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Cerere - TheV1rus- avatar/logo/signature


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  • Display Name: TheV1rus
  • I want (Avatar/Signature/Userbar/Logo/Cover Profile): Avatar + singature and logo and cover profile please
  • Picture (requested in case of signatures): 58hRwaJ.jpg
  • Theme (in case you didn't post a picture):
  • Text: TheV1rus
  • Sizes: which fix fit
  • Other details: '' make animated text or better logo and sigy
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First of all, you have a regulation to follow.

In order to make a request, you need to have at least 50 posts. (3)

Your last request made here is this one: https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/427235-please-do-it/?tab=comments#comment-6573061 (3)

In total, you get a 6 - day ban. Topic closed.


It's like the second time I'm telling you this, if you don't respect the rules, all I can do is to ban you, over and over again until you listen.

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