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Duminica 4.11.2018, ORA 17:00 (ATENTIE ORA 17:00!!!) vom avea WAR NG VS SFPD. Vreau sa vad prezenta cat mai mare!

Warul se desfasoara in sistem Best Of 3 (Cine castiga 2 runde, castiga warul).

Persoanele ce vor provoca scandaluri inutile vor fi sanctionate drastic.

Invoirile se vor face in topicul pentru antrenamente/activitati: https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/21324-national-guard-învoiri-antrenament-activitati-consent-trainings-activities/




Sunday 4.11.2018, 5 PM (ATTENTION 5 PM!!!) we will have NG VS SFPD WAR. I want maximum online members!

War system is B03 [Best of 3] (Who won 2 rounds will won the war).

People who are going to challenge unnecessary scandals will be drastically sanctioned.

You can make consents in this topic: https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/21324-national-guard-învoiri-antrenament-activitati-consent-trainings-activities/

Edited by South TiG3R
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@South IamGold Ba sincer eu credeam ca ai murit.. Dar acum am vazut ca esti doar un "dead men walking" te pupa fratele tau din alta mama :)) Saracu' @zNoss ZEW ma tot cauta sa-mi ia permisul :)) (eu nu m-am mai logat din aprilie) EDIT: A luat ban pe forum nebunu' :))=))  @South TiG3R Ai ales war cu SFPD sa fi sigur ca il castigati? :)) @Hawk ToV Ti se potriveste caracterul din trailerul NG postat de Audi :)) 

Edited by PurpleKush
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