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Cursa pe apa / Race on water - 26.08.2023 18:00




Acest eveniment consta intr-o cursa pe apa din punctul A in punctul B. Primii 2 jucatori care ajung la linia de sosire vor fi castigatori. Barcile cu care veti concura sunt de tip 'Launch'.



This event consists of a water race from point A to point B. The first 2 players to reach the finish line will be the winners. The boats you will compete with are of the 'Launch' type.


1st Place - Rob skill up
2nd Place - 300 Gold





Whisper (Cauta-l pe Nea Mirel care s-a pierdut la pescuit) / Whisper (Look for Nea Mirel who got lost fishing) - 27.08.2023 18:00




Nea Mirel a plecat la pescuit in ocean si nu s-a mai intors. Voi trebuie sa-l cautati folosindu-va de barci pentru a va deplasa si, sa-l aduceti inapoi la mal unde il va astepta organizatorul evenimentului. Pentru ca Nea Mirel sa urce in barca, voi va trebui sa ii transmiteti pe [/w] urmatorul text corect: Urca Nea Mirele!

Il veti recunoaste pe Nea Mirel dupa imbracamintea sa. Cine este sau cine va fi acesta, este secret.



Nea Mirel went fishing in the ocean and never came back. You have to look for him using boats to move and bring him back to the shore where the event organizer will be waiting for him. In order for Nea Mirel to get on the boat, you will need to send [/w] the following correct text: Urca Nea Mirele!

You will recognize Nea Mirel by her clothes. Who he is or who he will be is a secret.



2x Wheel spin



Mult noroc tuturor! / Good luck everyone!

Edited by KOPPEN
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Summer vibes 2023 ~ RPG Special events



Cursa pe apa / Race on water



🥇 Madalin

🥈 Plakomouni


Whisper (Cauta-l pe Nea Mirel care s-a pierdut la pescuit) / Whisper (Look for Nea Mirel who got lost fishing)



🏆 MihayOP



Va multumim tuturor pentru participare. Va asteptam in numar cat mai mare si la urmatoarele evenimente organizate de catre echipa!

Thank you all for your participation. We are waiting for you in large numbers at the following events organized by the team!

Edited by KOPPEN
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