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Hello guys. Look this.


How we can earn money now. Example: I have Comet, and that car cost 600 M, and i can´t sell that car for more then 600 M. So, how we can make profit and earn money for next car? So, if i want Buffalo who cost 700 M, i need to collect money from paydays, becouse we can´t make profit with cars. I can sell Comet and buy house, and try to make profit with that, but its hard.


For example, Comet cost 600 M. I can˙t take 600m becouse every player will buy a new car with o TD, so i can take about 590 M. Its -10 m for me and now i need for Buffalo 110 M.


I think that who made this new method didn´t think about players(Loyal players), he thought about that how he will earn money for him. Becouse we can collect money only from paydays, and who want more money he need to buy premium account. And too who want sport car from dealership he need to buy premium account too.


Avarage paydays is 30.000$.

For example: 20.000.000$ = 666 Hours * 30.000$, 666 days= 1 months, we need to buy lvl up, guns, /ad etc.


Maybe now Mayor need to give money to leaders of faction for salary. And salary + payday will be enough maybe. Maybe its good idea.


This is only suggestion. Maybe i wrote nonsense but this is my opinion about new method.

Edited by ZuGaZuGa
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Good morning , back from schooL .

@ZuGa : I advertise this at /ad and he advertising it via PM :)) .. I am the boss not he :)


PS: Good luck Danny .

Edited by Lieutenant aLeXBiBii
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