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Richard. va ureaza sarbatori fericite alaturi de cei dragi. Sa va aduca Mosul tot ce doriti.

O colinda:


Aseara pe-nserate

Fecioara Maria

In Viflaim-cetate

Calatorind venea...

Si fiind obosita

Lacas isi cauta

In Viflaimul mare

Nimenea n-o primea

Atunci Sfanta Fecioara

Din Viflaim iesea

Si intrand intr-o poiata

De vite poposea...

Si printre dobitoace

Pe fanul cel stros

Nascu Sfanta Fecioara

Nascuse pe Christos...

Micutul Iisus plange

Maria Il mangaia

'Nu plange, Preaiubite

Caci Tu cunosti lumea.

Caci lumea asta mare

Prin Tine s-a zidit

Si in aceasta noapte

Nimeni nu Te-a primit...

Sculati crestini degraba

Si-aduceti un prinos

Si faceti loc la masa

Micutului Christos...

La fiecare casa

Se-aud colindatori

Colinda lor frumoasa

Rasuna pana-n zori

Colinda lor frumoasa

Rasuna pana-n zori...


Edited by Rich
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Hmm i have a little question . I see people posting at different factions "Merry Christmas , X' wish you Merry Christmas , etc" , but they are not part of them . Is this allowed because of Christmas Holidays ?

Edited by Llieutenant aLeXBiBii
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Hmm i have a little question . I see people posting at different factions "Merry Christmas , X' wish you Merry Christmas , etc" , but they are not part of them . Is this allowed because of Christmas Holidays ?


Wishing someone isnt wrong , but if they post something else considering its christmas and they can! then thats wrong!


I feel that way! =D

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The Stracci Family si TheEmperor va ureaza sarbatori fericite si toate dorintile sa vi se implineasca.



The Stracci Family and TheEmperor wish you happy holidays and all you want to be true.

Edited by TheEmperor
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Salut colegi! doN.AlecZz si National Guard va ureaza un Craciun cat mai frumos alaturi de cei dragi / familie / prieten/a. Sa aveti parte de tot ce va doriti in viata.

Merry Christmas !

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