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Nickname: Berlin 
What you remember from the movie: i remmember there is a photographe in spain and he will take videos and photos to the president while he is speaking to his people and there  is a sniper shooted the president , so after that it's come a flashback and show you that photographe saw things before the president came and keep moving on ... and the sniper shooted the president , after that another flashback show you that president is not the true one , it's someone like him exactly and they did it bcs they know there is a sniper  
Other mentions: i hope that i find his name i really like it too much 

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On 11/1/2022 at 11:50 AM, aziz.lamouchi said:

Nickname: Berlin 
What you remember from the movie: it's a movie about a danger land which time is going so fast and the ppl there don't know that and they are stuck and bloked there don't know how to leave that land 
Other mentions: nothing

I think I found the movie, could it be OLD? 


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Nickname: ZoomLess

Ce îţi aminteşti din film: Film românesc. Era vorba despre un copil în perioada celui de-al doilea război mondial care ținea ascuns în pod un deținut evadat pe care l-a întâlnit într-o fabrică de cărămizi

Alte precizări: Merci

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