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Social Media | RPG Special events - Ziua Copilului / Children's Day


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Intre 1 & 4 Iunie, echipa Social Media va pregateste un sir de evenimente distractive si in acelasi timp destul de interesante, cu niste premii EXTRA-speciale. Evenimentele vor avea loc atat pe serverul RPG1 cat si pe RPG2 la orele 21:00 - 23:00 (dupa war-uri).





1️⃣ Ziua 1. Labirint: 1 Iunie ora 22:00 - 23:00


Locul de desfasurare al acestui event va fi intr-un loc special amenajat. Jucatorii dintr-un capat al labirintului, vor trebui sa ajunga la celalt capat unde ii vor astepta ceilalti organizatori, dar nu este atat de usor pe cat pare. Labirintul are niste usi inchise, iar voi va trebui sa gasiti niste chei pentru a le deschide. Odata ce gasiti o cheie, cand va veti apropia de o usa aceasta o sa va permita sa treceti mai departe prin labirint. Pentru ca totul sa fie cat se poate de corect in cazuri in care mai multi deodata veti gasi sfarsitul labirintului, va trebui sa scrieti ceva unui organizator, orice text prin chatul whisper (/w). Doar asa va vom clasifica corect dupa numarul de locuri disponibile, care pentru acest eveniment vor fi 4:


Locul 🥇 va castiga Job/Rob Skill UP (la alegere)

Locul 🥈 va castiga VIP Free

Locul 🥉 va castiga 2x Crates (la alegere)

Locul 🏅 va castiga 250,000$





2️⃣ Ziua 2. Cursa Mortala: 2 Iunie ora 22:00 - 23:00


Dupa cum spune si titlul, acest eveniment va avea la baza o cursa care va include 3 mijloace de transport, (avion/barca/masina). Linia de START va incepe pe Aeroportul din San Fierro (SF), de unde jucatorii vor incepe prima etapa al acestei curse.

Etapa 1:

- Din punctul in care s-a zis START, jucatorii vor fi nevoiti sa alerge pana la cate un Stuntplane. Ideea este ca acestea nu vor fi sub nasul vostru, ci la o distanta de cel putin 1.0km pe aeroportul pe care va veti afla. Locul in care va trebui sa ajungeti cu acestea este plaja Santa Maria Beach (SMB), din Los Santos (LS) de unde veti putea primi urmatorul vehicul, o barca de tip Marquis cu care va veti deplasa la urmatoarea destinatie.

Etapa 2:

- Odata ajunsi pe plaja din SMB, urmatoarea locatie unde va trebui sa mergeti cu barcile este Bayside San Fierro. Acolo veti schimba al 3-lea si ultimul vehicul, care deja va fi o masina de tip Mesa. Veti observa cu usurinta masinile cu mici "punctulete gri" pe care le veti avea pe mini-map.

Etapa 3:

- Odata ajunsi la plaja din Bayside (SF), urmatoarea locatie unde va trebuie sa va deplasati deja cu ultimul vehicul de tip Mesa, va fi Muntele Chiliad. Primii 3 jucatori care vor ajunge cu toate 4 roti pe varful muntelui, vor castiga:


Locul 🥇 va castiga Extra vehicle slot

Locul 🥈 va castiga 2x Spins [/wheel]

Locul 🥉 va castiga Diamond/Onyx Ticket (la alegere)





3️⃣ Ziua 3. SUMO: 3 Iunie ora 21:00 - 23:00


Pe restaurantul din LS, cladirea de langa HQ-ul LSPD, se va petrece si al 3-lea eveniment din acest sir. Fiecare jucator va primi cate un vehicul de tip Sandking, masina cu care va trebui sa va "duelati" cu restul participantilor. Ideea din spatele acestui event este de a ramane cat se poate de mult pe cladire, astfel de a-i arunca de pe cladire pe ceilalti, sau de a-i bubui cu totul. La final trebuie sa ramana ultimii 2 jucatori care se vor bate pentru primul si al 2-lea loc. De retinut este ca ultimii 2 trebuie sa fie in masini, nu pe jos. Astfel ultimul care va muri va fi premiat cu ultimul loc, pe cand cel ce va ramane in vehicul va primi primul loc:


Locul 🥇 va castiga Hidden color

Locul 🥈 va castiga 300 Gold






4️⃣ Ziua 4. Factory War: 4 Iunie ora 21:00 - 23:00


Si finalul eveniment din lista se sfarseste cu un Factory War, care se va desfasura pe vaporul (Fosta baza NG) de langa SFPD/Misiunea lui Dimitri Petrenko. Toate intrarile si iesirile se vor bloca, astfel actiunea fiind doar in interiorul vaporului. Jucatorii care vor reusi sa sara in apa sau sa plece de pe vapor, nu doar ca vor fi eliminati din event, ci nu vor avea nici posibilitatea de a reveni. In acest war veti avea urmatoarele tipuri de vehicule:

4x Sanchez;

3x PCJ-600;

2x BF-400;

Un NRG-500;

Iar pe pista (sus pe vapor), se vor spawna inca 3 masini de tip Patriot.

Armele pe care le veti primi de asemenea vor fi cu limita, mai exact:

SD-Pistol la inceput cu 66 gloante.

MP5 cu 99 gloante.

x3 Cocktail.

Rifle cu 33 gloante.


Pe parcurs veti putea primi si cate: un AK-47 cu 333 gloante, Shotgun cu 33 gloante si cate 3 Grenade.

In viata va putea ramane un singur participant, jucator care va castiga premiul:

🏆 Level UP



Mult noroc tuturor, o sa va trebuiasca cu siguranta si va asteptam in numar cat mai mare! 🔥

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Between June 1 & 4, the Social Media team will prepare a series of entertaining and at the same time quite interesting events, with some EXTRA-special prizes. The events will take place on both the RPG1 and RPG2 server at 21:00 - 23:00 (after wars).





1️⃣ Day 1. Maze: 1 June 22:00 - 23:00


The venue of this event will be in a specially arranged place. The players from one end of the labyrinth will have to reach the other end where the other organizers will be waiting for them, but it is not as easy as it seems. The labyrinth has some closed doors, and you will have to find some keys to open them. Once you find a key, when you approach a door it will allow you to go further through the labyrinth. In order for everything to be as correct as possible in cases where several people will find the end of the labyrinth at once, you will have to write something to an organizer, any text through the whisper chat (/w). This is the only way we will classify you correctly according to the number of available seats, which for this event will be 4:


🥇 Place will win Job/Rob Skill UP (at the choice)

🥈 Place will win VIP Free

🥉 Place will win 2x Crates (at the choice)

🏅 Place will win 250,000$





2️⃣ Day 2. Death Race: 2 June 22:00 - 23:00


As the title says, this event will be based on a race that will include 3 means of transport (plane/boat/car). The START line will start at San Fierro Airport (SF), from where the players will start the first stage of this race.

Stage 1:

- From the point where it says START, players will have to run until they reach a Stuntplane. The idea is that they will not be under your nose, but at a distance of at least 1.0 km from the airport where you will be. The place you will need to arrive with these is Santa Maria Beach (SMB), in Los Santos (LS) where you will be able to receive the next vehicle, a Marquis type boat that you will travel to your next destination.

Stage 2:

- Once you arrive at the beach in SMB, the next location where you will have to go by boats is Bayside San Fierro. There you will change the 3rd and last vehicle, which will already be a Mesa type car. You will easily notice the cars with small "gray dots" that you will have on the mini-map.

Stage 3:

- Once you reach the beach in Bayside (SF), the next location where you will have to travel with the last Mesa type vehicle will be Mount Chiliad. The first 3 players who will reach the top of the mountain on all 4 wheels will win:


🥇 Place will win Extra vehicle slot

🥈 Place will win 2x Spins [/wheel]

🥉 Place will win Diamond/Onyx Ticket (at the choice)





3️⃣ Day 3. SUMO: 3 June 21:00 - 23:00


The 3rd event in this series will take place at the restaurant in LS, the building next to the LSPD HQ. Each player will receive a Sandking type vehicle, the car with which you will have to "duel" with the rest of the participants. The idea behind this event is to stay as long as possible on the building, so as to throw the others off the building, or to knock them out completely. At the end, the last 2 players must remain who will fight for the first and second place. It should be noted that the last 2 must be in cars, not on foot. Thus, the last one to die will be awarded the last place, while the one who will remain in the vehicle will receive the first place:


🥇 Place will win Hidden color

🥈 Place will win 300 Gold






4️⃣ Day 4. Factory War: 4 June 21:00 - 23:00


And the final event in the list ends with a Factory War, which will take place on the ship (Former NG base) next to the SFPD/Mission Dimitri Petrenko. All entrances and exits will be blocked, so the action is only inside the ship. The players who will manage to jump into the water or leave the ship, will not only be eliminated from the event, but will not even have the possibility to return. In this war you will have the following types of vehicles:

4x Sanchez;

3x PCJ-600;

2x BF-400;


And on the runway (up on the ship), 3 more Patriot cars will spawn.

The weapons you will receive will also be limited, namely:

SD-Pistol at the beginning with 66 bullets.

MP5 with 99 bullets.

x3 Cocktail.

Rifle with 33 bullets.


Along the way you will be able to receive some: one AK-47 with 333 bullets, Shotgun with 33 bullets and a 3 Grenades each.

There will be only one participant left in life, the player who will win the prize:

🏆 Level UP



Good luck to everyone, you will definitely need it and we are waiting for you in large numbers! 🔥

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1️⃣ Ziua 1. Labirint: 1 Iunie ora 22:00 - 23:00 // Day 1. Maze: 1 June 22:00 - 23:00




RPG.B-ZONE.RO Winners:

SirCostyJob Skill UP

BrainiacRETRAS VIP Free

FaniX Magenta Case & Pink Case

N/A 250,000$


RPG2.B-ZONE.RO Winners:

FloriNN.[PETRONAS] Job Skill UP
MajesTiKftww VIP Free

allecsei Lime Case & Olive Case

_Razvan69_ 250,000$

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2️⃣ Ziua 2. Cursa Mortala: 2 Iunie ora 22:00 - 23:00 // Day 2. Death Race: 2 June 22:00 - 23:00




RPG.B-ZONE.RO Winners:

AdemExtra vehicle slot

psoN 2x Spins [/wheel]

FunK. Onyx Ticket


RPG2.B-ZONE.RO Winners:

Twain.SIUUUUUExtra vehicle slot

SoLLOwN 2x Spins [/wheel]

Frankie Diamond Ticket



3️⃣ Ziua 3. SUMO: 3 Iunie ora 21:00 - 23:00 // Day 3. SUMO: 3 June 21:00 - 23:00




RPG.B-ZONE.RO Winners:

AddyS0N Hidden color
Adem 300 Gold


RPG2.B-ZONE.RO Winners:

Grimsby Hidden color
JohanN. 300 Gold




4️⃣ Ziua 4. Factory War: 4 Iunie ora 21:00 - 23:00 // Day 4. Factory War: 4 June 21:00 - 23:00




RPG.B-ZONE.RO Winners:

Zenthos_ Level UP


RPG2.B-ZONE.RO Winners:

Joshik Level UP

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Toate premiile au fost acordate. Va multumim tuturor pentru prezenta! All prizes have been awarded. Thank you all for your participation! ❤️

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