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Nu sedintelor. Nu-mi place sa-mi fac programul dupa samp si nici voua.

Asta e adevaratul Robotiquis.

Nici noua nu ne place.


ON : Neataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Azi plec de la 09:30 :((( am curs la cisco photoshop...


Eu trebuie sa fac duel cu Assos.Stiti ceva de el?

Assos Rank: 1 Ultima logare: 04.04.2011 17:04 ????

Edited by JohnG
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Neata, ce inseamna sa fii racit..stai 1 sapt acasa + 1 sapt vacanta = 2 saptamani ;x...dar nasol ca tusesc si cade mucu cade mucu cade mucu mucu mucu mucu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ce faceti? :))

Edited by Robotiquis
Scrie mai mare.
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Neata, ce inseamna sa fii racit..stai 1 sapt acasa + 1 sapt vacanta = 2 saptamani ;x...dar nasol ca tusesc si cade mucu cade mucu cade mucu mucu mucu mucu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ce faceti? :))

Scarbosule ai venit de acum ?:)) Neata

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facebook =))

facebook e nume sau .. e site :|

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