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Noapte buna colegii !


!! Atentie !!


SWAT antrenament maine la ora 21:00 . In Armory !


!! Attention !!

SWAT training tomorrow at 21:00 . In Armory !

Edited by Captain aLeXBiBii
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Hello guys , Back from schooL .


I will remind you for once more the ANTRENAMENT / TRAINING for today !



!! Atentie !!


SWAT antrenament maine la ora 21:00 . In Armory !


!! Attention !!

SWAT training tomorrow at 21:00 . In Armory !

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Postez si eu pe la discutii ca n-am mai postat de ceva timp.

Eu m-am uitat la Barca-Bayern Leverkusen 7-1 si acum ma pun la somn.Noapte buna!

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New Rule:


- membrii SWAT pot interveni asupra robberilor din ambele orașe cu condiția să fie în apropierea lor. Se va încerca distrugerea mașinii robberilor sau omorârea șoferului.

- SWAT members may go after the robbers from both cities with the condition to be close to them. You will try to destroy the robber's car or kill the driver.

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