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Bus Driver

Guest Sotirakis

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Guest Sotirakis

Hello all.I am new at SA MP and at the server.I saw your guide how to take a job.But i cant take.I went to the City Hall.I go at " i " and after i went to Bus Station.There was another yellow i.I went and after i was going to enter the bus.But i got out automatically because i wasnt a bus/taxi driver.LOL I have a drivers licence.


Please help me because i am new and i dont know how to play.Moreover, i dont have money.

Thank you a lot.

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It's simlpy, you must go to the city hall, and on the "i" you must tape "/takejob busdriver" and then "acceptjob", after that, you cand go in to the station, and take a bus to drive


I hope this it was helpful

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Type /stats to see what job you currently have. If it's not BusDriver than you can't drive a bus.


I suggest you take the Farmer job, it's much more efficient.

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it says to me that i have still 2 hours to fofill my contract when i type /quitjob


you must wait 2 hours to take a new job, after 2 hours, if you want, go to the city hall, type, takejob, and you will see the jobs, the most efficient job is farmer, you have 2 farms, and for a hour of work, you can recive almost 10-15K

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