs you are not allowed to edit it anymore, Otherwise you gonna be disqualified. 



First prize : 250.000$ 

Second prize: 150.000$

Thrid prize : 100.000$




Posting model:





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Nickname: Drg

Rank: 4



''Take One ScreenShot With Any Admin 3+''



''Take One ScreenShot With Any Helper 2''



 ''Take One ScreenShot With a Faction Leader''



''Take One ScreenShot With a Clan Leader''



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