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how to buy a car from not a player? and can we make our own design?


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Check out this thread, you have a lot of info there: http://b-zone.ro/forum/topic/49121-sa-mp-rpg-server-full-guide/page__view__findpost__p__676576


You can either buy cars from other players or you can buy them from auctions from the admins, but still, they will be pricy.

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where i can see the auction from admins?


While beeing on server you'll see sometimes something like


(( AdminName: Licitatie CarName incepand de la StartingPrice la Location ))




(( Gabb: Licitatie Greenwood incepand de la $5.000.000 la 4Dragons Casino ))


But the auctions are made only for Personal Cars, which are very expensive.. At this moment I think that the cheapest one is about $40.000.000


and what if the player just scam my money? how my money will return to me?


If you got scammed you need to make screenshots and post him on the forum, at RPG > Complaints ( HERE ) Be sure you follow the model, and make a new topic entitled "Complaint Nickname"


Actually this is wrong. If you don't want to be scammed you need to call an Admin when you buy a car. Just type /report I want to buy a car, an admin come to me. Don't buy/sell things without calling an admin.


Yea, sorry. But this is availabile only for personal cars / houses / businesses | you don't need to call an admin when buying for example a gun, or a rent car..


When you got scammed for "little shits" then you make a complaint on the forum.. And all the dealings with personal cars / houses / businesses must be done with an witnessing admin

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If you got scammed you need to make screenshots and post him on the forum, at RPG > Complaints ( HERE ) Be sure you follow the model, and make a new topic entitled "Complaint Nickname"


Actually this is wrong. If you don't want to be scammed you need to call an Admin when you buy a car. Just type /report I want to buy a car, an admin come to me. Don't buy/sell things without calling an admin.

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