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... Just woke up from my sleep, and I swear I just heard a footstep downstairs :|. I'm scared... :S


ohh.. i`m sorry for you...but i placed a /contract on you :))))0 9999999


eu am iesit, noapte buna.

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Back from School..What's up my lovely teamates :) ?


Does anyone know how I can get warned down on forum? I think Kelton would know...


You must pay real money to get warn down on forum.



... Just woke up from my sleep, and I swear I just heard a footstep downstairs :|. I'm scared... :S


No good morning from DH01 today at forum..i think Hitman Agency did good job. =)) =))

Edited by AlexBibii
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Salutare... am venit si eu acasa..... voi ce faceti?

Salut , uite , acum cateva minute am ajuns si eu acasă.

La mine vremea asta nu vrea să se mai hotărască , azi e frig de iţi ingheaţă păru' de la :-? cap iar mâine e zi de plajă ...ofofof

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Salut , uite , acum cateva minute am ajuns si eu acasă.

La mine vremea asta nu vrea să se mai hotărască , azi e frig de iţi ingheaţă păru' de la :-? cap iar mâine e zi de plajă ...ofofof



Da, asa este si la mine.. ieri era frig tare si azi e soare si frumos... e ceva suspect s-o fi stricat repartizoru de anotimpuri.. =)) =))

Edited by ValentinNn
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Pffff,ce dor mi`e şi mie să patrlez cu cineva ... ce dură e viaţa :))

Abia astept să'mi scot mâna din ghips ca să mă pot implica mai mult in meserie.

Mda,mă duc să mă uit la un nou ep. din Dexter , vb mai târziu in joc şi pe forum! Baftă.

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Back from university, I didn't have time to inform you all, but my house was robbed last night. The Police have come and they have not found anyone yet though. I've boarded up the windows they got in and I hope I am safe now. Forensics officers are downstairs right now to take DNA samples of the items that they touched. The good thing is, they robbed my bike, and my bike has a tracker device on it so the cops know where my bike is.


I wish good luck to the Police on B-Zone and real-life for my investigation! Luckily my laptop is still here.. just hope I can resume everything back to normal :|.

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Back from university, I didn't have time to inform you all, but my house was robbed last night. The Police have come and they have not found anyone yet though. I've boarded up the windows they got in and I hope I am safe now. Forensics officers are downstairs right now to take DNA samples of the items that they touched. The good thing is, they robbed my bike, and my bike has a tracker device on it so the cops know where my bike is.


I wish good luck to the Police on B-Zone and real-life for my investigation! Luckily my laptop is still here.. just hope I can resume everything back to normal :|.


Damn man..i hope you are good..your parents,your bro,you are ok?? :-S :-S


P.S: If your bike had a tracker device they might find them ;)

Edited by AlexBibii
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Back from university, I didn't have time to inform you all, but my house was robbed last night. The Police have come and they have not found anyone yet though. I've boarded up the windows they got in and I hope I am safe now. Forensics officers are downstairs right now to take DNA samples of the items that they touched. The good thing is, they robbed my bike, and my bike has a tracker device on it so the cops know where my bike is.


I wish good luck to the Police on B-Zone and real-life for my investigation! Luckily my laptop is still here.. just hope I can resume everything back to normal :|.

Oh god , it`s so bad ... what the ?!

Are you ok man ? i hope yes.

but , it`s good , `cuz they rebbed only bike and not destroyed your house and your family.

Oh,be carefully honey :*,i`m so sorry for you

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Damn man..i hope you are good..your parents,your bro,you are ok?? :-S :-S


P.S: If your bike had a tracker device they might find them ;)



Oh god , it`s so bad ... what the ?!

Are you ok man ? i hope yes.

but , it`s good , `cuz they rebbed only bike and not destroyed your house and your family.

Oh,be carefully honey :*,i`m so sorry for you


Thanks for your concerns, I'm ok right now. They only robbed downstairs, but they took my new TV I bought last week :(. The tracking device worked and they have surveillance on the property where my bike is. So I hope this all goes well. I will probably be in-game in less than an hour.


Again, Thanks





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Back from university, I didn't have time to inform you all, but my house was robbed last night. The Police have come and they have not found anyone yet though. I've boarded up the windows they got in and I hope I am safe now. Forensics officers are downstairs right now to take DNA samples of the items that they touched. The good thing is, they robbed my bike, and my bike has a tracker device on it so the cops know where my bike is.


I wish good luck to the Police on B-Zone and real-life for my investigation! Luckily my laptop is still here.. just hope I can resume everything back to normal :|.

That's very bad news :(. Take care and I hope that you'll get your things back ASAP.

Ne vedem in joc. Am si eu in sfarsit putin timp liber. :D

Edited by k1ll3r1
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