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SF School Instructors - Weekly Mission


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Weekly mission - By SF School Instructors

24/04/2023 > 30/04/2023

Hello instructors, We're back with New Weekly Mission:


Mission: in order to finish this weekly mission you have to find the 3 following Locations:

Difficulty: Easy


Loc1: Click Here

Loc2: Click Here

Loc3: Click Here


Make sure to: toggle off your minimap & chat before taking the screenshot (you can do that by pressing at F7 button in your keyboard)

PS: if we get 3 winners at this weekly mission we ll make more of these type of mission but with more difficult Places, Goodluck.


The Prizes for this weekly mission Are:


First prize : $250,000 + half activity raport for the next week

Second prize: $150,000 + permission to wear Leader Skin for the next week

Thrid prize : $100,000



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Weekly Mission - By

SF School Instructors

01/05/2023 -> 07/05/2023


1. Sell 10 artifacts from the archaeologist job.

2. Take a picture with any sub-leader of the SF School instructors faction.

3. Take a picture in front of the Church in LV, between two red vehicles.

Difficulty: Medium


The prizes for this weekly mission are:


First prize: $250,000 + half activity raport for the next week

Second prize: $150,000 + permission to wear Leader Skin for the next week

Third prize: $100,000

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Weekly mission - By SF School Instructors

08/05/2023 > 14/05/2023

Hello instructors, We're back with New Weekly Mission:


Mission: in order to finish this weekly mission you have to complete the following tasks:


1:-Place 1 an advertisement (/ad SF School Instructors Recruiting)

2:-Make x5 Trips at the trucker job (a single picture in which the 5 runs appear down in the corner)

3:-Find the next location click here

Make sure to: toggle off your minimap & chat before taking the screenshot (you can do that by pressing at F7 button twice in your keyboard)

4:-Make an LMS (last man standing) event with SFSI Recruiting as a title (one single picture with /event in chat)

 5:-take x2 pictures with two different Admin 4+

6:- take a picture with a clan leader(/clanleaders list must appear in chat to prove that he is clan leader)

7:-Sell x2 Weapons license (level doesnt matter)

8:- Take a picture in top of chilliad with two Same type vehicles with Green colors (not allowed with SFSI)

9:-Buy one news paper from News Reporter member

10:-Get heal from 2 different Paramedic members

11:-Place x5 Contracts on 5 diffrent players with sum of money $2,000 "/Contract <playername/id> 2000"



The Prizes for this weekly mission Are:


First prize : $1,000,000 + half activity raport for the next week

Second prize: $650,000 + permission to wear Leader Skin for the next week

Thrid prize : $400,000


PS: We'll announce Winners for the weekly mission at the end of the week or when we find 3 first winners

* For mistakes & modifications > PM the leader/Weekly mission Organizer ! enjoy


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Edited by AdeM
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Weekly mission - By SF School Instructors

08/05/2023 > 14/05/2023

Hello instructors, We're back with New Weekly Mission:


Mission: For this weekly mission you have to sell the most licenses to under level 10 players


- Paramedic members wont be counted
- Proof must be with screenshot ingame After you /givelicense + /id player must appear in chat too

- After you post the mission you are not allowed to edit it anymore

- Who ever break one of the rules will be disquali



The Prizes for this weekly mission Are:


First prize : $250,000 + half activity raport for the next week

Second prize: $150,000 + permission to wear Leader Skin for the next week

Thrid prize : $100,000


PS: We'll announce Winners for the weekly mission at the end of the week 

* For mistakes & modifications > PM the leader/Weekly mission Organizer ! enjoy


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Weekly Mission By

SF School Instructors

22/05/2023 => 29/05/2023


1. Take a picture in a RED faction vehicle at the base of the LV pyramid.


2. Offer to 3 different players with level between 1 and 5, $100 each via /pay. (/id should appear in the picture)


3. Take a picture of a member of the National Guard with the /wave animation.


The prizes for this weekly mission are:


First prize: $250,000 + half activity raport for the next week

Second prize: $150,000 + permission to wear Leader Skin for the next week

Third prize: 100.000$


PS: We'll announce Winners for the weekly mission at the end of the week 


* For mistakes & modifications > PM the leader/Weekly mission Organizer ! enjoy


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Edited by ViarAfton
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Weekly mission - By SF School Instructors

29/05/2023 > 04/06/2023

Hello instructors, We're back with New Weekly Mission:


Mission: in order to finish this weekly mission you have to:


- Take a screenshot with admin 5 using (/dealstance) animation both of you infront of sfsi HQ

- Lose one wanted Level without getting arrested (1 screenshot which it says you lost the wanted on general chat)

- find the next location -> click here <-




- You are not allowed to ask for help to find the location

- Who ever break one of the rules above will be disqualified




The Prizes for this weekly mission Are:


First prize : $250,000 + half activity raport for the next week

Second prize: $150,000 + permission to wear Leader Skin for the next week

Thrid prize : $100,000


PS: We'll announce Winners for the weekly mission at the end of the week or when we find 3 winners

* For mistakes & modifications > PM the leader/Weekly mission Organizer ! enjoy


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