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Rawless VIP

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Salut, nu mi se salveaza ss-urile facute cu F8 in Documents->GTA SA User Files->SAMP->screens, cum se salvau in mod normal. Tin sa precizez ca am modul fastscreen.asi si ca optiunea 'Store Gallery Photos' din setari este ON. Ar trebui sa se salveze in alta parte?

Va rog, fara raspunsuri de genul 'reinstaleaza jocul'.

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That mod only replaces SA-MP screenshot method, allowing screens to be taken instantly without a small stunt, faster and in higher quality.

It does not change the pictures destination, Start and then click Run Type in ' %appdata% ' (If you are running Windows XP Then type in ' %application data%'), once your in appdata/application data got into local. Its either in the local folder or in Virtual store or even in temp. I know for sure its in one of them. If it's not there re-check your documents.

Re-install the game and change the resolution, simply use 'Windows + Print Screen' buttons to take a screenshot. 

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Bro, incearca sa tii apasat F8 cand faci poze pe 1 Secunda sau ceva, daca tot nu merge, e problema la GTA, nici mie nu imi merge fast screen. Mai degraba iti bagi Third-Party ceva ca sa iti faca screen-uri. Windows GameBar face poze bine si ShadowPlay.

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