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SA-MP 0.3c RC Limited


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SA-MP 0.3c RC


We are releasing a scripting (player limited) version of SA-MP 0.3c early, so that server owners and scripters can start updating their scripts and making any changes needed for the next SA-MP version. A full release of 0.3c is not expected for at least a few more weeks.


SA-MP 0.3c is mainly a feature update. Bugs will be fixed throughout the RC, so they can be reported. Higher priority will be given to bugs in any of the new features.




0.3c RC2 client/server update


- This release attempts to fix some of the issues with text colour embedding, like misaligned colours and interferring with character encoding. If there are still problems, please report them.

- The server is now 50 slot.

- The 0.3c RC server list is now online.

- We are monitoring client crash reports so please do report them in the crash window or paste the report in this forum section.


0.3c RC1-2 client update


- Fixes a crash with player attached objects if you are using the GTA SA EU version.


SA-MP 0.3c RC1 release information is below


Important changes needed to make 0.3b scripts work with 0.3c


The functions SetPlayerHoldingObject, IsPlayerHoldingObject and StopPlayerHoldingObject have been removed. These functions were limited in the fact that they could only attach 1 object to each player. New functions have been added which allow you to attach up to 5 objects to each player.


pawn Code:

#define MAX_PLAYER_ATTACHED_OBJECTS 5 // This is the number of attached indexes available ie 5 = 0-4

native SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, index, modelid, bone, Float:fOffsetX = 0.0, Float:fOffsetY = 0.0, Float:fOffsetZ = 0.0, Float:fRotX = 0.0, Float:fRotY = 0.0, Float:fRotZ = 0.0, Float:fScaleX = 1.0, Float:fScaleY = 1.0, Float:fScaleZ = 1.0);
native RemovePlayerAttachedObject(playerid, index);
native IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed(playerid, index);


If you have a lot of script bound to SetPlayerHoldingObject, these defines below might be useful. You can add them to the top of your pwn file after a_samp.inc is included. These will use player attached object slot number 4.


pawn Code:

#define SetPlayerHoldingObject(%1,%2,%3,%4,%5,%6,%7,%8,%9) SetPlayerAttachedObject(%1,MAX_PLAYER_ATTACHED_OBJECTS-1,%2,%3,%4,%5,%6,%7,%8,%9)
#define StopPlayerHoldingObject(%1) RemovePlayerAttachedObject(%1,MAX_PLAYER_ATTACHED_OBJECTS-1)
#define IsPlayerHoldingObject(%1) IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed(%1,MAX_PLAYER_ATTACHED_OBJECTS-1)


Colour embedding:


You can use {RRGGBB} (hex) strings embedded in text to change the text colour. This works in the chat window, in dialogs, in 3D text labels, and in numberplates. Colour codes are automatically filtered with () in player chat text. The only exception to the colour code filtering is input dialog response text.


The return of SetVehicleNumberplate()


While the function name is the same, it works differently. All cars now have a generic numberplate "XYZR 000". The numberplate will only change if SetVehicleNumberPlate() is used. The string limit for a numberplate is 32 characters, which gives you enough space for an 8 character numberplate plus some additional room for colour codes. Please use this function with care and don't go assigning custom numberplates to vehicles that don't have plates (like planes/boats etc), as this would result in unneeded processing time on the client.




New extended parameters for vehicles that allow you to change the state of the

vehicle engine, lights, alarm, doors locked, bonnet open/closed, boot open/closed, objective status.

These don't have to be set for each player anymore like SetVehicleParamsForPlayer(). They're

automatically replicated to all players.


pawn Code:

[/code]#define VEHICLE_PARAMS_UNSET -1




native SetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective);

native GetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, &engine, &lights, &alarm, &doors, &bonnet, &boot, &objective);[/code]




pawn Code:

new engine,lights,alarm,doors,bonnet,boot,objective;

   if(strcmp(cmd, "/startengine",true) == 0) {
       new vid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
       if(vid != INVALID_VEHICLE_ID) {
       return 1;
   if(strcmp(cmd, "/stopengine",true) == 0) {
       new vid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
       if(vid != INVALID_VEHICLE_ID) {
       return 1;


You can also write wrapper functions around this function e.g.


pawn Code:

       new engine,lights,alarm,doors,bonnet,boot,objective;




ManualVehicleEngineAndLights() can be used in OnGameModeInit(), or somewhere before players connect. It will instruct all clients that the server controls both the vehicle engines and the lights. That means the engine will not automatically start when the player enters the vehicle and the lights will not automatically come on at night. This is useful for role playing servers where the player might manually have to start/stop the engine. The behaviour of SetVehicleParamEx with manual engine/lights control is different depending on whether manual (server) engine and lights control is enabled.




Hopefully this one is self-explanatory.


New objects, particle objects, samp.img, samp.ide


There are a lot of things that need to be documented regarding this. Some useful information should appear on the SA-MP wiki within the next few weeks. To give a brief overview, thanks to the SA-MP beta team, SA-MP now includes hundreds of new objects, including particle objects. These objects use model/object IDs that are not normally available in San Andreas. A full list of IDs can be found in your GTA SA folder under models\samp.ide after you install any version of SA-MP 0.3c.


PS : Sursa SA-MP.Com , e o fel de TEASER, merge doar pe 50 slots , eu l-am testat pe un server roman care deja a bagat versiunea si e tare :)

PS2 : Doar am anuntat.


Edit : Niste poze :D














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Hmm , sa inteleg ca pe langa celelalte updateuri , o sa ne putem cumpara ochelari , sepci si haine in general, ca in single player ?


Oricum , abia astept sa trecem la 0.3c :) va fi foarte frumos

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Deocamndata 0.3C are maxim de sloturi pe un server 50 ...

Eu joc pe un server RP pe versiunea 0.3C care se bate lumea sa intre :)) 50/50 mereu ..

Dupa mine cea mai interesante parte de la 0.3C este faza cu specile / caciulile / castile ..

Cand conduceti o motocicleta va pune automat o casca de motociclst pe cap :) .

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Da.. acum m-am jucat cu Sinned , pe un server sa va mai zic:


Deocamdata e RC nu full:

- Cand te urci pe motor, iti pune casca + ca sa nu cazi /seatbelt ( iti pui centura ) , /e, /engine ( sa pornesti motorul ).

- Poti sa iti pui placuta daca ai masina personale /myplate.

- Deocamdata faza cu deschiderea portbagajului,usilor nu merge, dar va merge cand trece de RC.

- Acuma cand intri in sa:mp , s-a schhimbat logo-ul intr-un logo mai 3d + sponsori new logo (unii)

- Si mai era ceva da am uitat :)).

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Merg multe vrajeli va zic eu , o sa iasa nebunie cand apare full.

Nu mai posta variantele astea RC Limited stephan ca nu are rost... pe deasupra ai mai dat si copy/paste de pe sa-mp.com. De descriai tu in limba romana intelegeam , dar asa...nu conteaza.

Pana n-apare 0.3c FULL Nu are rost sa faceti topicuri de-a indoaselea...

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