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Hello guys. Merry Christmas.


In countries like Serbia, Russia, Ukraine etc. Christimas is 07.01.2012. It˙s Julian calendar.


One song from me:


The fire's burning brighter than ever,

the straw is spread in front of the fire,

Christmas logs are laid on the fire crossways;

the rifles crack, and roasts on spits do turn,

the gusle plays, and the dancers sing,

grandfathers dance with their young grandchildren,

in the kolo join three generations,

it seems they're almost of the same age;

everything is filled with bright mirth and joy.

But what I like best of all, so help me,

one has to drink a toast to everything



Edited by ZuGaZuGa
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Va urez Craciun Fericit tuturor , Sa aveti parte de tot ce va doriti.Pe aceasta cale am sa im iau si ramas bun pentru totdeauna,s-a dus pe apa munca mea facuta in 2 ani..Cu bine.Im cer scuze Kelton /Gabb/Royce pentru neplacerile cauzate,din respect pentru voi am im vad de treaba mea.

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Craciun fericit Police Departament !


va doresc cat mai mult impliniri : amenzi, arestari, robberi si tot ce se poate :)) (bineinteles, si mai multa corectitudine, in unele cazuri)

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Buna seara Police Departament,eu impreuna cu ceilalti colegi va dorim un "Craciun Fericit' alaturi de familii si mult succes in game cand va reveni.



News Reporter-Mr.Kassadin-have been transfer this message.

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Sarbatori fericite alaturi de cei dragi si indeplinirea tuturor dorintelor!! Police Departament !!


Ce naspa e fara server de craciun :( ... mai bine il lasau asa fara sa mai schimbe ceva la el

Edited by Adryan5200
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