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cerere - MaRvinZEW. - Cover


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Display Name: MaRvinZEW.
I want (Avatar/Avatar Discord/Signature/Userbar/Logo/Cover Profile): Cover
Picture (requested in case of signatures): -
Theme (Nature, girls, landscapes, sunset, sunrise, cars, vintage, b&w, abstract, textures, animals, etc.): I would like to have a cover the oppposite of my avatar, my avatar devil i want a cover with Angel and White back ground
Text (optional): Big "Welcome To Heaven!" with a gold color or somthing like that in right position of the pic
Sizes (optional): -
Other details (optional): Thank you !

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2 hours ago, MaRvinZEW. said:

@ Soulrayne I asked for a white background and the text in right postion not in middel, i dont see that in your work, Thank you!

First of all, we work almost with what you ask. We can't create photos from 0 or from scratches of ideas.
Second of all when you say "in right postion" that have two differences one is "in the right of the image position" and one is "in the right place of the image position" after the designer choice.
When you do an request do with full specification and think 2 times before you ask something if is writed correctly.


Rule :

The designer has the right to make a work as he considers it looks better, to have a pleasant appearance. Each element specified by the member is optional. Every dissatisfaction such as "where is my text? You are no good at anything"; "What kind of designer are you and you don't meet all my requirements?" will not be overlooked and the respective topic will be closed.


Next time when you don't make the request after the right conditions and requirements i will close your request and i'll put you on blacklist for non-compliance with the rules

Edited by Soulrayne
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