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Some mission props sometimes don't spawn after the most recent update


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Nick: Maple
Server: RPG1

Description: Following the latest update, certain key mission props seem to not spawn/despawn sometimes, rendering some missions impossible to complete. I've observed this bug in two missions so far:

  • Ryder's "Steal the Ammo Packs" (some of the satchels disappear by the time you get to the buildsite, despite all being present in the opening cutscene (and I've even witnessed some disappear right in front of me))
  • Dimitri's "Bring the engines" (engines themselves, base of the crane, and even parts of the crane itself)

I have only managed to get good recordings of the latter, as my only recording of Ryder's mission ended up practically less than half a frame per second and almost completely useless.

When it comes to Ryder's mission, I encountered this issue in two consecutive attempts, but was later able to complete the mission just fine after a relog. For Dimitri's mission, however, relogging has yet to fix it - things keep not fully spawning.

Below are four separate attempts of Dimitri's mission, in three different sessions ([#1], [#2 and #3], [#4]). Apologies for any Discord message noises that show up in them.
Attempt #1 https://streamable.com/ywy6qk
Attempt #2 https://streamable.com/7g03af
Attempt #3 https://streamable.com/a2dfhr
Attempt #4 https://streamable.com/23zt5i


Nevertheless, here is the recording of Ryder's mission: https://streamable.com/1r8lz2 - at 2:55 you can clearly see only three satchels, the fourth being supposed to spawn furthest to the left. To spare your eyes, the two screenshots below show a comparison between that attempt and a later, successful attempt, to see the satchels from about as close to the same position and angle as I could get.



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I'd already closed OBS since I was writing this forum post, but now on Attempt #5, the top of the crane disappeared right before I arrived to the checkpoint with the DFT-30 - everything was loaded fine and looked promising up to that point.


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Here is a video of the bug happening in Ryder's mission: https://streamable.com/udvz45 Notice how at 0:26 you can see all 4 satchels in the cutscene, but at 2:37 only one satchel is now there.

I was worried that Dimitri's final mission might also be affected, considering its heavy use of props, but I did not encounter any issues with it on my first attempt since the update.

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Update: After about 30 hours, I finally got lucky enough to get through both of these missions again (not cleanly - the engines still despawned, but only after placed on the truck, when it no longer mattered), only to find out that Dimitri's final mission is, as I initially suspected, also not safe from this bug - in this attempt, the elevator did not spawn.

Hope this can be resolved soon, some of these missions require a decent amount of time until you get to know whether it bugged out or not, and it's very frustrating. Coupled with OG Loc's "Make new friends" mission also being broken and impossible to start, I'd just been sitting on 3 "available" missions for a whole day, unable to do anything about it.

Furthermore, this seems to also affect non-mission props too, such as Farmer crops, as seen in this other bug report. Judging by the similarity of the behaviour seen in MAK's video, I can only assume it is the same bug happening in both instances.


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I was able to complete Dimitri's `Bring the engines` first try after the restart, but still had a satchel despawn in `Steal the Ammo Packs` when I got to the buildsite: https://streamable.com/7pb50b 2:20


This issue might also be the one affecting robs, wherein cameras can just not visibly spawn, according to https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/481334-bug-rob/ ? Could this bug be caused by open.mp's latest server update maybe?

Edit: here is also it happening on the final mission of Dimitri, including one prop disappearing *during* the recording https://streamable.com/hh04ch




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The engines mission worked earlier, right after the restart, though these posts should maybe still stay open for a few days to make sure that these aren't flukes (yesterday I was able to complete the ammo packs mission twice while the engines one kept breaking, for example - I'd tried Dimitri's so much I had even figured out exactly which part of the crane was the one that needs to spawn to make the minigame functional). I'll report back as I keep going through them.

Tangentially related to this whole missions ordeal, I think a minor issue in Ryder's first mission (Steal the Jetpack) started propping up yesterday? One of the cops that should be spawning at the end of the mission to stop you from returning with the jetpack instead spawned at the start of the mission, and was able to shoot me as I was flying towards Area 69. (sorry for the rather small image, the full size version was too large in filesize to upload) I've never seen him spawn there until yesterday, but he's spawned there twice in two attempts so far (including today, after the restart). I don't think it's worth making a new post just for this, since it's such a minor and insignificant thing, but I wanted to point it out.


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I think it might be safe to close the issues related to the despawning props now? I haven't personally experienced the bug anymore and it seems others who reported it have stopped encountering it as well.

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