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[TUT] - Complete Civilian Command List

Dr Luke James

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The most important elements of the B-Zone server are the commands, and a lot of new people won't know how to use them/what they're used for (I was like this when I joined) - so here's a complete of the commands, what they do and how to use them (for civilians)



  • /stats - Displays a complete list of your statistics.
  • /buylevel - Allows you to purchase the next level if you have enough RP (Respect Points) & cash.
  • /changepassword - Allows you to change your password, typing this account will toggle a dialogue which will prompt you for your current password, then ask for your new one.
  • /upgrade - Allows you to spend upgrade points (you get two per /buylevel).



  • /rules - Tells you where to find the rules.
  • /pay <name/ID> <amount> - This is usually used to pay other people for services, such as guns from an Arms Dealer.
  • /charity <amount> - Gives an amount of money to charity, this does nothing other than deduct money from your balance.
  • /time - Usually used when applying for factions, displays server date & time.
  • /buy - Used when in a 24/7 store to purchase items (opens a list).
  • /givekey <name/ID> - Gives the specified player the key to your car (rental cars/keys purchased from a 24/7).
  • /id <name> - Displays the ID of the specified player.
  • /drink <drink name> - Used to drink beverages at bars/restaurants.
  • /music - Play music from a music player purchased from a 24/7.
  • /showlicenses <name/ID> - Shows your licenses to a specified player.
  • /licenses - Shows you what licenses you have passed/not passed.
  • /sleep - Puts your character to sleep, usually used when a person goes AFK.
  • /resetupgrades - This costs $100'000, it will reset all of your upgrades (see below)
  • /buygun <name> <ammo> - Allows you to purchase a gun from a gun shop, you need a weapons license. See this thread for information.
  • /lock - Allows you to lock/unlock your car.
  • /skill <1-10> - Displays your skill level and what you need to level-up. See below for more information.
  • /portable - Allows hitmen to see current contracts.
  • /lotto <number> - Allows you to purchase a lottery ticket, admins run the lottery.
  • /spawnchange - Allows you to change where you spawn (Unity Station, personal/rental house, faction HQ).
  • /clothes - If you're a faction member, use this command to change your clothes inside a clothes store.



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