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i need car

Guest Danger Usama

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I see you`re new.


Personal cars are very expensive, the cheapest car is Intruder which cost $25.000.000-$30.000.000, there are more cars, which can cost even $ ore more.


If you want to make money, take a job(farmer) and work untill you get level 5+, then make an apply, on the forum, to enter in a faction. First learn the rules of that faction and if you will be accepted, you will give a test.

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Guest Danger Usama

pls give monye i buy car my level is 3 today i reached level 4 pls open my server pls pls

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What is with your server? Are you banned from it?

And plus personal cars can be very expensive! Do just as Royce said.

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Nobody will just give you money to buy a car. You have to work for it, just like everyone did before you.


The server works just fine. If you are banned then make an unbann request. If you can't connect to the server for other reasons, try reinstalling GTA SA ( make sure you have version 0.1 ) or reinstall the latest RC client ( sa-mp client).



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