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Wallpaper B-zone

Guest Miaa

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Extraordinar :-J , esti tare rau , asta parca e cel mai reusit , e perfect ,bravo , cat timp ai stat la el?


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Edited by DavidNigel
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Nu am stat mult la el maxim vreo 10-15 min.Si blackman la font ii spune Broad

Edited by Miaa
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Extraordinar :-J , esti tare rau , asta parca e cel mai reusit , e perfect ,bravo , cat timp ai stat la el?


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Cat timp a stat la el? :-? 10 minute.

Background-ul e urat rau. Ai pus pur si simplu noise..

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E prea sec , nu are un pic de viata in el .

Scris palid care nu iese in evidenta prea mult fata de background , trebuia ceva mai contrastant .

Nush urmareste niste tutoriale si vezi ce lucruri poti integra in wallpaperele tale

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