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I have good hopes that B-Zone V4.1 is coming; because when the server is down for this long it's usually an update on the version or database. Hopefully it will fix the hacker and lag problems!

Edited by Officer DH01
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Astazi primesc un MASS:S-a deschis noul server B-zone !!! intrati...ciudat.Intru ...vad ce este,si ghici ce,1 sfert din B-Zone pe el.WTF??? Copiat pas cu pas dupa serverul de samp B-zone.Este legal?

Ba,chiar mai mult,au si acelasi forum,zici ca e Xeroxat dupa B-zone....Nu stiu cine este detinatorul.Nu o sa zic nici serverul..oricum nu are rost sa jucam pe el.Insa sunt multi "tradatori" ce s-au alaturat comunitatii aceleia ...nu dau nume(Zeluscu;emozzicatul,gang$tar,ridder,b0gdannn,alex_mirel;Horeic_cosmin,printre care si colegul nostru...Elemental,etc.).Oare se vor lua masuri asupra acestui detinator?

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Astazi primesc un MASS:S-a deschis noul server B-zone !!! intrati...ciudat.Intru ...vad ce este,si ghici ce,1 sfert din B-Zone pe el.WTF??? Copiat pas cu pas dupa serverul de samp B-zone.Este legal?

Ba,chiar mai mult,au si acelasi forum,zici ca e Xeroxat dupa B-zone....Nu stiu cine este detinatorul.Nu o sa zic nici serverul..oricum nu are rost sa jucam pe el.Insa sunt multi "tradatori" ce s-au alaturat comunitatii aceleia ...nu dau nume(Zeluscu;emozzicatul,gang$tar,ridder,b0gdannn,alex_mirel;Horeic_cosmin,printre care si colegul nostru...Elemental,etc.).Oare se vor lua masuri asupra acestui detinator?


La server ,oricine poate sa faca unul ca b-zone numai ca e greu (si eu lucrez la un GM asemanator )si la forum nai ce sa-i faci..

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Ok, my car broke down today right on a ROAD!! Near a motorway :|. It was an intersection... :|. I called the Service Guys and hopefully they're coming now :|.


Si eu ma duc la masa(again)

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Ok, my car broke down today right on a ROAD!! Near a motorway <img src='http://b-zone.ro/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/22.gif' script_blocat'bbc_emoticon' alt=':|' />. It was an intersection... <img src='http://b-zone.ro/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/22.gif' script_blocat'bbc_emoticon' alt=':|' />. I called the Service Guys and hopefully they're coming now <img src='http://b-zone.ro/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/22.gif' script_blocat'bbc_emoticon' alt=':|' />.


Si eu ma duc la masa(again)

Pofta buna ;)

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DH01 i think News Reporter is the best job for you .You write all things about your life. Every 1 hour we have a new news. Vote DH01 for News Reporter Leader.


Haha yea i was thinking the same thing :D

Edited by AlexBibii
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DH01 i think News Reporter is the best job for you <img src='http://b-zone.ro/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/21.gif' script_blocat'bbc_emoticon' alt=':))' /> . You write all things about your life. Every 1 hour we have a new news. Vote DH01 for News Reporter Leader. <img src='http://b-zone.ro/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/24.gif' script_blocat'bbc_emoticon' alt='=))' /> <img src='http://b-zone.ro/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/24.gif' script_blocat'bbc_emoticon' alt='=))' /> <img src='http://b-zone.ro/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/24.gif' script_blocat'bbc_emoticon' alt='=))' />


Yea, tell that to UnknownX if he minds just letting go of his leader for 10 years. Tell him that I'd make him sub-leader =)).


News Reporter is Ok, but, they don't accept English Players.


BTW, UnknownX is probably a better leader than me. =))

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