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daaa sigur.

Deci fii atent la mine m-am dus la "bairam" la 18 si m-am culcat la 4 dimineata si m-am trezit la 7 de la 7 pana la 11 am baut vin si tuica :)) de la 11 am plecat la fotbal pana la vre-o 13 de la 13 am plecat la varmea tot la baut :)) si de la varmea acasa tot la baut e HRAM la mine....=)) azi o tin pe bauta.Daca vin baieti sa ies la bar tot bauta si tot asa.........

Si aproape nu am nimica mai mult oboseala ma inmoaie,na am dormit 3 ore din 24 de ore

Problema e ca nu stiu cum ma trezesc eu maine dimineatza.Cred ca pun telefonu sa sune de 10 ori,in fiecare minut.Poate aude maicamea si ma scoala :))

Edited by Detective iulys
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Who would like to do road-blocks with me and ZuGa on some days, on roads such as LS-LV, LS-SF and other regularly used areas? What we do is block the road, make people park and then they're searched for illegal items. If they're clean we let them through, yesterday I confiscated 38g of drugs by doing this

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