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No Big Deal, Just Godzilla Vs. Kong's Adam Wingard Being Cute With His Mom At The Drive-In Premiere


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King Kong with Kaylee Hottle's Jia in Godzilla vs. Kong


Godzilla vs. Kong is gearing up to be the biggest blockbuster since the COVID-19 pandemic and wow, does it feel good to be back. King Kong’s expansive roar against Godzilla’s electric cries could not be more perfect for the big-screen experience, and audiences are catching on. Following a huge opening overseas last weekend, Godzilla vs. Kong is being welcomed to domestic audiences this week, and director Adam Wingard made it a family affair.


Adam Wingard and his mother looked like they were having a blast at the outdoor screening, as they posed in their own fighting positions next to a sign for Godzilla vs. Kong. Movie premieres used to be huge events before COVID-19 and, while he didn’t assemble the entire cast together to celebrate the massive movie, he did have some family beside him to celebrate the major accomplishment.


Along with its big debut in theaters, Godzilla vs. Kong is available on HBO Max during the month of April. You can use this link to sign up for the streaming service. Warner Bros is releasing every one of its 2021 films to both theaters and HBO Max, giving audiences options when it comes to viewing the film. The industry is certainly on edge and curious about how this strategy will affect Godzilla vs. Kong’s box office gross but so far, things are looking good.


Godzilla vs. Kong has already made $151 million worldwide after about a week in theaters across international markets and is now heading into the domestic market’s first weekend. Its domestic earnings have already roared past $27 million, beating out Tenet’s $20 million first weekend pandemic best last September. And the best part is a ton of fans are really enjoying the movie as well.




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